Should I go to Norway?


Norway is one of the northernmost countries of Europe, which occupies a significant place on the map, possessing a fairly large territory, part of which is behind the polar circle.

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This country offers quite wide opportunities for various types of recreation, but it is worth a recognition that rest in Norway will not be at all due to some specifics of this country, which should be taken into account by all who consider Norway as a possible option for recreation.


Who does not fit rest in Norway:

  • People with a very limited budget
Although you can get to Norway relatively easily - by plane (tickets will not be very expensive) or even by car (the most convenient for all this is to make residents of the northern regions of Russia, which have a land border with Norway, equipped with international automotive checkpoints), but prices in Norway itself Pretty high - significantly higher than in Europe. Salary and standard of living in this country are also significantly higher than in Europe, with which the high prices for accommodation, food, entertainment, etc. are connected. Even the prices in McDonaldse may unpleasantly hit economical travelers - they are normal for Norway, but are unresarison for Europe. Of course, and in Norway there are hostels, in which you can save, but the budget trip to this country will not work anyway.
  • People who love certain entertainment - luxurious shows, magnificent nightclubs

In Norway, there are not many good nightclubs, and cultural life is significantly more modest than in other countries, so those who love stormy nightlife, Norway is hardly suitable.

  • Fans of megapolis

Only about 600 thousand people live in the capital and largest city in the country. Oslo - the city is not very large and pretty cozy, and other large cities of the country are even less, so those who love huge cities and large clusters of people, this northern country will hardly have to taste.

Nevertheless, there are many other options in Norway in Norway. So,

Norway is suitable for those who:

  • Loves winter sports

Throughout Norway, as well as not far from her capital, called Oslo, there are resorts for lovers of winter sports - primarily Mountain Ski and Snowboarding . For example, just half an hour from the Norwegian capital are two large winter parks. One of them shows 18 tracks, the vertical, the height of which is 381 meters and two havpipe, which meet all international standards (their length is 120 and 170 meters). In Norway, there are also special family parks in which there are tracks intended for children, as well as for those who are just starting to ski. In such parks you can relax with the whole family.

Another sport that has its own fans is winter fishing . This type of rest is very popular in the north of Norway, where special tours are held for lovers to enter ice. Norway Northern North is just great. There you can ride in snowmobile, dog sledding and, of course, skiing. Also in the north of the country there is a unique Polar zoo in which the animals of the Arctic region live - among them a brown bear, wolf, wolverine, lynx, elk, reindeer, musky bull, sands and many others. There are wolves with which you can meet directly inside the aviary.

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  • Loves northern nature

Walking in Norway is beautiful all year round - in the spring, summer and autumn usually visited fjord lovers. In summer, fjords can also be observed from ferry - travel agencies offer both tours for a couple of hours and tours for several days. There are also special options for nature lovers - both hiking and using various types of transport. In the summer in Norway, the sun is usually good, the sun is often shining, there are usually no heat, but the air temperature is very comfortable for walks - so you can safely enjoy the magnificent kinds of nature.

Wants to visit one of the northernmost islands in the world - Spitsbergen

Capital of Archipelago Spitsbergen It is the city of Longyir, located on 78 degrees of northern latitude. On the island of tourists are offered camps for outdoor activities. There you can look at the traditional dwellings of local hunters. Tourists offer cruises, rafting, climbing glaciers, kayaking among icebergs, driving on dog sledding, snowmobile safaris, diving and much more.

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  • interested in cultural attractions directly related to the history and culture of Norway itself

Those who wanted to be interested in culture must first go to the capital of Norway Oslo. There you can visit Museum Mukka. where the collection of works of the famous Norwegian artist Edward Minka, who worked in the style of expressionism is stored.

There is there I. Museum of Viking where there are remnants of ships on which these ancient navigators traveled.

There is there I. Museum of Fram. where you can inspect the ship where the ruled Amundsen, the famous Norwegian researcher, made his journey to the southern pole, becoming the first person to whom it succeeded.

Eat in Oslo and Center of the Nobel Prize World where you can find out the presentation of this award.

Of interest is also Ski Museum In which you can get acquainted with the history of this popular sport in Norway.

IN Museum of Ibsen You will be able to learn more about the life of the famous Norwegian playwright, who lived and worked in Norway.

For those who are interested in the history and culture of other countries, interest is Local Lore Museum where various types of houses from their Norway are presented, as well as national costumes that belonged to different peoples living in the territory of this country.

Thus, based on the foregoing, it is worth noting that it is impossible to unambiguously say you should go to Norway or not - everything depends on you, your preferences and expectations from rest. Someone recalls a trip to Norway with delight, and someone considers it a rather boring northern country offering quite specific properties of pastime.

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