Holidays in Oslo: where to eat and how much does it cost?


About Norwegian Kushanyakh

The concept of Norwegian cuisine is not so many years old - it is known for two and a century, since the very time when in this northern country they learned about the potato, which later became the main ingredient of local dishes. Until that time, there was a selection, flour, milk - a small wealth, but the locals managed to prepare a lot of various evaches from this pitiful set.

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Nowadays the national Norway's kitchen is natural non-fat dishes. When the preparation of which sauces are practically not used.

Often for cooking here Use the gifts of the sea - Local consuming Cod, herring, mackerel, trout and other fish . In the summer, shrimps are added to the list of seafood. Wonderful kushans from whale cuts, however, in connection with the prohibitions for the hunt for these beautiful animals for such a "pleasure", the gourmeans will have to lay out a solid amount.

So seafood like Seld B, in this country traded more than a thousand years; It also happened that with the help of this fish saved their home cattle - if not enough hay. In Norway, there are many ways to cook herring: it, for example, can choke with wooden beasts, soak and eat with butter and mustard, can use fish for cold snacks, pates and salads, soups and second dishes, for sandwiches and even pies ... After How fish will turn, it acquires a specific smell and becomes red.

The main Norwegian Fish Kushan is "LUTEFIX" . In order to cook it, dried cracking - after that, the fish becomes juicy, and then served on a table with pea pudding, fried bacon, potatoes, cheese and mustard.

Now information For fans of meat dishes . In the capital of Norway, it is customary to eat Fried pork robryshki , and for christmas - Canned sheep and lamb head . In the fall and winter on the table you can see such a dish as Forica - For its preparation take a lamb, cabbage and pepper pepper, meat rustled with flour sauce.

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Local residents have a strong passion for hunting, therefore in local gastronomic establishments you can Tries also game - venison and losyatins . Meat is environmentally friendly, as animals that are used for cooking dishes live in the surrounding forests in the wild.

In Norway, a brown goat cheese is prepared, whose varieties are very different.

Baking here is presented in a large assortment - it is bread, buns and pies.

Drink residents of the capital mainly milk and coffee. By the use of milk per capita, Norway is almost ahead of the planet all.

The most common drink in the state is Akhevit (he is an aquatic) For the preparation of which the forty-percentrate potato or grain alcohol is used, which is irrevocated on herbs and spices. There is such a sign that the real anquatite is the one that the equator is twice: in the hod of the ship, along the way to Australia and back. In the cold period of the year, the townspeople drink a hot alcoholic drink, which is called "GLOK" - it is boiled from red wine, into which spices, raisins and almonds are added - it has a similarity with Mulled wine familiar to us.

As for the beer , Local in this regard is also not fools to drink. The most famous brand in Norway is "Rignes" which is not inferior to the taste of what is being prepared in famous European brewery.

For dessert Norwegians love to eat Strawberry with cream . Such a dish is placed in a local "strawberry in the snow." The local climate, thank God, fully promotes the harvest, and the Norwegian strawberry is actually the most delicious in Europe.

About local restaurants

Norway gave the world several chefs of the highest level of skill, and there are even those who work in the capital of their native country among them. Restaurants in which they work for the benefit of the stomachs of sophisticated gourmets are usually marked by the stars of the Red Guide Michelin. The institutions where it is worth meeting the national cuisine, in which you can taste dishes from seafood, are located in the central part of the city - on Hollencollane or by the Embankment Aker Brugge.

If you are a regular tourist, not burdened with an overly heavy wallet, then the capital of Norway will welcome the door to more Affordable cafes and eateries - such are in blocks around Yongstorghet, Grenland and Grunelekki.

Now I will tell you more about some "cool" gastronomic establishments in Oslo - honest budget travelers can continue not to read, in order not to fall in a hungry faint.


Every day, fans of exquisite eats are rushed into this gastronomic institution to enjoy a unique menu of six dishes. Cooking Cooks Bent Steansen and Turbjorn Forster, and their culinary "chip" - in the use of Norwegian products according to the current season.

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Three dishes from these six are various snacks commonly cooked from fish and seafood. Be sure to point the program - one meat dish! After these dorms, cheeses and dessert will be served on the table. Optionally, of course, there are all six dishes, you can choose something at your request. This institution is marked by the gastronomic catalog of Michelin.

For more information, you can find on the site


Gourmet - experts of their passion believe that this restaurant is a gastronomic "pearl" Oslo. The Master of Culinary Art of Lars Eric Undertun and a popular photographer Bengt Wilson owns the institution. Kushans who are offered here to visitors are worthy of the highest praise - thanks to both their taste and appearance. The Red Guide Michelin also noted this institution.

You can call here by phone +47 (22) 129 380.


A small establishment for a comfortable stay, which is designed for only two dozen visitors. In the menu - fish and meat foods, which are prepared taking into account new trends in local gastronomic art. In addition to the main dishes, there are five to eight additional items in the list. And this institution is marked by the Michelin catalog!

You can contact the restaurant by phone +47 (22) 465 906, find out more information - on the site of the institution:

Bon Appetit!

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