What time is it better to go to rest on Bintan?


On Binnta, it is pleasant warm and sunny all year round. The island is very close to the equator. Consequently, Bintan is in a tropical climate, and here two well-pronounced seasons are traced: under the action of the northeast monsoon from November to March on the bandage, the wet season is formed, and under the influence of the dry south-western monsoon from June to October there is a dry season.

What time is it better to go to rest on Bintan? 14046_1

Temperatures during the year range between 21 ° C and 32 ° C, but on average 26 degrees here. So, from March to the beginning of November, on the bandage, dry and pleasant season with clear sunny days, and the "winter" season lasts from the end of November to March. These months on the island are slightly cooler, there are strong winds and a little more precipitation, but the weather, as a rule, is still sunny all year round.

What time is it better to go to rest on Bintan? 14046_2

So if you plan to swim in the sea or do diving, it is better to go to Bintan during the dry season: sunny days and calm clean water, what you need.

What time is it better to go to rest on Bintan? 14046_3

In addition, in October, one of the main holidays is held here - the Tanjungpinang International Boat Dragon Festival (Tanjung Pinang International Dragon Boat Festival), and this is a very exciting event that will have to do with adults and children.

What time is it better to go to rest on Bintan? 14046_4

To be more accurate, this holiday happens on October 1.Colorful boats participating in swims, traditional performances are put - everything is fun and rejoiced. Instead of a simple viewer, you can take part in the festival, including in canoeing. Speaking about other holidays, during which many people come to the island, it is worth noting Independence Day (August 7). Notes throughout the island. These are traditional carnivals, cultural events and sports competitions.

What time is it better to go to rest on Bintan? 14046_5

A flag raising ceremony is held in the Merdec Palace (Presidential Palace in Jakarta). And the last major celebration is the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated on February 7. It is noted with a big scope, traditional Chinese songs and dances are heard everywhere, plus colorful street parades, marking dragons and lions. This numbers are expected to increase prices for hotels, as well as a large number of people. But how interesting! It's worth it!

Naturally, in the winter season, prices for vouchers or hotels are slightly lower, as the people comes here a little less.

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