Where can I eat in Jakarta?


Here, how can I characterize meals in Jakarta:

- Sanitary standards are often in Jakarta are not observed too. Street food - I mean a real street food - can lead to the fact that you will break the stomach. And maybe that worse. Many street cuisine dishes are served with warm sharp Sambal (pasty spicy mixture with different seasonings and shrimp sauce) and raw vegetables as a side dish (which is characteristic of Sundan cuisine). Many people blame the Sambal in their patients with tummy. But in general, the combination of products is unusual for us - awalle: you are wondering. Although in practice, it is usually not even in the most food, but in the conditions of their preparation. For example, in the dishes, which is washed in dirty water or is not well wash well. As for meals, many tourists suffer after tightly donate noodles, Nasi Goreng and even Bakso, but they can never shove after Ayam Gorenga or the Peselle. Perhaps the secret in the process of frying - hot boiling oil kills all bacteria. Or maybe it's just luck. Or strong stomach.

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- As a rule, ordinary medium restaurants and cafes are no better in terms of security. But you have much less less chance to choose if you are party in the "restaurant with walls", but also not a fact. At least restaurants in shopping centers (and restaurants are more expensive, such as Padang's restaurants) are safe. And Thank you. And, by the way, Padangskaya cuisine is a mix of culinary traditions of the People of Minantkabau, who settles Sumatra. Padang cuisine is a whole mountain of spices and spices, a lot of meat of various kinds, primarily beef. And the specific tradition of feeding food: on the table simultaneously put all the food for meals.

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So, now a slight digression about the dishes that I indicated above. Nasi Goreng (NASI Goreng) - Rice dish (rice, roasted with onion, garlic, meat (chicken or beef, sometimes pork and seafood), vegetables, gentle cereals and mushrooms. Served with soy sauce, Sambal and Chutney (seasoning), sometimes with chicken eggs. (ichnicken-glazing, omelet).

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Bakso (Bakso) - Something like meatballs from any kinds of meat, fish and seafood. They can be applied in broth with the addition of noodles or vegetables, sometimes in fried. Sometimes inside the meatballs are stuffing, for example, a boiled quail egg or a piece of tofu. Pricatals are obtained by tight and very appetizing. Or maybe you will come and the bathagore - the Bakso grade, prepared from Tofu and served in fried form (from Bakso Tahu Goreng - "Fried Bakso from Tofu").

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Ayam Goreng (Ayam Goreng) - Simple and popular Indonesian dish. It is a roasted piece of chicken with rice, sharp sauce and lemon, pieces of vegetables and mint.

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Pecel Lele - Traditional pasta chili with pieces of fish. Cheap and frequent dish.

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Returning to the restaurants, it is worth noting that their variety is large - from carts with food (Kaki Lima) to restaurants.

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In all this manifold in Jakarta, many lousy restaurants, as you already understood. But tourists tend to go there anyway. And languages ​​still, you know! Some people suffered, but anyway, no one, it seems not to die. Restaurants and so-called Varungi (a small domestic restaurant who owns the family) - this is what exactly better street food. No, you don't think there are great examples of street food, very tasty, but here's the funny thing: the best street stalls with food in the end still turn into an ordinary cafe and ceases to be "street food" in the usual sense of the word - entrepreneurs know how Making money and it is clearly not a sale of street food.

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If you read somewhere that it is not necessary to know specific good restaurants in Jakarta at all, they can not write out the names and addresses, but go where you want. This is not true. Yes, restaurants here just a lot! But it is better to keep in mind those where to eat safely and tasty.

Even the moment: you can hardly get a good Indonesian buffet. Most likely, it will be very, very good food, but it will be a Chinese, Japanese, Indian or Western food.

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In short: do not waste your time on endless samples of "real street food". Any version of what you can find on the street is probably tastier and safer in the restaurant. But even then be careful, because four walls and air conditioning are not a guarantee of security. Fly in shopping centers are most likely more or less safe, and and tasty. But the best restaurants and Varungi are standing autonomously. And find out which of them are time and effort, quite not easy. But you can go, for example, in Warung Ngalam , loved by many tourists. They have even twitter! There is this varung at the address: jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.106, Menteng, which is a 20-minute walk from the national monument and two steps from Sarinah Stop. The cafe accommodates up to 150 visitors, it works every day 08:00 - 23:00. You can dine there in the amount of RP.30.000 - RP.50.000, which is quite inexpensive. Clean, gently, tasty, safe. And also look at Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih - delicious and varied. Address: Di Pamulang Permai 1 Blok B 38 No.12. Pamulang. True, not very in the center, but oh well.

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Returning to street cuisine: you probably read the hundreds of recommendations, they say, eat-eat street food in foreign countries, do not care about the stomach. This is undoubtedly an interesting experience, but just need to be careful. And especially if you are only profit and you have only a few days - I don't want to spend three of them in bed or on a white friend. In my opinion, if I really want street food, go to Solo or Jokyakarta. Even the inhabitants of Jakarta themselves recognize that street food is a solid grocery mess. And add, they say, we, jakarttsy, are quite susceptible to our food, well, and the tourists are. What, as they say, Russian is good ...

Where can I eat in Jakarta? 14390_11

The locals themselves shrug themselves and say that tourists should not try street food from stalls scattered next to the administrative buildings of the city and in the markets. But it is recommended to try something like Malaysian street food in Chinatown city, much more delicious and, of course, much more expensive, but also safe.

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