Public transport in New York


System of public transport in NYC Unified What greatly facilitates moving through the megalopolis. No need to buy different tickets for different types of movement, and this greatly simplifies the guests of the city's dating process with "Big Apple".

The city transport system in New York distributes its action not only actually at this megalopolis itself, but also for several districts of the state of New York and a couple of districts in Connecticut. It is called Metropolitan Transportation Authority, or, abbreviated, MTA. Usually, when we are talking about the New York transport system, remember First of all, the subway and buses , with their extensive road network and the overall tariff system. By the way, retirees (for 65) and people with disabilities are provided with a discount on passage - in the amount of 50%. A ticket that gave the right to one-time passage can be purchased for $ 2.75, and only in the machine.


Such cards pay out the most profitable. You can buy them in the machine, the price is from ten dollars. In total, the score may be within five to eighty. Ride on the bus or the subway costs 2.5, on the express bus - 6 dollars. In addition, you can make free transplants between the two types of transport. If you put on a map from ten dollars. And more - get a bonus: seven percent of the amount.

To replenish the map, you can use the machine or attach it to your bank card - with EasyPay. The EasyPay website creates an account, hereinafter - according to the instructions. Map MetroCard has its own validity, it is indicated on the reverse side.

there is Unlimited MetroCard such types:

For a week - worth thirty dollars, with a discount - fifteen;

Thirty days -112 or discount - 56 bucks. Such a map is insured if you purchase it in the machine using a bank card;

Unlimited for a week that acts on express buses - it costs $ 55, without discounts. It can also travel on ordinary buses and on the metro, it is also insured if you buy in a machine with a bank card.

A thirty-day card at Airtrain, to Johni.F. Standeda Airport - costs forty bucks, without discounts. There are still cards for ten trips and disposable. The latter costs five dollars.


Without a doubt, Metro in NYC - the best way to move I. Let him dirty, let the ugly, but reliable and "uninterrupted" - the other inhabitants of this metropolis, probably not necessary.

By the way, the local metro is very large on the planet in the number of branches and stations. First here twenty-six, the second is scary to say - four hundred sixty eight!

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Each branch is denoted by the letter or number. Do not fit on colors - So rather get lost.

Almost all branches running on Manhattan are directed to the northern or south side, more precisely to learn about the direction on the platform and voic notification. If we generalize, then "Bronx" and "Queens" is north - "Aptown", and Brooklyn is south, to "Downstown". When entering the station you can see the designation of the direction: just look carefully in advance. If there is no such pointer, it means that this entry is planted on both directions.

Some of the subway trains - Express They will not stop at all stations. Local routes use other paths, in almost all cases additional expressions. At the subway, you can ride as much as you like, replant from one branch to another - there are special transfer stations, where you can make such a transition without the need to pass the turnstiles.

BUT To pass the turnstile , it is necessary Card the card through the reading device so that the logo is directed to you, the magnetic strip down. If it does not work out do it right then Unlimited card will be blocked for eighteen minutes, and with the one that is designed for a limited number of trips, will The fare is deducted.

Map is necessary spell So you can avoid the unpleasant situation on the turnstile and save money and time. If everything turned out correctly and the card was considered, you will see the GO green signal and hear a characteristic click.

Bus service

There are a large number of bus lines in the city, some of them are parallel to the metropolitan branches, others - no. The designation of the route consists of litera and rooms. The letter is used to identify the area: "M" means Manhattan, "WX" - Bronx, "B" - Brooklyn, "Q" - Queens, "S" - Stathen Island. You can see the route map on the website of the company MTA.

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Despite all the convenience of the New York Metro, often The bus may be a more convenient way of movement. - In particular, if you need to get in Western or eastward.

Especially good to ride in such a transport in the central park - for example, if you drive from the Metropolitan Museum to the Museum of Natural History.

Bus payment by bus

When you sit on a bus using a MetroCard card for travel, it is necessary to insert it into the gap, located on top of the reader - and the device is installed next to the driver. The device will take the map, considers the data and return the card. The capped corner of the card must be from above, in the left corner, the card is placed in the device vertically.

You can pay coins (but not paper money - such a device will not accept). Summary does not give out the machine, so cook the required amount in advance. Money drivers do not accept - payment is possible only through the device. You can use any coins, except for single-charge and fifty-seater.


This is an interesting alternative version of movement in the city. The most popular is the ferries of Statten Island Ferry, who transport passengers from Manhattan to Stathen Island. Only people and bicycles are transported on this transport, the movement interval is fifteen minutes in a peak hour. Payment is not required. A visit, by the way, love to ride ferries - they offer good views.

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There are still ferries from companies New York Waterway and New York Water Taxi - they are not free. The first carry passengers from New York to New Jersey, the second - in Manhattan, as well as in Brooklyn and the same New Jersey. More information about the ferries of New York - here:

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