Holidays in Dar Es Salame: What do you need to know?


Tanzanian city of Dar Es Salaam is the largest in this country. Often, tourists use it as a kind of transshipment point, but my spouse and we were aimed at him. There are beaches in the city, but they didn't dare to swim on them, I did not take a risk, the beach was the exception to our hotel. Why did not risk? How would you say so tactically? The fact is that they are somewhat dirty and can be left without their own things, and we were warned about this in advance. The situation with theft, here is a very common phenomenon. Local residents, though smiling, and tourists of the Russians love, just the pockets they will kill in two bills without ceasing to smile and more than that, the fact of theft you will not immediately notice. Local thieves, the people are very clever and inventive, and all because if it is caught on the scene of the crime, they score with the stones even until the police arrive.

Holidays in Dar Es Salame: What do you need to know? 14510_1

To enter the country, a visa is needed, for which it is necessary to provide a minimum package of documents consisting of a passport, a return ticket, and it is also necessary to prove or provide evidence that you are quite a solvent person and you have a sufficient amount of money. A sufficient quantity is four American dollars a day per person, that is, if you want to stay in Dar-Es Salaam ten days, then you are enough to show forty dollars. In addition to all this, it will be necessary to pay a visa collection of fifty dollars, and you only need to pay in cash.

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On the territory of the country, it is allowed to import foreign currency in any quantities, but with the obligatory presence of the declaration, but the national currency is to import, in principle, as exporting, is strictly prohibited. Without payment of duty, you can carry the traditional two hundred cigarettes, two hundred fifty grams of tobacco or fifty cigars. On the road with it is allowed to take no more than one liter of alcoholic beverages. Personal things and food, you can take with you, but only in the number of personal needs. It is impossible to export an elephant bone and products from it, skins of wild animals, rhores, diamonds, gold and carnations if not available on the hands of documents that would confirm the fact of lawful purchase.

Holidays in Dar Es Salame: What do you need to know? 14510_3

National currency is Tanzanian Shilling. Make the exchange of blood money on local shillings, better in banks or in exchange offices. Very often near these institutions, you can see changed, so it's not necessary to contact them since the likelihood that you are deceived is percent of ninety-five. Banks work on weekdays from half the ninth in the morning and until half the first day. Some banks, work until four in the evening. Also, most of the banks, it works and on Saturdays from half the ninth in the morning and to one o'clock. On Sunday, find a working bank is impossible.

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Credit cards are not very popular. Calculate credit card, you can only in a large supermarket, in large banks and in some travel agencies. According to this reason, it is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of cash in advance, but monitor this very cash, you need all four eyes.

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We pleased with the fact that there are two national languages ​​- Swahili and English. If we are with the first language with the spouse, there are obvious problems, then here's knowledge of English, it is possible by the way. But it was upset, the fact that the local people are very slow. I have already written above that all local aborigines are always smiling, so that's even if they slow, they continue to smile. Even in the restaurant, the service is so slow that I wanted to knock the waiter a couple of times. Attempts to speed up the service process somewhat crowned. These are the features of the nation and can not be done about it. Even if you were told that your order will be ready in one second, it may well stretch and fifteen minutes. As you understand, give tips at this level of service, there is no desire.

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Water from local water pipes, you can not drink! You can drink only that water that is sold in bottles in stores, but in this case, you must make sure that the water bottle is reliably sealed. Purchased water, before use, it is necessary to boil even if you just decided to clean your teeth. By the way, wash and clean your teeth, more securely only as purified and purchased water. Purchased fruits and vegetables, it is also better to wash with this water. In general, we do not advise local tap water to use, exception can only be the descent of water from the tank in the toilet room.

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Also recommended, before traveling to Dar Es Salaam, make a vaccination from the yellow fever. A week before the start of the trip, it will be very relevant, start taking antimaryary drugs. With water in this country a big tension and that is why there are often outbreaks of these two diseases.

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With water, I think everything is clear. Much better, things are doing with dairy products, as they are delicious and safe. You can safely buy meat and fish, but only they must pass long heat treatment, in the perfect version, they should be fried very well. Purchased fruits, before use, should be thoroughly washed with purified and boiled water, then clean from the peel, and only after that, can be used in food. The most secure products are products purchased in stores. Refrain from the purchase of food in the market. This does not mean that it is impossible to buy anything on the market. You can of course, for example souvenirs and other pleasant little things.

Holidays in Dar Es Salame: What do you need to know? 14510_9

Dress in Dar Es Salam, you can anywhere, except for sportswear, shorts and mini skirts. It is best to give preference to light tropical clothes, as you feel very comfortable and she does not shine movements, and it seems to me that it is not so hot. The headdress is a mandatory attribute, since our heads are unusual to such temperatures. Not superfluous and high-quality sunglasses.

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