What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran?


The little fishing village of Jimbaran is just a pair of kilometers south of the airport - it is one of the best beaches on Bali Island, and in general it is a very pleasant resort.

What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran? 14558_1

In principle, the weather here is the same as on the whole island. June, July, August and September - very favorable months for the trip - dry and warm.

Many rains fall out within a few months: January, February, March, May, November and December. This is the very season of rains. But even in the rainy season in Jimbaran will be hot, because on average temperatures there are always high. By the way, the warmest month of the year is January. And it is also a very wet month (it is believed that January is the most wet month of the year). It rains here are 20 days from 30. February did not particularly distinguish, in March and December, water from the sky is poured equally.

What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran? 14558_2

August is the most dry month of the year. That is, rains can still be, but very little and short-term. In general, the humidity in Jimbaran is almost the same all year round - under 80% (except for the dry months, but even then the humidity is high).

What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran? 14558_3

The most "cool" month is July. But the cool is not in the sense that immediately you need to drag with you windbreakers and sweatshirts with long sleeves - temperatures for a couple of degrees below, that's all, that is. The minimum may fall to 22 ° C (but, as a rule, 27-28 ° C). In general, below 22 ° C Temperature here in principle do not fall - including at night. But above 32 ° C also rises extremely rarely.

As for the temperature of the water, then in the hottest months of the year - January, February, March and December of the Voddy here are almost 30 ° C. From April, the water "coldes" for degrees-half grades every month, and in August, the water is already somewhere 25-26 ° C. And back, since August, the water temperature begins to rise from each week.

What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran? 14558_4

In the dry season, the people in Jimbaran goes more, it is understandable. And therefore, during these months, prices for vouchers will be slightly expensive. Although on the other hand, it is also possible to go to the rainy season. Prices are below, and that before rains - they can be waited! Another thing is that high humidity plus quite high temperatures are difficult to transfer sometimes ... But if you love heat, then go ahead!

Prices are rising on the main holidays, nationwide - New Year, for example, and local Nips (Local New Year). But even if the prices are higher in these dates, it is still worth at least once at the local festival, because it's all so colorfully and unusual!

What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran? 14558_5

What time is it better to go to vacation in Jimbaran? 14558_6

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