Where is the best shopping in Paris?


The capital of France is famous not only for its attractions, but also a wonderful cheap shopping. The most popular months for tourists were December, January, February, June and July. It is at this time that promotions and discounts are held, and the goods liked can be purchased at 70% cheaper. During this period, you need to safely enter all the stores and go out with profitable purchases. But what to do if the vacation fell on the "unfavorable" for the shopping month? You should not despair, in Paris many places with cheap branded things, and ordinary clothes can be purchased for a penny, as there are three textile factories on the outskirts of the city. For those who want to replenish the wardrobe with designer things - you need to go to the ninth district, on Boulevard Houseman. In this place, department stores are focused - Lafayette, Mark Spencer, Spring and Thieri. These are shopping centers with hundreds of shops and thousands of collections. You can buy in them: things of large sizes, cosmetics, dishes, souvenirs and clothing for every taste. For the convenience and comfort of tourists, every hundred meters are cafeteria and relaxation rooms. The first visitors are accepted at 7.00, and closed at 20.00.

Where is the best shopping in Paris? 14253_1

In addition to ordinary shopping centers in Paris there are still outlets. This accumulation of shops on one territory, local residents call such places - "shopping villages". It sells goods that did not leave the counters in the city center. Discounts are impressive, sometimes it is more than 50%. You can buy not only clothes, but also furniture items, accessories, shoes and dishes. Tore of goods in all outlets on Mondays, so the locals are guarding from the morning, so as not to miss the new clothes. Work "shopping villages" from dawn to sunset, without days off. The only drawback of such places is small selection of running size. Often there are either the smallest or the largest.

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The largest branded structures are located on the Rue d'Alésia Avenue. These are shops who sell goods that stood on shopping and outlet shelves. The choice is not huge, but the price is unrealistic. You can buy clothes in just 20% of the initial cost. Transfers in stocks in front of new collections. Before you have something new - the store gets rid of the old goods. You can find anything - clothes, children's, souvenirs, stationery, dishes and shoes. Prices in drains are simple, mostly - 9, 19, 29 ... dollars. Of the minuses - the goods are inactively hanging on the shop window, much - just lying in boxes, so it takes a lot of strength and time to find and buy something needed. Sellers cannot suggest and advise properly, as they simply do not know - where buyers have threw a thing. But, for the sake of low prices and design goods, tourists from all over the world tolerate small inconveniences and the clock can seek the right thing.

Knowing these little tricks can look beautiful, stylish and expensive for acceptable money. It is in such places that Parisians dress, and they are famous as well as their taste and a sense of style.

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