Rest in Kenya: For and against


Kenya is an African country that still remains fairly exotic for Russians. Of course, our compatriots are slowly mastering all corners of the world, but still a trip to Kenya is far from an ordinary journey for our tourist. Kenya is located on the Indian Ocean coast, in the eastern part of the African continent, just north of the equator.

Rest in Kenya: For and against 14615_1

Who should recommend rest in Kenya?

First of all, those who interested in rest in nature and also would like to visit safari Because the most interesting thing in Kenya is her natural and animal world, and not at all attractions in the form of palaces, museums and art galleries.

In Kenya are located National parks During the trip by which you can see the deserts, glaciers, mountains, the rivers of the lake and forest. In addition, it is Kenya that owns part of Lake Victoria, which is one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. It was in Lake Victoria takes his beginning to the Nile River.

A little less than ten percent of the entire territory of this country occupy national parks. It is not surprising that this direction has become leading for tourists in this country. In Kenya National Parks, you can watch wild animals, as well as admire such an unusual nature for us. The most famous and large parks of Kenya is the Aberdar National Park, Amboseli National Park, Tsavo National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Mere National Park, National Park Mount Kenya. Two main water park is the Mombasa Maritime National Park and Malindi National Park / Vatama.

Rest in Kenya: For and against 14615_2

Next, I would like to stay in more detail on specific national parks Kenya so that you feel it easier to understand what you can see in every particular place.

So, the National Park called Masai Mara Mara. is one popular safari parks around the world. It is in him who lives a lot of African animals, and in September and October there can be observed for the annual migration of antelope GNU. In Masai Mara Mara you can see all animals that enter the biggest five African animals - this is a lion, an elephant, leopard, buffalo and rhino.

Another National Park, which certainly deserves your attention is Park Aberdar which is famous primarily due to its original location - it is located in a unique volcanic ridge. The entire park is located at a height of three to four thousand meters above sea level. In this park, often foggy, frequent and precipitation. All this gives him some mystery, which attracts lovers of mysticism. It is also worth noting that it is in this park that you can admire the highest waterfalls in this part of the country - they are called Fairy and Karura.

Another park that loves tourists is called Amboseli National Park "He refers to the oldest parks of Kenya and is at the foot of Kilimanjaro." This park is significantly less than the rest, but, nevertheless, his animal world is very diverse - lions are found, elephants, cheetahs, rhinos, hyenal, buffaloes, various types of antelopes and birds. In the park there is a village called Maniatt, where the Masai tribes live. The village is open to visiting tourists.

Another National Kenyan Park is called Lake Nakuru . As you already understood from the name, the park is located near the lake with this name. The highlight of this Natropark is pink flamingos, which can be observed during their visit to this park. In addition, white and black rhinos dwell in Nakuru, as well as a large population of leopards.

Those who are interested in a floral world can advise to visit Tsavo Reserve where you can admire the baobabs, various types of trees, acacia, desert roses and other amazing plants.

In addition, in Kenya will be what to do and Beach rest lovers - Clean warm water and white sand beaches are waiting for everyone. Typically, beach tours in Kenya are offered near the city of Mombasa. Also from Kenya is easy to reach the island Zanzibar, which is very popular among the connoisseurs of the beach holiday.

Rest in Kenya: For and against 14615_3

So, as you already understood, Kenya is suitable for those who are interested in wildlife, for all those who wish to visit the mysterious African continent and get acquainted with her animals and a floral world. In addition, a trip to Safari at National Parks can be easily combined with beach holidays.

In general, the Kenya will probably like those who love exotic, adventure and would like to visit the country that is radically different from Russia and Europe familiar to us.

Who does not fit Kenya?

Kenya is unlikely to love those who are interested in history and culture In that way, in what we used to see it in Europe - museums, art galleries, ancient buildings and palaces, generation of kings who lived there ... In all this in Kenya. Of course, there are some exhibitions and museums, however, as you understand perfectly, they do not go to any comparison with the culture of Europe.

Moreover, Kenya is unlikely to please the lovers of the economy - No matter how cool, but this country is quite far from Russia, so you can hardly find a plane tickets for a penny. Of course, in Kenya itself, it is not very expensive, but the cost of flight, accommodation and traveling to national parks will fall into a penny.

As already mentioned above, Kenya is far from Russia, so you hardly like it there those who prefer short flights - Three - four hours - and you are at sea. Before Kenya will have to transplants, no direct flights are and speech. However, despite this fly to Kenya, it is possible with relative amenities - including there is a good airline.

It is unlikely that Kenya will have to taste those who prefer the most comfortable and safe rest - Of course, there are luxurious hotels in the country, however, the conditions for Safari are far from super complex, in addition, antimary preparations are required to visit Kenya, because almost the whole country (except, perhaps, only the capital) falls into the risk area.

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