Rio de Janeiro: Useful information for tourists


Rio de Janeiro comes to life mainly during the carnival. On ordinary days, life in the city is the same as in other cities of the world. In order to get to the city, which was the dream of the Osta Bender, today, the Russian tourists do not need a visa and this fact has become determining at the time of our choice to choose from the spouse for the venue of our holidays with him.

Rio de Janeiro: Useful information for tourists 14050_1

Rio de Janeiro is quite interesting and I would say, in my own beautiful city. You can move on it by bus, taxis and on the subway, the truth of the metro is small here, consisting of only two branches. Travel on the bus, very affordable and ride on this form of urban transport, costs a half real. In Rio de Janeiro there is a lot of taxis, it is not surprising, because tourists are enough at any time of the year. In order to understand, free taxi or not, it is necessary to look at. On the free car raised the red flag, here you can safely sit in such a car. Local taxis, it is customary to sit on the rear seat. Tips in a taxi, it is also made to give and they are equal to ten percent of the amount you roll.

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With money here everything is simple. Local currency - Real. To exchange your money for local, best to visit the branches of banks. In supermarkets, you can pay credit cards. Problems may arise with linguistic difficulties. The fact is that Brazilians, though the hospitable people, but here are tightly with English. Exceptions make up workers of hotels, and then far from all. For the convenience of communicating with locals, it is best to get in advance to a phrase job, or learn a standard set of phrases.

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Often, going on a journey, we do not think that we can come in handy in the way and very much in vain. I will give a brief list of what is best to take with you in Rio de Janeiro. The first and in my opinion the most important thing is that there are no voltage in the outlet for our devices, because it is only ten volts here. Charge a mobile phone in such conditions, simply unreal. What to do? Buy a special transformer. Of course, it is quite possible to take in the hotel, but it is not a fact that it will have it in stock, so it is best to have a transformer with your own, especially since it does not take a lot.

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The second is the importance and need thing - a first-aid kit. Take with you all the medicines that you may need. I take a green, corner, from headaches, from the stomach and from the stomach disorder, can also be taken with the antipyretic drugs just in case. You say, why pull it all with you, because you can buy everything in a pharmacy, this is Rio de Janeiro! Yes, it is certainly possible. But at the pharmacy, difficulties may arise with the acquisition due to the language barrier or due to the fact that the analogs of your medication simply may not be in the local assortment. Such a drug as "Motilium" can also come in handy, since local cuisine is heavy enough for our stomachs, although very tasty.

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Brazilians, quench your thirst with water, as we used to do it, and coconuts. Yes, it really acts and do not want to drink, but again, our body, but in particular our stomach, not familiar to such products. Coconut causes the laxative effect on our body, and therefore, to have a means against the stomach disorder, it will not be superfluous.

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The sun in Rio de Janeiro, much softer than in African cities, but it is dangerous that you practically do not feel how to burn. Before the trip, it is best to go to a couple of three times to the solarium, and already in the road itself, you need to take sunscreen with you and do not forget to apply it before each exit from the hotel room.

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Clothes in Rio de Janeiro do not need a lot. It is enough to bring shorts, a shirt and swimsuit. Do not forget to grab your headdress and sunglasses. If you seem like such a set of clothes is small, then right on the spot, you can upgrade your wardrobe. Prices in Rio de Janeiro, quite budget and clothing can be bought on sales. In addition, plus such purchases are that these things you will then remain as souvenirs. About souvenirs. A semi-empty bag, you use one hundred percent to come in handy, as local souvenirs, this is of course hammocks, masks, stones and other overall things, so coming here practically light, you are leaving with full suitcases. We brought themselves a gorgeous wooden mask as a memorable souvenir, and the mother-in-law bought a hammock to the cottage. So, the husband still pulls all this happiness, since one hundred recalled my mom.

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Shopping can be done both in stores and the market. Most of the stores, it works from nine in the morning, up to half of the seventh evening. Big stores, can work up to ten o'clock in the evening. On Saturday, shopping is better not to go, since the shops work from nine in the morning and up to one wan, and this is a very small amount of time in order to have everything good to consider.

Local service, we pleased with your quality, but noticeable in maintenance some slowness. This is not so substantial, but quite noticeable. From an important, I forgot to write that local tap water is categorically not suitable for intake. Do not drink water from under the tap, even if it seems to you that you will die from thirst right now. Buy water in supermarkets or pharmacies. It is not expensive, and you really do not spoil your health.

Safety rules in Rio de Janeiro nobody canceled and they are completely standard. Of course, on the streets on you, no one in the open with a gun will not attack the gun, but here are small thieves pockets, they may well get sick on the contents of your wallets. Do not carry the entire cash with you, do not shine a huge wallet in public places, pay off cards, and you will have a relaxing rest without unpleasant surprises and adventures. It is not desirable to carry documents with you, it will be quite sufficient if you have a hotel map and photocopies of documents that confirm your traveling personality. Mobile phone and a little bit of trifles, it is also very desirable with you.

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