What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi?


Tbilisi is a very beautiful city that can conquer anyone. Greetings of local residents simply shook. Traveling is no longer the first year, I only met in Georgia to such an extent of hospitable people that I just didn't want to leave them. Georgian feasts deserve separate attention and I will write about them necessarily, but only just below. Now I will try to collect all your thoughts and try to set out all the items important in my opinion.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_1

In Tbilisi, you can easily understand in Russian, especially people over thirty years old. In the outback of the country, in Russian, few people speak, but also there is a chance to be understood.

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A visa for a trip to Tbilisi is not required, it is enough to have a passport with you. With this small set of documents, in Georgia, you can be ninety days.

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Foreign currency can be carried in unlimited quantities, and Lari's local currency is allowed to take only in the amount of twenty-five thousand. If you want to carry more, then prepare for what you will be rightfully inquisite sources of your income. In addition to the currency, there are two hundred pieces of cigarettes freely in Georgia, three liters of wine or ten liters of beer, any personal items, but their weight should not be above a hundred kilograms, you can also carry precious jewelry, but they should be listed in the customs declaration.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_4

On the territory of Georgia, it is forbidden to import drugs and narcotic drugs, weapons and explosive substances, literature, which will purge the state system, pornography in any form. It is also prohibited from the territory of the country subjects, which represent cultural and historical value.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_5

Foreign currency for local money, can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices or in markets in private changed. Last to do, categorically I do not recommend. It is best, more profitable and safer - change money in the bank. In Tbilisi, banks work from nine in the morning and up to six evenings on weekdays. You can make the exchange in exchange offices that in the capital are almost every corner, but the course in them is not so profitable than in banks. You can use credit cards that are accepted for payment in supermarkets and hotels. In addition to credit cards, local banks take advantage of tourist checks.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_6

The standard of living in this country, very low and, accordingly, the price here cannot boast of reflaking here. You will say that it's great. Yes of course. Only for this reason, I do not advise you to use large bills, because the seller tribal may not be enough money to give you surrender. Although if a tourist is in you, it is possible that the price will be immediately increased. If you make purchases on the market, I advise you to bargain, but it follows in a valid form.

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Even before the trip to Tbilisi, I read that this city is the most polluted in Europe and all because there is no centralized heating, and, accordingly, hot water. Due to all this, the locals are forced to use the stoves of burzhuyki and generators working on diesel fuel. I want to immediately dispel this nonsense. Of course, the city is not the cleanest, the central street with a powder is not washed, but I can't call it the most dirty. The problem of hot water here is easily solved with the help of water heaters, and I will not tell you about heating because we were in Tbilisi in the summer. The central prospect of the city, struck me with his beauty and comfort. There is no readability here, which is inherent in many European capitals. Everything is simple, all at home.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_8

To tourists, consumer attitude is often used, but it is just at first. If you ask for something or ask for advice from local residents, you will help you without taking you to a penny of money. Guests of the city, spend, will bring to the right place, everyone will tell and everyone will tell. There are no problems with this in Georgia. The guests here are considered to be messengers of God, therefore, the attitude towards the appropriate visit.

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If you are lucky, you will probably invite you to visit. It is not necessary to refuse, because all who at least once attended the Georgian feast, they are stored only the warmest memories. Georgian feast is something ambitious and very warm. I can't find the right words to describe everything pleased, which was rendered to us. Family for Georgians, this is holy, so attitudes towards a family hearth and a table, also practically in the sacred level. In Georgia, they are very reading elders, for parents and old people, the best is intended.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_10

If there is a guest at the family meal, then such a family feast, turns into the real feast, and believe the level of the owner of the house, in which case does not play the slightest value. As a rule, at such a commemoration of the guest, neighbors, friends, numerous relatives, elders and other multiple people are invited.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_11

During the feast, the toasts constantly sound, without which it is difficult to imagine this action. Toasts, there are instructive, funny, sad, and they are like a fairy tale. In the intervals, there is a simple human communication between the pronouncement of the toast, because people and relatives met people. On such fences, the fate of children, who woven, and then marry or get married.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_12

The opinion of the guest is always extremely respectful, especially the owner of the house. Often disputes arise, noisy real, but not only aggressive. Sports Georgians in a special way, it is impossible to describe it, because it needs not only to hear, and also to see.

What do you need to know going to rest in Tbilisi? 14219_13

Visiting local residents, you can be calm a hundred percent, since the honor of the guest under no circumstances is infringed. For parents, special places are assigned, the best. The first toasts are pronounced for parents. But in second place, of course Guest! Be prepared for the fact that you will become a kind of star feast. The warmest words will sound in your honor and you will be offered the best dishes. What do you need from you? Thank the owner of the house and with the opportunity to thank it the same!

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