Excursions in Polis: What to see?


Acquaintance with the mountain part of the Polis district is one of the most popular excursion directions from this city. The cost of such an excursion is about 60 euros. The group departure is usually at 8 am and return back to the policy - after 14 hours. This excursion includes a visit to such significant attractions of Cyprus, as Stavros-Tis Psokas, Cedar Valley, Panagia Village, Monastery of the Virgin of Chrisoylyss.

Your journey from the village will begin, in which Macarium III was born. She is called Pangy Panagia.

The path to this settlement runs through a very picturesque area. Next, without reaching the village of Struy, the bus turns right. There are a lot of greens here, and each span of the earth is planted with vineyards, and apple trees, almonds and other fruit trees grow along the pedestrian walkways, complementing the unique beauty of the landscape. Here you will find the first stop on the route - in the village of Polami. Polemi today from a small village turned into an average magnitude of the agricultural town, in which a large number of different attractions are concentrated. Among which you will visit the Church of the Virgin of the 14th century Churchoehussians. Pay attention to the exquisite mosaic, which is preserved in almost the priority.

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Next, your path will lie on the hill. You will drive through Psaf and Agio-Dimitriano, built on green slopes, offering an amazing view of the surroundings. Then you go down in the cannavios. This is a small picturesque village on the banks of the River Ezuza, surrounded by the forest. A huge monolith ridge of the mountain massif Troodos is apparently towers above it. It seems that the terrain seems to be cut off from other areas of Cyprus. Lifting, you will enjoy the landscapes on both sides of the bus and notice how nature will change, becoming more wild and majestic. Make several photos of the area right through the bus window to capture all the extraordinary beauty of these places.

Soon you will arrive in the village of Panagia, where the next stop on the excursion route is provided. In the village you will visit the house of Macaria III, which is now located a small museum. Its exhibits will be told about the history of the terrain, its cultural historical traditions and today's weekdays of the village. Here you will be in the monastery of the Virgin Mary of Chrisoids. Against the background of which wonderful photos are obtained.

From the village of Panagia, you will go to the Cedar Valley. Cypriot pixels are beautiful trees with dark green needle leaves, symmetrical branches and pleasantly smelling wood. In the valley of cedar trees grow thick. There are more than 50 thousand century of cedars. Their branches are woven among themselves, forming a huge natural umbrella. There is a well-known endemic view of Cyprus Agrino animals. If you are fortunate enough, you can see a frightened agrino, disappearing in thick bushes. Here you will have a stop on the photo. You can watch these beautiful wild animals and during the stop in the Bolshoi Forestry of Stavros-Tis Psokas, where a huge aviary is located, in which all the conditions for habitat Agrino have been created.

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Next, you will be waiting for a stop for lunch in the village of Stavros-Tis Psokas, which consists of a variety of small houses with flat roofs. Even during the hot Cypriot summer in these places, fresh enough and even cool. Next to the tavern, where you can enjoy the traditional Cypriot dishes, you will see several souvenir benches. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to purchase anything from the local souvenirs, which, as anywhere else, will be transferred to the bright flavor of the Cyprus folk fishing. And the prices here are quite democratic, especially if we compare them with the tourist zones of the island. And the quality of the goods is several times higher.

Further, your trip will continue to visit Monasteries of Christians and the famous Agia-Mona - historical structure, which was built in the 4th century on the ruins of the temple of the gera. The guide will tell you the story that the many monks once lived in the latter. From the inscription, preserved to the left of the entrance to the monastery, you will learn that it was rebuilt in 1696. Now there is a female monastery.

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Going further down, the road passes through two abandoned villages with destroyed houses. They were empty after the earthquake of 1953 and mountain colors. A little higher than you will meet the village with the double name of Statos-Agios Fotius, which was built in 1974. Immediately behind the village, the road will be released on the hill and you will open a limitless panorama: the valley of the xeros river with green mountain slopes will extend, and in the depths you will see the Troodos Mountain Range and the Hills belonging to the Limassol region. Constantly decline, you will reach the medieval bridge of the ore, which crosses the xeros river. The next goal of your route will be a terrain that begins the name of Feather Wasa. It is at a distance of 14 kilometers from Rostia, however, the rustic road makes this way a little longer. In the terrain of Feather Vasa grows the largest pine of Cyprus, which you will definitely show the guide. It is a monument of nature and is protected by law. At once, several ancient Cypriot bridges will wait for you on the way back to the policy. First you will pass on the Celef Bridge or Dysieyefe. Its width is 2.5 meters, and the length is just over 10 meters. The bridge was built over the river DIARIZOS and the appearance opening from it is simply amazing. West is the Ilias Bridge. Its width is approximately the same, and the length of the arch is 5.5 meters. It crosses the sleeve of the Diarizos river east of the village of the Finge.

Finishing the circle on the eastern part of the area of ​​the Policy, you descend to the southern coast through the Valley of the Diarizos River. On this road, numerous tourist buses move to the Troodos Mountain Ring area. This is perhaps the most picturesque road from the whole of your route. All villages that you will pass are extremely interesting to your traditional architecture and, practically, drown in greenery.

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