Rest in Mudju: Tips and recommendations


Muju is a ski resort. On skis, I do not stand at all, but I even love to ride the sleds. The track for the sleigh is, the truth is only one, but it was enough for me to get a lot of pleasure. My spouse on skis stands confidently, but I'm afraid to watch him, as it seems to me that during the descent he will fall and break all the limbs. However, I wanted to tell you about it, but about some useful things and moments that will probably use you if you decide to visit this ski resort.

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Let's start with documents. So, when you need to have a passport. If you travel not via a ticket, then you will need a visa that you can get on the basis of an invitation. In addition to the main costs, it is necessary to pay consular fees in the amount of twenty-American dollars. You can save on the payment of customs duty. How? Everything is simple, because in order to not pay a duty with you, you can take two hundred cigarettes if you want to stronger, then take with you fifty cigars, which safely can be replaced by two hundred fifty grams of tobacco. It is also allowed to take with you on the road, one liter of alcoholic beverages. Perfume in snow conditions, a thing is not very necessary, but if you want, you can take it with you, but only in the amount of two ounces. If you eat at the invitation, then it is allowed to take souvenirs, only their cost should not exceed the amount in three hundred thousand won.

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It is strictly forbidden to import medications without confirming that they are needed, drugs, plants, plant seeds, fruits, film, cassettes or records that carry the information undermining national security, simply speaking, it is impossible to import sources of political and pornographic information.

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National currency is in. Exchange money, you can of course in banks. Banks are open from half the tenth of the morning to half the fifth evening, on weekdays, that is, from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, banks work from half the tenth in the morning to half the second day. Sunday, is a day off for banking structures. You can easily calculate credit cards in large stores, hotels and so on.

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The food here is accessible, and only seven dollars can live a whole day without a feeling of hunger. I warn you right away that local cuisine is very peculiar and rather sharp. You can eat with European dishes, but then in seven dollars fit hardly. The main national dish is Kimichi. What it is and how it looks, I will try to briefly explain. So, Kimichi dish, consists of crushed vegetables, which are mixed with chilli pepper, ginger and garlic, and then all this is left until fermented. Any dish that you order in the restaurant will be presented in the kit here with this fermentation product. I have given this delicacy refused, since I prefer a more fresh kitchen without such sings. From national dishes, I liked the Pulgging, which is in translation into Russian, sounds like a fiery beef. Prepare it directly near the table for which you relax, but before that, the meat cut into stripes and marinate in oil, soy sauce, pepper chilli and garlic.

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Tips in this country are left as desired, since most hotels service fee is already included in the total account and is ten percent. In restaurants and other catering establishments, give tips not necessarily. Of course, if you really want to hardly, then you are quite, you can financially thank the helpful and smiling waiter.

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Korea, as in general and China, and Japan, is a country with bright national features, to know which does not prevent Russian tourist. In South Korea, there is a rule that the younger, always should unquestioned to obey the eldest, so here quite often and quite naturally, are interested in the age of the opponent. In addition to age, the position is also asked, as well as a marital status. If the position is lower than that of an asking, then, accordingly, you and the rank below. The Russian tourist is not at all necessary to answer such questions, but you should know that you ask you about it not just from idle curiosity.

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Koreans, very seriously belong to marriage and creating a family. Entry into marriage, for Korean is considered the most important event in his life. Divorces are unacceptable here and are considered shameful not only for a pair that divorces, but for their families and parents in particular. The local population is very kept. They do not like manifestations of unnecessary emotions. It is quite sufficient, it can become a handshake when meeting with Korean, but it is worth staying from hugs and flaking on the back. If Korean is your old friend, then you probably know that they are good familiar with such familiarities. Do not be surprised if suddenly on the street, you will see the girls who go holding hands, it is not a deviation in sexual orientation, it's just a long and strong friendship. In Korea, quite normally look at the touch and embrace of same-sex, as it speaks of strong friendship, but the kisses and the same arms with the opposite sex, is considered obscene and vulgar.

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Koreans, live on the floor, or rather, they eat on this floor, sleep and sit. It is worth taking into account if you suddenly be invited to the Korean family as a guest. Before entering the Korean house, should be removed shoes. There is also a small subtlety here, the thing is that with naked legs is indecent in the presence of older, so you must wear socks, golf, tights, or what is going on hand. More recently, in this country, it was not customary to talk during meals, now it is permitted to talk at the table. After the end of the meal, it is mandatory to thank the owner and the hostess, for delicious treats and for a warm atmosphere with a welcome. Thank you, you will see how their faces will shine from happiness. Gratitude here not only love, but also appreciate at the highest and sincere level.

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