Why is it worth going to Liege?


It is no coincidence that traveling travel almost from all diseases is prescribed: new impressions as it is impossible to do better and spirit, and the body. So, not always a high-quality vacation necessarily means "Beach-Palmia". In this sense, Europe, maybe "old woman", but it is capable of such tourist miracles, what everybody there are baguamas and canas and did not dream ... take although the same modest, imperceptible against the background of brilliant France or expressive Italy Belgium is even names Her cities sound like a pleasant hearing music: Charleroi, Namur, Flanders and, of course, Liege.

Why is it worth going to Liege? 14552_1

Little on the area occupied and not such a crowded Belgium has a richest history. At one time, she was part of both the Netherlands, and France, and Spain, which, naturally, could not prevent imprint on the entire way of life of the local population. Liage - no exception. Moreover, it was the lefty at one time that he was shocking force to conquer independence let a small but their state. I will not hit the historic excursion, much more artistic it will make numerous guides in place, if you choose the town on the Maas River as the final (or the next) travel point. But I will list a few distinguishing moments. What is it worth moving from one city to another? For the sake of new and interesting impressions. Love at first sight among tourists does not always come out - Liege on some of its guests does not produce not very good impression: the industrial provincial capital with chaotic styles and times in architecture. But, You need to know where to direct your feet in search of "raisins" . The first is the local museum of archeology and art, rich in the smelting of unique religious exhibits. What is called - an exclusive, more in Belgium there is no such thing. And it is located in the building of the 17th century, which also remained not so much ... The second: the trail left by the talented writer George Siemeon, - "Father" of the literary character of the Commissioner Megre's literary character. Those who are read by detectives (and most of us all the same most) will definitely try to visit the Town Hall Building. Not only is it - a memorial plaque from bronze in the memory of the writer, so also the Town Hall itself leads to delight: elegant, straight-in-room construction of the style of French classicism. And, of course, a house-museum of George Siemeon is open for visits. Curiously, that In Liege, they are worthy of Ahkh and Oh, not only ancient rare structures, but also ultra-modern : The main railway station of the city, which was created by one of the most talented architects of the modern day of Santiago Calatrava, is considered perfect in his amazing manner of auura and flight. Since this city has long been famous for its weapon masters, the creators of crystal products and solid metallurgy, it will be interesting to visit museums representing the best samples of these types of handmade.

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Here you feel almost like in France - French speech sounds almost everywhere, being one of the main in the country. And do not cease to be surprised - as the city managed to accommodate so much in size: monuments of architecture, fairs, cultural centers, the mass of "flea markets", shopping centers, etc., etc. By the way, in terms of souvenirs Liege is just a Cudesman: In addition to standard gifts (Handmade folklore dolls, knitted scarves with the original drawing of the Middle Ages, etc.) here can be taken with real antique treasures. Bright, sparkling Liege Fair for tradition begins his work in the first October weekend and lasts a month and a half. Shopping lovers - and nothing, and food - will receive guaranteed pleasure from the visit to MARCHE DE LA BATTE: This is the most extended european market. stretching along the local river. And, of course, the unthinkable number of amazing cheese varieties, the unique flavor of beer and exclusive chocolate also require attention.

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As the advantages, even the surviving torch tourists note that in Liege - friendly local people, charming cafes in the French spirit and in general - a kind of flaxyse charm . The minuses are made to attribute some disunity of the districts of the historic city center. When is it better to come here? The influx of foreign guests begins with the first numbers of June and the tourist boom continues until September, because it is much more pleasant to inspect the sights under the gentle sun, in comfortable warmth and without rains. As for temporary accommodation, it is not difficult to choose a place to taste and on the pocket, you can even be a guest of an old castle, a comfortable adapted hotel. Families with children can book a room in a hotel where all their specific requests are taken into account. : your own playground for kids, order of the diet menu in the restaurant, as well as child care services. Many such hotels are within walking distance from the city railway station or from most interesting places. Lonely ladies traveling in a proud loneliness, it is probably worth thinking about security about the security only relative to his spiritual peace: a romantic atmosphere, similar to Paris, threatens to get into the network of love - the consequences of a random pleasant acquaintance in one of the many parks, squares, cafes ...

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