Rest with a small child in the Turkish resort city of Kadrie


In September of this year, we rest at the hotel, located on the outskirts of the city of Kadri. Since we are active tourists, there are few on the territory of the hotel itself. Most of the time was walking through the framework, as well as on a rented car, Belek visited and several more nearby settlements.

The town of Kadriye is small, consists of just a few streets. From numerous hotels, located in its surroundings, in Kadriye, you can easily reach public transport. Buses are new, with air conditioning. They run around with a range of half an hour. The fare for such buses is $ 1 per person. In addition to public transport, the taxi service has been very common here and enjoys considerable demand. After all, most of the hotels located in close proximity to Kadriye are luxury. And secured tourists who rest in them, prefer to take a taxi for $ 20, rather than travel in a pawl bus.

On Tuesdays, the large Turkish bazaar works in Kadri. On this day, several central streets of the city turn into trading ranks. In the bazaar you can find anything! Clothes, shoes, accessories (bags, jewelry - this good is in bulk), electronics, souvenirs, vegetables, fruits, spices and much more. Brand clothing is sold in several stores that are very distinguished among the others. Most shops and in the bazaar are sold "Gucci" and "Dolce Gabana" of Turkish production. By the way, you can find things of pretty good quality. In addition to fakes under well-known brands on the market, the mass of local goods of local stamps is sold. We, for example, for $ 30 bought a child a three-quality suit, consisting of trousers, jacket and turtlenecks. Very cheap in Turkish bazaar Vegetables and fruits. A kilogram of selected peaches (very tasty and juicy) cost us 30 rubles. Jewelry and all sorts of souvenirs are sold almost to weight, it is necessary to bargain, the initial price can be restored at times.

Rest with a small child in the Turkish resort city of Kadrie 14502_1

Rest with a small child in the Turkish resort city of Kadrie 14502_2

Cadry himself is a beautiful green town. It can be seen that everything works here for tourists. Many cafes, snack bars, shops, several grocery supermarkets, a couple of pharmacies. Prices in pharmacies are quite high. Diapers and baby food is more profitable to purchase in supermarkets - they were convinced of their own experience. There are also several car rental offices. But they also do not make prices. We took our car when the hotel was much cheaper. There are currency exchange points. Even rubles change. The course is very acceptable.

I did not like the obsession of local merchants. You walk down the street - they jump out of their stores and begin to call. Well, however, so at any resort of Turkey.

We did not find any interesting attractions in Kadrie. Pofotkatsya on the background of palm trees and several turtles and elephants made as if from Paper Masha (it can be seen that the material from which the sculptures, fragile and lightweight, very short-lived) are made. I liked that the town is very clean, well-groomed. Everywhere palm trees, cutting lawn, flowers.

Rest with a small child in the Turkish resort city of Kadrie 14502_3

Rest with a small child in the Turkish resort city of Kadrie 14502_4

We did not like the beach in Kadriye. Sand is some gray, the sea is dirty. In addition, throughout our holiday, there were waves.

The frame is not particularly different from all other resort cities in Turkey - a bunch of shops with all sorts of things, cafes and offices with all sorts of services for tourists. I especially remember this market for Tuesdays - it is very interesting to wander around the ranks and seek something interesting. In general, I came to the conclusion that here at all can fly almost with an empty suitcase and buy everything in place =).

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