The most interesting places in Seoul.


Bus tours along the capital of the Republic of Korea Seoul, who allow during one such trip to get acquainted with the main attractions of the city, are very popular not only among guests from various countries of the world, but even at the locals. Excursions are held in two main routes. Whatever of them you have chosen, the pleasure of the trip is guaranteed to you. The first route takes place on the main objects of the central part of the city, and the second - covers all the palaces of the Korean capital. You can go and leave the excursion bus at any stop. In the bus 40 places and each of them is equipped with special audio activities. The information in them is submitted as it approaches to a particular object or attractions in different languages. Unfortunately, there are no Russian language here yet, but you can listen to all information, for example, in English. The routes work every day of the week with the exception of Monday from 9 am to 17 o'clock. Every half an hour bus goes to another excursion. The most appropriate place to start a tour is the metro station "Kvanchmun. This is the fifth line of the Seoul Metro. You need to go through output No. 6. There will be a stop of the excursion bus. The cost of the trip one of the sections of the route - 5 thousand Van. If you Want to travel along the route all day, entering and leaving the bus at different stops, then buy a ticket for a whole day - for 10 thousand won.

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Making a tour of Seoul, go, first of all, to the street Sedzhonno. If you move along it to the north, you will come to the Grand Palace of Kenbokkun. This is one of the oldest royal palaces of Korea, which has been preserved until today. It was built by the founder of the Chosen dynasty at the end of the 14th century. This is one of the main and most majestic palaces of the Choson era. In its premises, two museums work at once, which will be interested to visit. This is the National Museum of the Republic of Korea and the Ethnographic Museum. Here it will be possible to get acquainted with Korean history and culture, with the life and traditions of the people of this country. You will be able to inspect the subjects of everyday use, the most famous artworks, as well as objects of cultural fishery. You can visit the Ethnographic Museum from 9 to 18 hours daily except Tuesday, as well as January 1. The cost of the entrance ticket is 1 thousand won.

Complete the premises of the Kenbokkun complex. A number of its structures have a very unusual architecture, harmoniously inscribed in a unique landscape of all sorts of gardens. Special attention is worthy of Kyndzhonjon's throne hall, characterized by its rich decoration. Organized excursions in this palace are held in English and Korean languages ​​every day, without days off, from 9.30 to 14 hours. The Palace Complex itself works from 9 am to 18 o'clock in the summer, and an hour less - in the period from November to February. The cost of the entrance ticket is 1 thousand won.

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You can go out of the Kenbokkin Palace through the Eastern Gate of Konchunmun. You will get to Schuchchundongil Street, which is known in Seoul with its numerous art galleries. The most popular of them are: "Hende", the museum of art of Komho, as well as "Artsonje". Other points of interest include Pomnenes (famous Buddhist monastery), Museum of the Korean Costumes, can be visited for Selfchchundongil. Many here and all kinds of cafes, restaurants and craft shops, where you can buy good souvenir products. The distances here are quite large, because there is a bus between museums and galleries on the street. The passage in it costs 1 thousand won. The ticket is purchased from the driver.

Moving along this street to the north, you will come to Chonwade (Blue House) - the presidential palace, which is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, who are already in themselves one of the attractions of the Korean capital. For example, be sure to visit the Mugunwas Garden, where you can see the famous roses of Sharon, which are one of the symbols of the Korean state. And in Hedzhadon Hall, here you can inspect multiple exposures of gifts, which at different times were presented by Korean leaders delegations of many countries of the world. Excursions for the residence of the president are held since 1998. Organized excursions are held here for tourists daily, except Sunday and Monday at 10 and 11 am, as well as at 13 and at 14 o'clock. The presidential palace is closed to visit on public holidays, as well as in the second and fourth Saturday of the month. Moreover, before going to visit Chonwade, it is necessary to send an appropriate application for email in less than two weeks. The entrance ticket will be then obtained absolutely free of charge in the information center of the palace from 9 to 15 hours.

The next object that must be visited in Seoul is the Toksguong Palace. This is another of the five royal palaces of the Choson era. There are several interesting objects on its territory. Pay attention to Tahanmoun's gate. Inspect the throne room as well as the hall for audiences. Here you have the opportunity to explore the expositions of two museums at once: the Museum of the Royal Life of the Tsoson Epoch and the Toxguan Museum. The latter presents a lot of artistic works of modern Korean authors. Find this palace is very simple. Release through outlet number 2 at the city station of the City Hall of the first or second line of the Seoul subway. Operating hours: from 9 to 18 hours. On holiday and weekends - up to 19 hours. Monday - day off. The cost of the entrance ticket is 1 thousand won.

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Well, finish the day of a saturated excursion program by visiting the theater Chondon, which is the first in Korea theater with a constant troupe. Daily at 20 o'clock Here you can watch the theatrical show with elements of the traditional artist of Korea. You will see the famous Korean dance with a drum, listen to the Korean Tool Orchestra. And you will have the opportunity after the presentation to take pictures with the performers themselves. The theater is immediately at the exits number 1 or No. 12 of the metro station of City Hall, the first or second lines.

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