Communication services in New York: What


About Internet Access

In all the fast food Starbucks and McDonalds (and they are in Manhattan, as much) there are free free access to the Internet. Wi-Fi is in many New York establishments, however, not everywhere he can be free. New York, this huge megapolis is a city of business people, offices and office, no way can do without widespread access to the network. The visitors also often seek to find out the many questions related to staying in the city of Greater Apple: For example, how to get to local attractions, what is the schedule there, where and for what time concerts are planned, etc., etc. That is, access to the Internet is very important for everyone. And New York, of course, is trying to provide such a service to citizens and guests of the city.

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Ensuring access to the Internet in this American metropolis is engaged in several offices. For example, Nycwireless has established free Wi-Fi in the parks. A full card of free access points from this company is on its official website. The international firm JIWIRE equipped access points in various establishments - both free and paid. JIWIRE operates in different countries, it has a huge number of access points. As for the Great Apple, one one and a half thousand spots are located one by one by Brooklyn. To familiarize yourself with their location, you can go to this site:

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About telephone communication

If you wish to significantly save on international calls, then buy a telephone card in some of New York stores - where exactly can be determined by advertising on the showcase. First you type 011, then the country code, after the local zone code without the first zero and the number of the subscriber to whom you call. All calls that are performed on the rooms with zone codes except 212 and 646 (denote Manhattan) are considered for intercity. Telephone machines mainly take coins of twenty-five cents. Three-minute conversation in the local area will cost fifty. If you make a long-distance call, dial the unit, and then the zone code.

To call to New York from Russia, you must dial the number as follows: 8, then the beep - 10-1-12 and the number of your subscriber. 10-ka is an international code, a unit - the code of the United States, 212 - Intercity in New York (Manhattan). By the districts and surroundings of the megapolis codes are: 212 - refers to Manhattan; 718 - Brooklyn code, Queens, Bronx, Stathen Island; 517 - Long Island code; 201 - owned by New Jersey.

For example, to call the Subscriber to Brooklyn, you should dial the eight, then wait for the beep, then 10 - 1 - 718 and the number of your subscribers (it should be seven). If you call from the mobile phone, instead of the combination 8-10 type +7.

Telephone use rules in the States

Numbering principles

All rooms in the United States of America, whether even even telephones, have a seven designation. Many companies at the same time, as usual, in order to advertise and attract a larger number of clients, take their memorable numbers, which are often associated with the acquaintance of this office. Large organizations have their own free communications numbers - Toll Free Number, operating throughout America. These numbers have a three-digit index - 800. If you call this number, before eighty, you should dial another one. And the paid service numbers have another index - 900 in front of the seven-digit number.


The territory of the country is divided into zones, each of which is denoted by its three-digit telephone code - Area Code. Zones are limited on the principle of distribution of subscriber density. The city of New York has two such zones, New York - has eight. The states with a small population have the boundaries of such zones that coincide with the boundaries of the states themselves - so, for example, things are in Nevada, Montana and Utah. So the full phone number consists of the zone code and the number of the subscriber itself.

Direct communication

If the subscriber to which you call is in the same zone, the so-called Local Call is performed, for which you need to dial only seven digits, without dialing the code. If you are calling another US telephone zone, then you make a Long Distance Call for which the set is required first, and then the subscriber's numbers. For international conversation - International Call - you need to type first 011, after the country code in which you call, then the city code and the number of the subscriber.

How to call due to the called subscriber

Such calls are called Collect Calls, they cost two or three times more expensive than ordinary, but you need to know about them - you never know what happens. There are two ways to take advantage of such a link. You can type 0, after voice contact with the operator pronounce: I`d like to make a Collect Call. The Number Is ..., call the code of the required zone and the specific number of the subscriber. My Name IS ... After that, the operator will contact the subscriber, it will be inquired about whether he is ready to pay your call, and, in the case of a positive answer, you can talk. And you can dial 0, then the code of the desired zone and the subscriber number. When the operator contacts you, say: I`d like to make a collect call ..

How to call with a telephone credit card

It is more profitable to make such calls to those who remain in the States for a long time. When you call, type 0, then the code of the desired zone, the subscriber number and the number of your card. Payment for conversations in this way will be made when you will include the cost of calls to the expense for telephone services for the month.

Phones automata

Any phone automaton in the country allows you to make any kind of calls. In the cabins there are instructions for which you can understand how to make a call. Each such device has its own number - it is listed on the housing, so you can also call it if you need. You can call on direct set, and through the operator. Telephones automatics take any coins: five-, ten- or twenty-five-seater (most popular exactly the last).

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