Why should I see Mexico?


Mexico - Very interesting and unusual country. It is here that you can get acquainted with stepped pyramids, a unique and colorful local population and, of course, with beautiful beaches. Before the trip, it is better to get in advance with the climate and temperature. The temperature in winter and summer is different for 10c, but humidity and cyclones most often occur in the summer on the south coast. That is why all tourists choose the central and northern part Mexico , there is calmly and rarely there are rains. Here, as in adventure films, stand in the middle of the jungle temples, pyramids and statues. Excursions on attractions need to be highlighted at least 3 days. During this time, the guide will show the letters of the Mayan tribe, ancient people - Aztec, will tell the history of temples and caves. For fans of underwater dive, it will be revealed simply a gorgeous picture - millions of bright fish, corals, rare turtles and beautiful reefs. Every day on the coast, a group of underwater excursion is gaining, it includes immersion in underwater caves, grottoes and travels through underground labyrinths, which are littered with stalactites and stalagmites. For those who want to learn to ride a surf - here are excellent conditions. In different places of the coast, the height of the waves is different, for example, in closed bays, they are low - just for those who first decided to become on the board, there are beaches with waves higher, and there are wild shores for real professionals.

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And for those who love restaurants, cafes and discos - there will be everything in my soul. At night City Acapulco It turns into a boldly to compete with the famous city of entertainment - Las Vegas, the choice of bars, casino and strip clubs are huge. For sex minorities, there are also special establishments here. For lovers of extreme and nature, local residents prepared a special route with tents and campfires. For three days, tourists are proposed to turn into archaeologists treasures. 2 groups are recruited, maps and necessary equipment are heard. During this time, tourists need to decipher riddles, get through the jungle and find tips. This will all lead to the place where the treasure is hidden. Such a vacation is gaining popularity every day and wishing to feel like Indiana Jones every day becomes more and more. Separate attention should be given to local cuisine. Needless to try Ensiladas, Mexican Burito, Tako and stew . The dishes are served a traditional sixtieth-pervadic drink from cacti and lemon. So the tourists do not bounce for a minute in Mexico Everyone will find something here and get acquainted with culture and locals.

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