Tips for those who are going to Bucharest


In Bucharest, we were almost passage, that is, there were only three days here. I was enough of these three days to make your own idea about this city. The city itself, I really liked, especially his old part. But what I did not like it, this is the movement on the roads. If you are planning a trip to Bucharest, then refrain from the desire to rent a car. Do you know why? Local straws are simply not allowed to go quietly. It even sometimes seemed to me that drivers ride just chaotically, without observing any rules. The safest way to move in Bucharest, is the subway, however, there may be problems here, since the names with the names of the stations, the most incredibility, are placed in the most inconvenient places and they are quite difficult to consider.

Tips for those who are going to Bucharest 14283_1

In addition to the metro, taxi and own or rented car, you can move around Bucharest by bus, trolleybus and tram, but it is long and tedious, because you can call a little Bucharest well. By the way, the subway works from five o'clock in the morning and to half the twelfth night, which gives another preferential plus in favor of choosing exactly this type of transport.

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At the entrance to the country, we safely passed customs control. It was pleased that the wheel here was not invented, so the prohibitions act as standard. So, for example, drugs, pornography and weapons can not be imported into Romania. There is a restriction on the import of cash. One person can carry ten thousand dollars with him. For us, this amount is quite large and of course, we did not exceed the limit. You can carry all the things of personal use, but only you need to prove that these things you are not lucky. Tube with toothpaste will not cause any questions, especially if he is already printed. So with all other things.

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Monetary unit in Romania - Lei. Exchange money, you can both in banks and in exchange offices. Currency exchange rate that banks offer is the most profitable. Banks in Bucharest, work exclusively on weekdays from nine in the morning to twelve day. Exchange items, work longer, but the course in them is impossible to be called profitable, especially this concerns metabolic points in hotels. But there are different situations in life and therefore you can note that exchange points in Bucharest, work from nine in the morning to twelve hours of the day, followed by a lunch break for one hour and from one o'clock exchange rates start work. The working day ends with employees of exchange offices, at three in the afternoon. I want to give an important advice. If you change currency, it will not be completely superfluous, to maintain a receipt for the operation done. The receipt of currency exchange should be maintained during the entire time of stay in this country. It is possible that you do not come in handy, but it will be calmer, with you have it.

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The kitchen of this country is something like our. Here also harmoniously combines a large number of vegetables with meat. Fish dishes on the tables of Romanians are also present, but in limited quantities. Water water, it is quite possible to drink, but only after it is boiled. I have already long, I drink only the purified water that I buy in stores, but I think that everything is needed. My experiment with the testing of tap water in Bucharest, showed that take it inside without preprocessing boiling, can lead to a stomach disorder.

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I will write a few words about the kitchen, or rather, not about the most Romanian cuisine, but about local wines. Wine here is just excellent, besides it is worth it in Bucharest is very cheap. So, for example, during a dinner in our hotel, I will make a reservation immediately that the hotel was modest than two stars, so to the dinner at the restaurant at the hotel, we ordered a bottle of excellent wine, just two dollars. Here you tell me if we can buy a bottle of excellent wine for two dollars? I personally did not meet a similar phenomenon.

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Tips in Bucharest, not accepted. I was told that tips leave only in the most expensive restaurants in a standard amount of ten percent. It still happens that they leave the tips in the same expensive restaurants if the service is incorporated into the common account, only in this case as a tip, it is necessary to round the total amount of the order. Tips do not leave taxi. It is also not customary to leave the tips in the hotels of maid and porters. Honestly, I, as a big lover, save always and everywhere, was pleased with this fact, the complete lack of giving mandatory tips.

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We went with my spouse during our stay in Bucharest, to the local supermarket. Here I liked both the range of products and prices for them. For the sake of the sample and the same experiment, we bought milk, kefir, sour cream, bread and fruit. We did not take meat and vegetables, because we fed at the hotel, that is, in a restaurant at the hotel. By the way, quite a hearty dinner for two, we were worth twenty-five, a maximum of thirty dollars, but this is if we ordered to our meal also wine. So about the products that we bought in the local supermarket. I liked everything. The bread was fragrant, fresh and with a crispy crust. Milk, I probably never drank anywhere. The fact is that it was the most real, without powders and other impurities. Fat, tasty, fresh, cool milk. Instrupping with crispy bread crust - the best of my breakfast in Bucharest.

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The outlets at the hotel were caught by the most than any standard, therefore, with the inclusion of charging devices, we had no problems. Equally, how it did not arise with the inclusion of the hair dryer. Voltage in the network standard, i.e. two hundred twenty volts. In the hotel's room, we had all the necessary things except the iron. Iron, if necessary, it was possible to ask, but we didn't have such a need, because I prefer to take things on the road that would not be impaired, and even even imagine it slightly. With the things of the husband the same story. If you have already moved to the euro sockets, then just in case, grab a adapter with you.

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