What to see in Siem Ripe?


Siem Rip Sometime was a small village that specialized in trade and fish. Now the local government is doing everything possible to expand and improve the living conditions. To date, there are many hotels, entertainment centers and parks in Siem Ripe, but to see a real Khmer life - you need to go to the village on the outskirts. It is also necessary to go to Lake Tonleshap, there is a unique opportunity to visit floating villages and get acquainted with the life and lifestyle of the population. Everyone will gladly show how they earn fish fishing to life, which is eating and where the members of his family are sleeping. If I liked the tourist - it will be invited to dinner. This unique walk will leave behind a lot of impressions and emotions.

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Next to this lake is the best nature reserve of Asia - Preak toal . Tourists usually spend on it all day from dawn and up to the sweetest. The park presents rare species of birds, which are so accustomed to visitors who let them go to their elongated arm.

Another entertainment that local farmers offer are horse riding with a guide. The route passes through rice fields, villages, architectural monuments, ruins and temples. And, of course, you need to find the time to look at one of the most visited archaeological places - Temple of Angkor in the jungle . He was built a lot of centuries back by Khmer kings, survived in wartime and lost in dense forests. For this excursion also need a whole day. It is better to purchase a comprehensive trip group, it will be cheaper and more fun. From tourists only knowledge of English is needed, since the guides speak mostly only on it. The program includes visits to temples: Angkor Wat, Bayona, That Prokhma and Bantea Spray.

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Guests of the city also offer to get acquainted with the kitchen. But Cambodia is not only an active holiday, here you can spend a good time on urban beaches. The water of the Siamese bay is calm, there is constantly calm and no strong waves. Equipped with recreation sites and adult areas. So tourists will not have to miss, everyone will find something for themselves and will hold time as comfortably.

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