Where to go to Palermo and what to see?


Somewhere once read that it is impossible to truly learn Italy, without having been in Sicily. Long reflected over how she is the Motherland Mafia - may affect the idea of ​​the colorful and fertile Italian region. But having been even one day there, you can confidently assert the same thing - to see Sicily, it is necessary to feel her unique atmosphere, enjoy its bright sun and absorb all the colors of her picturesque nature. Of course, it does not work out here and without certain "but" - such as the need to comply with certain rules of security and behavior in crowded and not very places. But in return, you can get a lot of real Italian heat, home comfort (which is only worth a visit to one of the wonderful family restaurants) and emotions. This is real Sicily.

One of the most visited cities located in Sicily can rightly consider Palermo, which I would characterize as a real open-air museum. In it, each building is associated with an interesting event from the past city or region as a whole, and rare, unique attractions give him an even greater highlight.

What exactly should you turn your attention, having arrived in Palermo on vacation or at least for a couple of days?

Perhaps the most unusual and intriguing place in Palermo are Catacombs Capuchins (Catacombe Dei Cappuccini), which are essentially an old cemetery of deceased residents of Palermo. But unlike the grave we are familiar to us, people are buried there in the underground part of the monastery, right in the wall stone niches. Their history began in the 16th century, when the monks of Capuchin orders settled on Sicily began to bury their fellows away from human eyes right on the territory of their monastery, more precisely, in its underground labyrinths. The specific atmosphere of the dungeons did not give the bodies to decompose, turning them into peculiar mummies, so that other wealthy residents of the city were wished soon to "preserve" their relatives after death. In a slightly stroke atmosphere of the monastery dungeon, about 8 thousand people came to this day, some of which lies, sitting, standing or hanging in bizarre poses.

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In some places and at all, trace the fate of entire families resting next to their closest. The most unique exhibit of the catacomb (or the museum) is a glass coffin with a glorified body of a small girl, which has survived so good that the impression is that the baby is simply sleeping ... In general, the burial data dated 16 - 19th centuries is, in my opinion, The most unusual sight of Palermo, which can be visited (though, the nervous, I would not advise this).

Returning from the dusk of the catacomb on the sunny bridge Palermo, you can go in search of others, more traditional attractions. So, one of the most beautiful places of the city is the platform from Fountain "Pretoria" (Fontana Pretoria) deservedly recognized by one of the most beautiful in all of Italy.

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Three bowls located on each other are the central pearl composition, which is framed by the ancient statues of mythical characters and unusual animals. In addition, the general type of fountain is decorated with four stairs leading to it from all sides and also richly decorated. In general, earlier than this fountain called the "Fountain of Shame", paying attention to the abundance of naked bodies, but now this name is only a historic term to designate an excellent monument of the 16th century sculpture.

By the way, if the story is close to you, be sure to go to the local Archaeological Museum Antonio Salinas (Museo Archeologico Regionale Antonio Salinas), located in an old building of the 17th century and possessing the richest collection of exhibits relating to the history of Sicily itself, as well as the most influential neighbors of the era of antiquity - Eldla, Rome and Carthage.

It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged acquaintance with the city without studying his architecture. Among the most significant Palermal architectural landmarks - Theater Massimo (Teatro Massimo), built on the project of architect Giovanni Basile in 1897 and is one of the largest in Italy and Europe of opera theaters. His room is designed for 3000 spectators, and acoustics are considered one of the best in the country. Its scenes are put on the works of many well-known authors, and the hall is almost never empty.

No less, and maybe more exciting will probably and acquaint me with Palace Kyaramonte (Palazzo CHIARAMONTE), which appeared in the city in the city in the 13th century as a generic nest of the powerful Sicilian Count Manfred Chiaramonte in the 13th century. By the way, researchers exactly this building is considered the founder of the Norman Gothic, a distinctive feature of which was the presence of boys in combination with the firmware. The fate of the building itself was not easy - the vice-kings and royal customs, and even workers and torture cameras of the Inquisition were also located in his halls. Now, the palace is open for tourists, so everyone can walk along his old corridors, look into the Inquisitor torture chamber or just enjoy the view that opens from the narrow windows of the palace.

No less, but even more fame also has Norman Palace (Palazzo dei Normani), or the Royal Palace, the Palace of Emirov, built in the 11th century to protect the territory from the militant neighbors. By changing many owners and gaining an absolutely unique view, the palace conquers with its magnificence and luxury. And despite the fact that in our time there are meetings of the Parliament of Sicily, in the first half of the day it is possible to visit his luxuriously cleaned rooms and enjoy a magnificent view that opens from their windows. The most valuable pearls of the palace, no doubt, is Palatinskaya Capella (Capella Palatina), who served once the chapel of the Sicilian kings and represents a touch of a product of art, before which is not ashamed to kneel ...

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Walking through the streets of old Palermo, it is impossible to pass by Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Located on Vittorio Emmanuele Street.

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Considering this is a surprisingly beautiful structure, you can see the trafficking features of different styles that appeared in the appearance of the building as a result of repeated rearrangements. I enter the same inside of this ancient shrine (the first temple at this place appeared in the 4th century), you can feel the indescribable atmosphere of calm and timidity, which is only intensifying when aware of the fact that the kings were once crowned here, and in addition to this day The remains of the Sicilian kings and Roman emperors are preserved, buried in the tomb of the cathedral. Plus, add the fact that thousands of pilgrims come to the Cathedral of Palermo annually from all over the country, because in its walls are the relics of Saint Rosalia, stored in Silver Cancer in the chapel of St. Rosalia and, according to a local belief, healing believers.

And of course you can not leave Palermo, without having been on his wonderful Markets . Yes Yes! Do not be surprised! Italians love to go to the markets, and not only behind the freshest products, but also in order to see someone from acquaintances or just plunge into their fair atmosphere. Narrow trading rows are simply filled with the most diverse goods, the indescribable mixture of pleasant aromas is hung around, and since all the corners there are cries of merchants who call their buyers. Right in the city center you can find the Ballaro market (BALLARO), which sells not only products (almost everything is sold from vegetables and fruits to freshly lined seafood), as well as clothing and shoes. You can also pay attention to the Vucciria (Vucciria) market (Vucciria), which arrived at Piazza San Domenico and famous for the entire district not only with delicious products (many of which are brought here from the villages of Sicilian farmers), but also the freshest fish.

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