Rest in Katowice: Useful Information


Among the Polish cities that are certainly original and beautiful, with the richest history, Katowice always differed and differs with its originality and dislike, if not only from the point of view of architectural monuments and history, but also from the point of view of life. This is largely due to the fact that the region of Katowice has always been the center of the heavy industry of Poland and the population of this edge considers itself the breadwinner of the whole country, which certainly affects the manner of communication, habits and style of life. What am I all this? Yes, if you are going to visit this beautiful city, it will be useless to know some nuances that will help avoid ridiculous or unpleasant situations. Let's talk about them?

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I will begin with the fact that quite most of the residents of Katowice are well known foreign languages, but for some reason, maybe in the power of pride or simply from harm, prefer to express themselves in Polish. So, before the trip, it is desirable to learn a few commonly secure phrases on Polish, which will help melt the ice distrust. It works! The indigenous people after you show respect to them by contacting their native language become polite and welcoming, and will be happy to help you in solving your question.

In restaurants and hotels Katowice welcome tips. And if in expensive restaurants they, as a rule, are included in the amount of the account, then in establishments, they are easier to leave themselves. Dimensions at your discretion, but on average it is 10-15 percent of the order amount. Well, or as an option, simply round the amount of payment to any acceptable bills for you. By the way, personal observation. Waiters in restaurants Katowice are the most sociable. Always ready to tell you that it is better to choose for lunch or dinner just today, as well as can advise something piquant of local cuisine.

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I would like to pay special attention to financial issues. In Katowice, there are very few exchange points (in general, only one saw with some kind of wild commission), and the exchange of currency from the hands is a criminal offense. So the currency is better to change either in Warsaw, if it is the first point of arrival in Poland, or on the border or at airports. But if you are a user bank cards of international payment systems Visa or MasterCard, then you will not have any problems. They are accepted almost everywhere, even in the smallest Katowice shops. In general, cash may be required only when buying souvenirs or things in open markets, which are several in the city.

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Moving around the city is the easiest way to buses. The route network is very developed and you can not get to any corner of the city, but if you wish to get to nearby cities and towns. With most of the routes, the buses go around the clock. No less popular type of transport is a taxi. Important! Both in a taxi and buses there are day and night tariffing. And if the passage of travel after 23:00 the cost of a kilometer increases twice, then in the case of the bus, the tariff increases three times! There is a night rate from 23:00 to 5:00. Also at the double rate work taxis on weekends and festive days.

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Those who suffer from nicotine addiction, in Katowice will not have sweet. The city has tight restrictions on smoking in public places, near stops, state and commercial institutions, and so on. When it is allowed to smoke on specially equipped (urns :)) sites designated by pictograms. But without them it is clear that it is possible to smoke here. Usually there is a big crowd of lovers to climb.

And finally, a little about personal security. Katowice is one of the most calm cities in Poland in this sense and walk through the central streets without fears, even late in the evening. But like everywhere, it is not worth sharing to the outskirts without any special needs. And if you still want to go there either a large company, or accompanied by a guide, to hire which in a travelative agency, which in the city enough.

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