What time is it better to relax in Norway?


Norway refers to those countries that have no certain season that is most suitable for recreation. You can relax there all year round, it all depends only on your personal preferences and expectations. Below I cite brief characteristics of the time of the year in Norway, as well as possible pastime options in this country.


Unlike Europe, summer in Norway, as a rule, not at all roast. In summer, the air, of course, warms up, but the nights are rather cold throughout the country - the average night air temperature in the country ranges from +5 to +10 degrees, so all lovers of evening or night walks can be recommended to take warm clothes with them.

Summer is the most popular time for traditional tour tours in Norway - Especially at this time of the year, review bus tours around the country are popular. The popular tourist route called "Road of Trolls", which is located on a steep slope, very visiting tourists in the summer, because it is during this season that you can admire the beauties of the Norwegian nature, its waterfalls, as well as ride according to the famous railway.

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In addition, it is summer in Norway - a popular season for yachting. Lovers of yacht sports are usually preferred to travel through the Western and South Coast of the country. In general, the sailing season is open from April to October, but a high season, that is, the most favorable months for classes of these sports are July and August. Of course, it is during these months the price for renting a yacht, but it is justified - in July and August you are waiting for the most suitable weather to admire Norway from the water.

Popular in Norway and fishing. If we are not talking about the lovers of the treated Kleva (that is, winter fishing), then the best months for fishing are again summer. At this time, the most fish on the northern coast, as well as in lakes and rivers. However, pay attention to the fact that for fishing in lakes and rivers (that is fresh water) a license is required, while marine fishing can be engaged at any time of the year.

Famous Norwegian fjords are usually visited by tourists in the summer, because during the summer period, with good weather, landscapes are particularly magnificent, and relatively high air temperature allows for a long time to stay in the fresh air and make memorable pictures. In general, the fjord cruises are available all year round, because the water in that area never freezes, but the traditional time for their visiting is summer.

In addition to the foregoing, there are beaches in Norway, on which only "walruses" are bathed, that is, those who prefer cold water - the temperature there is rarely heated more than 20-23 degrees, but the locals are happy to bathe in the sea and in lakes. Among the leisure travelers is not so much, but nevertheless they are.


In the spring in Norway gradually becomes warmer, and in April it starts to melting snow. The trees are gradually covered with foliage, the lakes are exempt from ice, and the season at ski resorts is coming to an end.

In general, the spring in Norway is very beautiful, it is at this time shrubs flourish, and the meadow is covered with green grass. Given all this, nature lovers can safely choose the spring period for their trip.

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However, mostly this season is not very popular among tourists - winter entertainment is not available, but at the same time on the territory of the country is still cold enough - therefore spring is considered not the best period for excursion tours - at this time in Norway, as a rule, only lovers of independent are coming to Norway trips.


Winter in Norway is pretty harsh, however, the temperature, of course, is strongly dependent on a particular city - somewhere in the winter, a small minus is saved (it is worth remembering that for Norway a small minus is 7, - 10 degrees), and in the Winter Polar Very harsh - there are constantly burst blizzards and rainfall, and the air temperature is lowered significantly below 20 degrees.

Winter in Norway is very popular among lovers of winter sports, which in the country a great set is both ski resorts located in all parts of the country, designed for both professional athletes and family recreation, snowboarders, among which have and world highways level. Also in Norway, you can ride on sledding, on riding dogs, just walk, visit a unique polar zoo, in which you can admire animals inhabiting the polar circle - wolves, bears, yaks, bulls and many others.

Culture lovers can combine holidays in the Norwegian capital Oslo, which offers to inspect a number of museums and some attractions with sports activities - just half an hour from the Norwegian capital are two huge winter park offering those who want to ski skiing and on a snowboard.

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For excursions around the country, winter is not the most successful season, at this time of the year, is the most popular excursions in the plague, where, by the way, you can admire the unique natural phenomenon - the Northern Light, while some routes in Norway are closed at all.

On Christmas Eve in Norway, sales starts, which last about a month. In this country, you can buy things made of environmentally friendly materials, since the ecology in Norway is paid to much attention, although in general it should be recognized that the Norwegian shopping does not reach the European - there is not such a rich assortment and a choice, as in European capitals, Yes, and prices are significantly higher. Shopping in Norway will mostly be interested in lovers of Scandinavian designers who offer their belongings in local stores.


In the coastal Western zones of Norway, rainy weather is installed in the fall, while Oslo is usually still quite sunny. In general, in the fall in Norway, cold, and the popularity of excursions around the country falls steadily.

In November, the main part of the country already falls out, and the ski resorts occur at the ski resorts.

In the fall, Norway is not very popular among tourists.

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