The most interesting places in Cape Town.


Husband persuaded me to visit Cape Town due to the fact that this city is the starting point of the most beautiful excursion tour in the world - Garden Ruth. I doubted for a very long time, because it is a long flight, and a pretty expensive ticket, and just South Africa didn't impress me. What I was stupid. What are the excursion tours! The city itself is so interesting that I come here in the literal sense of the word, went on it with an open mouth. I thought I was in such a type of African village, but it turned out that we came to the city with a decently developed infrastructure. I will now try to describe the minimum number of the most interesting places of Cape Town, which deserve the attention of tourists to the very first.

Cape of Good Hope . It would be very unfair if I started my story from any other place, since Cape of Good Hope is the most important natural attraction in these places. He is south of Cape Town. I remember him since the school program. But who could think that the boring page of the textbook could turn into an exciting reality. I will not harm the soul, because everything I remembered about the Cape of Good Hope is the name itself and location. Seeing this national park with his own eyes, my idea of ​​the school program was completely turned over, since the children are not always correctly presented and such world attractions must be presented more closely than in textbooks. You just imagine that being at the Cape of Good Hope, you can visit at once on the two oceans, namely on Indian and Atlantic. But this is not all of his charms, since here you can see an unreal, namely, that here quite comfortably feel not only ostriches, lions and baboons, and also penguins. You just imagine - Africa and suddenly Penguin!

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I first thought that he was somewhat overheated in the sun and even his eyes lost, but the penguin from my sight was refused to disappear. Asking her husband that he sees, I got the answer that he sees the same thing as me. Nature at Cape of Good Hope, just amazing, and the view that opens from the observation deck on one of the mountains, made my head spinning from delight. In a word, if you ever, visit Cape Town, then start your cognitive holiday, it is from the inspection of the Cape of Good Hope.

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Dining Mount . This is the second most important, the natural attraction of Cape Town, besides, it is a business card of this city. The name of the mountain, I didn't get it easy, because it is really very much like a table and all because of the peak of it is absolutely flat, but on the slopes of it for many decades, glazed and flow water streams, which formed the shape of the feet of the table . By the way, the top of the mountain is not enough that the clouds are flat, it also gives the clouds, which gives the will of fantasy and you might think that nature itself has been stuck it to a snow-white tablecloth.

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Climb to the top, you can both on foot along the tremors of pedestrian trails and on the funicular. It all depends on your mood. Walking on foot, much more interesting, because you can see a very funny animal - Kapsky Daman. In order to not miss this milah, you need to look carefully under your feet and on the sides. Even before the start of the rise, I advise you to get a warm sweater and not blown up the jacket, since the temperature on top is somewhat lower than at the foot. And do not forget to take a camera or a video camera with you, and the best thing is that the types of such beauty will open in front of you that you have never seen anything in your life, and it must be fixed.

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Lighthouse in Green Point . This lighthouse is the oldest throughout South Africa. Opened his twelfth of April one thousand eight hundred and twenty-fourth year. The construction of a lighthouse is associated with very sad, and would even say with tragic circumstances. The thing is that in one thousand eight hundred to the twentieth year, the paryboat of the postal "Athens", did not reach the coast of only a hundred and thirty meters and flew to the rocks. As a result of shipwreck, the whole team died, which consisted of twenty-nine people. This lighthouse, became the world's first lighthouse, which was equipped with a lilac in case of a strong fog. The lighthouse lighthouse consists of eight hundred fifty thousand candles and thanks to this, it can be seen at a distance of twenty-five kilometers. A wall that is directed to the sea has small windows located in two rows. The top of the lighthouse, as it should be, crowns a small dome, which actually performs the most important role.

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South African Museum . This museum is the oldest museum in the city, since it was opened in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-fifth year. The collections of the museum, I was struck by your diversity, because in most parts of the museums it is customary to set the same type of exposures, which gradually turn the faceless gray spot in your memory, that is, they do not leave any trace, unless in the photo. It is noteworthy that in this museum, you can see almost everything that is related to South Africa - fossil, insects, fish, the tools that were still in the Stone Age as their age exceeds an incredible value of one hundred and twenty thousand years, and you can also see the traditional African clothes of different times. Having visited this museum, the eyes open and start looking at our planet in a new way.

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Square of the green market . Area, which is a historic place. The history of the emergence of this area, originates in a distant one thousand six hundred and ninety-sixth year. It was this year that a chapel was built here, which the Burger settled in these parts was built at the expense of its own funds.

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For a long time, this area was the market on which slaves were sold. A little later, they began to sell vegetables here, and now the flea market is comfortable, the flea market with a whole of interesting and very beautiful souvenirs, handmade.

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