The most interesting places in Vitebsk.


Vitebsk is not a key tourist center of Belarus. Much more tourists attract the ancient Polotsk located nearby, which is a real open-air museum, well, and of course Minsk. At the same time, if you accidentally find yourself here, you will be pleasantly surprised how neat streets the city welcomes its guests, and how exciting and interesting may be with attentive consideration of its attractions.

The most recognizable and, therefore, important attractions of the city, many consider Vitebsk amphitheater. - Place of the famous festival "Slavic Bazaar" and other significant concerts. The design, built in 1988, was repeatedly improved and modernized, and is currently a huge concert area, calculated by more than 6 thousand people and is a real decoration of modern Vitebsk.

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But this is not all that the ancient Vitebsk is famous for the shore of the Vibble in the 10th century. His land has been preserved a lot of old architectural monuments reflecting one or another stage in the development of the city. By the way, it is not so difficult to find them here: the bulk of them is concentrated in the vicinity of Zakkoy Street, which is not far from the train station and the street of Kirov.

Often excursions in old Vitebsk begin not far from the amphitheater, where the building is located "The Okrug Kruglik" - The exhibition hall built on the site of one of the guarded castle of the destroyed Vitebsky castle of the Middle Ages. Of course, it is far from the initial facilities from powerful boulders serving to protect the city from the enemy, and rather a modern stylized copy (as vividly evidenced by at least a glass package or glass dome). But having existed on the Vitebsk Earth for only 7 years (built in 2007), the building has become not only a real center of cultural life of the city (it contains exhibitions and the like), but also a favorite meeting place of citizens and guests of the city.

One of the oldest historical shrines Vitebsk is considered Blagoveshchensk Church , built in the 12th century. You can find it on the Millennium Square of Vitebsk, the truth is not too happy and idle. He, an ancient monument of cult architecture was demolished back in 1961, and the fact that it was towering on the square was already rebuilt already in our time and from modern materials, albeit with the transfer of the initial species.

Nearby is another cult monument of architecture - Assumption Cathedral . It was built in the 18th century in the style of Vilen Baroque and for a long time was the real center of the religious life of the city, until in the 1930s he was blown up. What can be seen now has also appeared in the territory of recently, namely in 2011, and may truly interest only believers or interest to the restructures.

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Unfortunately, it has to be stated that up to this day in the territory of Belarus did not reach a terrific number of ambitious architectural monuments related to the most interesting pages of history.

At the same time, it should be noted that in Vitebsk there are a number of temples that survived from barbaric destruction and preserved almost in pristine form. This is, first of all, Cathedral of Saint Varvara (Saint Barbara), built in 1783-1785 in the Baroque style, reconstructed with elements of neoroman style in 1884-1885 and reached our days with minor changes (for a long time he was dilapidated, during the war years, the towers were almost completely destroyed, so In the 1980s, reconstruction was carried out in order to return the temple of the believer). Be that as it may, it is one of the most beautiful, with my glasses of view, Vitebsk temples standing out against the background of their neighbors. By the way, you can find it at the address of Leningradskaya Street, 27.

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In addition, it should be noted built in the mid-19th century Assumption Churchb (Church in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), located not far from the Botanical Garden and is an expressive example of a retrospective-Russian style. Also fans of iconic architecture can find another number of temples. This is the Holy Kazan Church (1760), the Resurrection (Rynova) Church (18th century, restored in 2009, an example of the late Vilen Baroque), the Pokrovsky Cathedral (19th century, restored in 1989), Church of St. Alexander Nevsky (1993), Holy -Hegorgievsky Church (1997), St. Apostle St. Andrei First Called (2000). Also, many believers attract the Trinity Markov Monastery, the basis of which refers to 14-15th centuries and in which the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is currently located.

Turning to the secular architectural sights of Vitebsk, first of all it should be noted the business card and the pride of the city - Beauty Town Hall located in the old town.

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She appeared on the place back in 1775 (the first town hall building was built by Vitebsk at the end of the 16th century after receiving the city of Magdeburg law), but was restored after the destruction of the Soviet era only in 2000. Now in the building is located a local history museum, which has a rich and fairly interesting exposition regarding the history of the region. And on the top tier there is a sightseeing platform, from the height of which you can admire the beauties of the modern city.

Nearby you can find another interesting structure. This is the building of the former Pasmod-peasant bank , built in 1917 in the style of Modern. It is noteworthy that in our day there is a Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.

Other significant attractions of the city - Governor's palace , built in 1772 after the entry of Vitebsk to the Russian Empire and was the place where Napoleon himself in 1812 celebrated his birthday, Salt warehouses , built in the 18th century for food reserves and placing the center of folk crafts "Saving" in our walls in their walls, as well as the building Railway Station who cares about all the train arriving by its beauty.

Well, probably it is impossible to make a complete impression of Vitebsk without visiting the largest in Belarus area - Victory Square c towering over it Memorial complex in honor of the liberator warriors. Created back in 1974, he still shall attribute attention not only to his story, but also by a scope. What is only the main monument "three bayonets", towering more than 20 meters above the Earth.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of what can be viewed by being in Vitebsk. I allocated only the most visited and significant attractions. But I want to say that like other Belarusian cities, Vitebsk conquers with their friendliness, beauty and purity ...

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