What to move in Bratislava?


Public transport

Transport infrastructure in Bratislava is well developed. The subway here, however, no, but the work of buses, trams and trolley buses is perfectly adjusted. Public transport network covers both the center and remote areas of the city, and local airport, railway station and bus station. Public transport here is divided into a day, beginning to walk around 4 o'clock in the morning and ending work around midnight, with an interval from 3 minutes before half an hour and night, which begins to work around midnight and finishes - at about four in the morning, intervals between transport - from half an hour before the hour . At each stop attached timetable traffic traffic.

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The cost of travel in public transport Bratislava - from 70 euro scenes in 15 minutes of travel without transfers. The 90-cent ticket operates already an hour on weekdays and 90 minutes on weekends and holidays. With this ticket you can go on any type of transport and transplane - the main thing so that no longer the specified time. Travel tickets can be bought in special yellow-orange devices standing at stops. If there is no devices at the stop, then the ticket can be paid using an SMS complaint: you just need to send a message to the number 1010 and the SMS subscription will come cost 1 euro and a valid 70 minutes from the date of dispatch. But all this comes, naturally, if you puzzled to buy a local SIM card. Ticket price for travel in night transport - 1.60 euros. For children, there are preferential tickets - for half. There are also tourist travel, their cost depends on time. All information on this issue can be seen on the Ticket Machine.

And do not forget to compote tickets at the entrance to the transport in a special yellow composter. Fines are small here: 50 euros for passing without a ticket or with an impaired ticket. And excuses that I did not know, do not work: in the wagons hang warning signs, including in Russian.

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Taxi in Slovakia, compared with neighboring countries, relatively inexpensive. It is most profitable to order a taxi by phone, then the trip to the short distance will come out about five euros. Naturally, if you take a taxi in the parking lot in front of the bus station, the railway station or the airport, it will be more expensive. So, my friends managed to go wrong and take a taxi on the bus station for 35 euros, while the order cost a maximum of 10. Therefore, if you have to take a taxi in place, bargain as an eastern bazaar, or ask to order a taxi of the hotel or restaurant employee - You definitely will not refuse.

Car rent

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Rent a car in Bratislava is possible both at the airport at the rack of the Landlord and the office in the city center. The cost of the car is from 30 euros per day. The deposit for the car can range from 300 to 500 euros depending on the class of the selected machine.

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