Holidays in Oslo: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


In this article I will tell you how to get to the capital of Norway from Russia.

By air

Direct flight

You can get to Oslo by air on airplanes of the budget carrier Norwegian, which flights from Peter. If you fly from Moscow, then use the direct flight of Aeroflot. Time on the way - two hours thirty minutes.

Holidays in Oslo: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 14364_1

Flight with transplant

There are plenty of options for such flights, because in the capital of Norway, flights carry out almost all European carriers who fly in Russia. Next, I will give examples of such ways to fly to Oslo with a transfer.

When you connect to the German company Lufthansa you will have to make a transplant in Frankfurt. This company flies from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod. Muscovites and Pieters, as well as residents of Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don, you can fly with Austrian Airlines - connecting flights through Vienna. SWISS and SAS airlines will also take you from Moscow and St. Petersburg: in the first version, the docking will be in Zurich, in the second - in Stockholm and Copenhagen. Residents of the capital can also choose the carrier Brussels Airlines, the transplant in this case will occur in Brussels.

If we talk only about Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are three more carriers with which you can fly to Oslo from these cities of Russia: this is Air France, KLM and Estonian Air; In the first case, you make a transplant in Paris, in the second - in Amsterdam, in the third - in Tallinn. Such a company as Czech Airlines, in addition, flies from Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Perm, Kazan and Ufa. The transplant will be in Prague.

From Moscow, Peter and Yekaterinburg can be flown with Finnair, holding a transfer in the city of Helsinki. Also, AIR MALTA and Air Baltic fly from the capital of Russia - in the first case, make a transfer to La Vallette, in the second - in Riga. With Air Baltic Airlines, you can also get from Peter and Kaliningrad.

Flights arrive at Oslo Chief International Airport, called Gardenuen - It is forty-five km from the city itself.

Get from the airport to the city

In the central part of the city void Express buses Flybussen They go every fifteen-thirty minutes. They can be reached to the central railway station and to some hotels. The ticket is worth a hundred crowns. The action of the tourist map OSLO PASS for travel in such transport does not apply.

Also in the city go High-speed trains - FlytoGet . In order to sit on this train, it is necessary to go down to the underground floor of the airport; Movement interval - ten minutes. Schedule: On weekdays 06: 15-22: 35, on Sundays: 11: 46-23: 46. In the opposite direction - then you mean from the city - trains are departed at the same interval, on weekdays - on schedule 06: 46-23: 06, on Sundays, from 11:15 to 23:15. On Saturday, the interval of movement of such trains is twenty minutes. The train is on the way also twenty minutes.

Holidays in Oslo: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 14364_2

The fare costs 160 kroons, for passengers with age from 16 to 20 years - 80 crowns, for children up to 16, accompanied by an adult, fare is not needed. On the passage in these trains, the tourist map OSLO PASS does not work.

In addition to the above methods, remember that at the Oslo Gardermuen Airport station You can sit on the suburban or intercity train "Oslo - Eidswall" and "Oslo - Lillehammer".

Concerning Taxi , then such a trip will be inadexid. There is a fixed bid to travel to the city: until 17:00 it is 610 kroons, at a later time, the amount increases to 720. The cost may vary - depending on how many passengers, where exactly are you going ...

By rail

As an option - you can get in Oslo and so. Sit on the corporate train from Moscow or St. Petersburg, who goes to Helsinki, and from there you can go to the capital of Norway. The train departing from Moscow is called "Lion Tolstoy", and those that go from Peter - "Repin" and "Sibelius".

In Oslo, you come to the Central Railway Station of Oslo Sentralstasjon (OSLO S), which is located in the city center on the street. Karl Yuhans Gate.

If you go to Oslo from Stockholm, then you will sit on a high-speed train, which will take you to the destination for four hours of fifty minutes. The minimum fare is 80 euros. Every day runs two or three trains. You can search for more information on the official website of the station:

On water

It is not difficult to get from European ports to the capital of Norway, the system of passenger traffic is established clearly. In the Oslo itself to the port, walk from the central part of the city just fifteen minutes. This port takes transport from Kiel, Frederixhavna and Copenhagen daily.

It is very convenient to get from the Swedish port of Stirmstad: every day from this city goes a ferry on Sannefjord - spend two and a half hours in the way, and then you get to the oslo by train or bus, there are no problems with these types of transport.

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Cruise ships stop in Oslo, this usually occurs in the summer. For those who get from Russia, the easiest option is to travel by water transport through the capital of Sweden.

By car

If you decide to get to the capital of Norway by car, then the best option will be used by the fleet from the Danish city of Frederixhavn. From this large ferry terminal, water transport is sent to the ports around Oslo, and in addition to Swedish Gothenburg. There are other crossings of the crossing - these are ferries departing from Copenhagen, which goes to ports in the West of Sweden, as well as a ferry from Danish Helsingør to Swedish Helsingborg.

From that city from the above, in which you will fall on the ferry, choose the E6 highway, which, passing Helsingborg and Gothenburg, will lead you to the capital of Norway on the south side. If you get through Stockholm, then leave the E3 on the track, and then it will be necessary to get on the E18 highway, which comes to Oslo from the East side. If you are traveling from Bergen, then use the E16 highway, which leads to the Norwegian capital from the West.

If you are exposed to marine sickness, then there is an option to get over the bridges from Denmark, past Copenhagen and Malmo.

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