The most interesting excursions in Seoul.


If you arrived in the capital of the Republic of Korea for several days, then I recommend you to go on a day trip to the province of Chunchon, which is located in the central region of the state. It is not only very picturesque, thanks to its bay rice fields, numerous mountains and hills, but also rich in numerous interesting objects and attractions. The cost of such an excursion varies from different travel agencies at 80 American dollars.

First, you will go to one of the main cities of the province - Bourned Thajon. This city is one of the largest transport hub in the country, and recently still declares its claims to the status of the Scientific Center Korea. Before this city from Seoul you will spend two hours on the way.

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Acquaintance with the city will begin in the EXPO Park area. It is located in the northern part of the city and covers the area of ​​truly giant sizes - more than 600 thousand square meters. In 1993, the largest worldwide exhibition of achievements of science and technology "Tejon-Expo" took place here. At its end, all exhibition pavilions were converted to the largest scientific park in the largest Asia-Pacific region. The program of the excursion includes visiting two pavilions - "Nature and Life" and "outside the Earth". Here you will not only learn interesting information about the native planet, see the wonderful objects of its flora and fauna, but also learn many of the mysters of space. Moreover, the exposition here is drawn up in such a way that it does not tire the tourist, but, on the contrary, contributes to its active inclusion in the process of knowledge. Almost all exhibits presented here are interactive in interactive form.

After inspecting the achievements of this unique research complex, the Group goes to the Kerensen National Park, which is located in the west direction from the tengen. You will have the opportunity to stroll through the mountain paths to two Buddhist monasteries. The first - capsa, especially beautifully looks at the autumn period against the background of bright yellow foliage of the surrounding picturesque landscapes. The second monastery is called Tonhax. It is located on the eastern slope of the mountain and in its background always get wonderful photos.

Next, your path lies in the city of Congi. Once this settlement was the capital of one of the Ancient Korean states - Packs. The period of his greatness fell at 475-539. AD Then the capital of the state moved to the south to the city of Puye. The kingdom of Palo in the 7th century, when all the Korean state began to be a single whole. Today, in local museums, you can get acquainted with many archaeological finds, which brightly illustrate the period of the peeks culture. The National Museum is considered the main cultural and historical object of Congge. Here you can see the treasures from the tomb of King Mournen 4th century. Although most of the graves of Packche was looted for many centuries, the tomb of King Mooren miraculously remained not touched. It was discovered during the excavations at the end of the 20th century.

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The next city, which you visit on the route - Puye. It is located just 30 kilometers from Kongja and was the last capital of Packs State. Here the program also provides for visiting the National Museum, where you will get acquainted with the traditional old-time architecture. This museum contains a unique collection of all sorts of archaeological exhibits found in this area in different centuries.

Here you also visit one of the largest Buddhist monasteries of the country - Kwacchoks. It is here that one of the most interesting Buddhist statues of the country is Lyinmyryk. According to the legend, the age of this statue exceeds 1000 years. Its height is about 20 meters, which makes it one of the highest statues of the Buddha in Korea. Your attention will certainly attract its disproportionate sizes. Middle of the ears, for example, very long, the head itself is huge, and the unusual crown crown is crown. Be sure to look into local souvenir benches to purchase something resembling the history of the Kingdom of Packs. For example, books on history enjoy great demand among tourists (there are options even in Russian), as well as copies of the archaeological finds of the Packs period. Among other interesting souvenirs, which can be purchased as a gift to friends and loved ones: all sorts of product from amethyst, dried mushrooms and plants, medicinal herbs, as well as vintage products of folk crafts. Pay attention to the local exquisite ceramics.

Next, you will go to the Korea Independence Museum. It was created in memory of people who fought foreign invaders at different stages of state development. Historical artifacts that are associated with the subject of confrontation between external aggression, glorifying the struggle for independence, contribute to the development of national self-consciousness, as well as demonstrating the persistence of the country in motion along the path of progress and development.

After visiting the museum you will have a stop at lunch at the cafe of traditional Korean cuisine. You will be able to evaluate all the advantages of the kitchen of this region of the country, which is famous for dishes from eels caught in the Penmagan River, as well as from wild edible plants from Mount Sonnisan. Be sure to taste local dishes from soy cottage cheese, and for dessert, order a cookie in the form of walnut Soto Kvasha. Well, the most popular at visitors of this cafe is considered to be a dish of Kkotpab - a variety of traditional Korean dishes of Pibimbab (cooked for a couple of rice with vegetables).

After lunch, you will find a visit to the plantation medicinal plants. This is one of the largest greenhouse farms in Asia. More than 500 types of medicinal plants are grown here. Glass greenhouses make it possible to grow all kinds of deciduous plants even in the cold season.

The visit to the Voraksan National Park is completed, which is located on the territory of a mining massif over a thousand meters high. Here is the famous Tokchus Monastery, which was built by the last princess of the Kingdom of Silla Tokchu and very successfully harmonizes with the beauty of the surrounding mountains and creates the atmosphere of mystery.

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