Where inexpensive to eat in Denpasar?


Square single trains and whole food streets, Varungi and elegant restaurants - this is what the Denpasar can offer. If you are a novice in Balinese cuisine, then Denpasar is an ideal place to get acquainted with the subtleties of this culinary world. The Jalan Teuku Umar and Renon Niti Mandala area offer the most diverse snack bar, where you can try dishes of Eastern, Western, Mediterranean, Arab or Indian cuisine, and let's not forget about traditional Indonesia dishes.

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The night market, for example, offers a whole bunch of local delicacies at very low prices, although some of them are prepared with harmful food additives. There are several restaurants in the city that work 24 hours a day, but stalls with food that work and after midnight, it is not difficult to find around the city.

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Well, now five dishes that you should try exactly when you find yourself in Denpasar. Exactly:

1) Babi Guling (Babi Guling)

One of the most iconic Bali dishes, Bhabi Guling, or a roasted pig, was traditionally preparing as a ritual "victim" on the Balinese ceremonies and celebrations. Well, it would be: a whole pig, stuffed with spices and rice, slowly roasted on a spit. Bhabi Guling is a favorite breakfast of the workers on Bali and the specialties of some Varung (restaurants such).

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If you find yourself in Ubud, take a look at the family restaurant "Ibu Mangku", very simple, without a TV and special luxury. But this restaurant has been working for about 20 years and it has become so popular that, even arriving in there at 9 am, you will see a queue of the famous piglets with Lavar (Salat that deserves the hotel mention just below).

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One portion of the piglery costs the entire RP 5000. You can also look into the restaurant "Warung Babi Guling Gerenceng" (address: Jl. Dr. Sutomo, Gerenceng). Another good Babi Guling Restaurant - "Babi Guling Chandra" (Jalan Teuku Umar 140). At first glance, the restaurant seems modest and pretty home, but fast service and excellent food will quickly make you fall in love with this place. In the menu, except Babi Gulong, a lot of pork dishes in various kinds, although the chicken and duck are also available. So, Bhabi Guling is served here: a rice plate, Sataila (chicken kebabs), pieces of fried crispy "glass" skin on a plate, pieces of pork and vegetables and a plate of pork broth. The dish is rich in spices and well, very satisfying. In addition, Babi Guling is quite cheap. Hooray!

2) Larva

Another once exclusively dish for celebrations, and now just a favorite dish (and for the holidays, this dish prepared an exceptionally rustic "specialist", which is appointed in the village the best chef and was responsible for the preparation of Lavar for many years). So, Laroque is a salad of chopped vegetables with chips of a young coconut, garlic, chili, pork or chicken - and, brr, spoon of fresh pork blood. As already mentioned, Laro is usually served to Bhabi Gulonga.

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And it can be supplied in two ways: with raw blood (therefore salad gets a pinkish shade), or without (at least not frighten). Should say that almost fearful and preferable tourists choose the second option. Fortunately, Larroom is equally tasty in any form, and the blood is intended only for choosing a characteristic color, not taste.

3) Jukut Undis (Jukut undis)

Traditional black bean soup come from north of Bali. The beans give the soup a beautiful nut-brown tint, and the fresh scent of soup gives traditional ingredients for Balinese cuisine: onions of chalot, garlic, chili and lemongrass.

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It is a delicious simple soup - one of the crown dishes in Warung Mayra, by the way, quite a cozy place. Small beans and terrifying coconut flesh add a special charm to this dish.

4) Tahu Tipat (Tahu Tipat)

The dish is from Eastern Java, but it won on Bali specially popularity. Tahu type is fresh pieces of tofu, roasted until golden color, which are slightly warm, together with passioned bean sprouts, loontices (dense rice sausages, cooked in the tube from banana leaves) and fragrant peanut sauce. All over the top with crispy rice crackers. It looks like a dish of the Gado-Gado, but there is still a little different.

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This is a healthy, spicy and feed snack. Take a look at the Tahu Tipat Gerenceng restaurant (address: jl. Dr. Sutomo, Gerenceng), where Tahu type is a corona dish. Portion is worth the total RP 6000, well, is not perfect?

5) Rujak (RUJAK)

This is a spicy fruit salad, where the chopped tropical fruits and vegetables are poured spicy refueling. Your taste receptors will jump from happiness! Definitely, in Warung Mayra (JL. Katrangan 24) This salad can cook: large slices of raw mango, pineapple, manica, cucumber and sweet potatoes - all stirred and politically "fiery" sauce from shrimp paste, sugar, tamarind and Chile. Very unusual and very tasty!

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Of course, this is not the entire list of dishes that could be tried in the capital of the island. Behind the desserts you can look in Bali Bakery Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 181, 07:30 - 22:30).

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The bakery has been working since 1994 and has branches in Kuta. From Western donuts to Balinese traditional sweets, a large selection of desserts will delight all children. And in general, here you can fully dining, breakfast, dinner, cocktail parties are held here, and there is free Wi-Fi.

Lovers of spicy and sharp food worth looking into "Bebek Goreng Sambel Setan Cak Mar" (At the crossroads of Jalan Sudirman Street and Jalan Selamet Riyadi, 500 meters to turn left on Renon).

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Home Fishka Restaurant - Sambal (the famous pasty spicy mixture, which is used as seasonings for various dishes), which is just a devilish acute! Fried crispy duck - the main dish of the restaurant, but the chicken or fish here is also good. In addition, dishes are aesthetically pleasant to the eyes, and many dishes are served on palm leaves. Another incomprehensible plus - dishes are fairly inexpensive here!

It is difficult to stuff in one article description of all the inconspicuous traditional Balinese dishes. Here you just need to write a book. So, travel yourself and try!

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