Rest in Saaremae: for and against


When I hear reasoning on the topic:

- Is it worth going to Saaremaa, and the point? The sea is cold, getting uncomfortable and so on ...

I immediately want to argue, but I understand that in the two words the reasons for "for" not explain. Therefore, I decided to paint all the "pro" and "contro" on a respected resource that, in case of what to give a doubtful link, and then let them think. I will try to set out the thesis and briefly.

Rest in Saaremae: for and against 14402_1


- Healthy vacation. This is the main plus. First, the air on the island of Saaremaa, this is a symbiosis of the aroma of coniferous forests and sea air (I apologize for the tautology). Secondly, it is healing dirt. For many, it will be an amazing discovery that in its composition therapeutic dirt from the lake Mullut Suurlacht is unique and exceeded their composition even the waters of the widespread Dead Sea. By the way, the first hospitals on the island appeared more than 170 years ago.

Rest in Saaremae: for and against 14402_2

- Sea. Yes, it is cold and more or less comfortable to swim in it only in July-August, but nevertheless it is. Yes, and the beaches on acute countless many and for every taste. There are sandy, there are pebble, there are stony. There is from what to choose.

- Nature. She on Saareaa is unique and surprises with its diversity. It is here that the reserves of WiDumäe and Wilsandi are located.

- Sights. On the island, near the town of Kaali, there is also the largest meteoric crater on the territory of Europe. This is as regards natural attractions. However, there are historical. In particular, if you wish, you can visit such places as:

- Curing castle (the second name of the bishop castle), located on the outskirts of the city of the same name;

- Maasi Castle. Located in the city of Orissaare;

- Museum of windmills in the English;

- Farm-Museum Mikhkley (located near the village of Vicky).

Rest in Saaremae: for and against 14402_3

- Saturated cultural program. On the island are constantly undergoing all sorts of festivals, as well as sporting events. So you can specifically subjected your visit to them, in case something interests.

- Excellent active vacation. Saaremaa, this is a wonderful fishing and sea travel on the yacht. These are great bicycles and horse riding and so on.

Rest in Saaremae: for and against 14402_4


In my opinion, the minuses are not so much. And more precisely, they are only three:

- Cold sea. But this is a small minus. It's still not to swim here and sunbathing.

- Estonian visa required. However, Estonia is a member of the Schengen Agreement. So if you have a Schengen visa, then this minus disappears.

- It is inconvenient to get. Alas, but this is the biggest minus for tourists from Russia, because Moscow-Kuressaare direct flights.

Outcome. As you can see, the pros is still more.

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