Excursions in Paphos: What to see?


The most popular destination for organized excursions from Paphos is the route Herosekipu - Palepaf - Ramez stone. She is held daily and to sign up, you can just contact the reception in your hotel, where you will help contact one of the travel agencies. The cost of such an excursion from different companies will vary slightly and will cost you about 60 euros. Calculate that the trip to this route will take you at least 5 hours.

Heroskipu is the first village after Paphos, which today has almost completely fraught with the upper pathos (Kthim). During the lifting towards Palepafa, you will drive along the plain area, where in ancient times there was a temple of the Goddess Aphrodite. After that, you enter the terrain, the name "Rammeitsa stone". According to ancient legend, it was here that the Goddess of Love was born. But first things first.

A tour of the route will begin with the fact that you leave pathos in the eastern direction. This area is completely populated up to Heroskip. On the right and left of the road are all sorts of shops, specializing in the sale of the most diverse souvenir products. For the most part, these are objects of Cypriot folk arts, such as, for example, wicker baskets, clay jugs of various sizes - from small to huge, where wine was once kept.

In the village you will have the first stop to visit the Museum of Folk Art, which is famous for the entire Cyprus, where the items of the traditional folk craft of the last two centuries are exhibited.

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According to myth, Heroskipu (Hieroskopsis) in antiquity was the sacred gardens of the goddess Aphrodite. From there and its name takes place. In the area there were once many forests and gardens with rare flowers and beloved birds goddess - pigeons. It usually took place a solemn procession during Afrodins - the festivities in honor of the Goddess Aphrodite, which was followed in the direction of the sacred church of the Goddess in Palepafa. Today you will not see these forests and gardens already, and the village of Heroskipip is known, first of all, with their artisans who make wicker baskets, are engaged in weaving and make delightful sweets. On the main square of the village, the group will stop at the Byzantine Church of St. Paraskeva 9th century. This is a three-end church, a distinctive feature of which is that the five of its domes form the shape of the cross. On the southwestern side of the Church there is a small church dedicated to St. Nicholas and decorated with the remnants of the wall paintings of the 15th century, which reproduce the birth of the Virgin, the life and the wonderful accomplishments of Christ. The most ancient icon of the Virgin dates back to the 12th century.

Further, the excursion will continue on the plain area of ​​Paphos, where the River of the Ezu is flowing. On the way, the plantations belonging to the villages of Alicia and Timi will meet. The embankment of the villages of Timi is convenient for swimming and very popular among guests of the island and locals.

At a distance of 16 km. From Paphos on a hill, pay attention to the unique village of Dukilia, known in antiquity called Palepaf. There is a legend that it was founded by Agapenor from Arcadia after his return from the Trojan War. In the ancient century it was the cult center of the goddess Aphrodite. Kiniras, King Palepafa, is considered the first priest in the temple of the goddess. The cult of goddess Aphrodite was very common in the ancient world. Despite the fact that there were many rituals in honor of the goddess, the most basic and important were the festivities of Aphrodisia, which collected guests not only from all regions of Cyprus, but from other countries. "Aphrodisi" was held annually in the spring and lasted four days. The festival program included sacrifices in honor of the goddess, musical, poetic and sports competitions. As evidenced by several poetic descriptions that have come down to this day, in antiquity, the Temple Aphrodite Pafia was great. Almost nothing has been preserved from the past luxury, because, perhaps before the Trojan war, the temple was destroyed by a strong earthquake.

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Many ancient coins on one side saved the image of the temple. Indeed, in this area, love for the goddess Aphrodite and the reverence of her were so strong that the temple dedicated to her became the property of all Cypriots. In the center of the temple there was a large quadrangular building with high and massive columns to which the pilgrims fell by passing through numerous courtyards and colonnades. The statue of the goddess Aphrodite, which was worshiped, and which was in the center of the central quadrangular temple building, was a cone-shaped monolith represented as a pyramid.

Perhaps such statues of Aphrodite were also in other buildings of the temple or nearby small temples, since we are now known two or three similar sculptures in the ruins of Palepafa. In addition, the gardens surrounding the Temple of Aphrodite were amazing. The rarest trees and flowers were brought to Paphos to decorate these gardens. The most beloved bird Aphrodite, by legend - dove. This explains the set of marble pigeons found here, which were one of the most common temple jewes. Not so long ago, in these places, the remains of cyclopic walls and floors covered with mosaic paintings and belonging to the Roman era were found. The most valuable items found here during excavations are located in the Archaeological Museum of Kukley, which is located in the medieval castle of Lusinians, not far from the ruins of the temple. Here you have a small excursion to get acquainted with exhibits. A visit to the museum is included in the cost of the excursion. The most ancient exhibits that you see here are dating 12 century BC. The museum exhibits archaeological finds from Palepafa. With the elevation, where this archaeological monument is located, offers an amazing look. Eyes rest, stopping at the sea spacious and on the surrounding green plain, which for five centuries up to the 16th century was planted with sugar cane.

Last stop on the route in this excursion - "Rammeitsa Stone". Here you will get on one of the most beautiful coasts of Cyprus. According to the legend, the goddess of Aphrodite stepped onto the land in this place of Cyprus. You will open a small cove that protects a huge cliff from the waves, which was called the Ramets Stone.

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