Where to go in Kiev and what to see?


Kiev is beautiful, interesting and multifaceted. In one note, do not fit everything ... But I want to offer you, dear travelers, economical option for walking along my native amazing city. You can admire the original sculptures and make wonderful photos for memory. Such a promenade will be interesting and adults, and children. Believe me! So choose a sunny day, wear comfortable shoes and - go ahead!

Start standing with the subway "Golden Gate" . Here you will see the reconstructed serf tower - once the entrance to the city of Yaroslav Wise. Pass left from the exit from the subway and see the cat sculpture Panteleimona . Once this myilest Persian cat lived in a restaurant on the contrary, he was a favorite of guests of the institution. After the fire in which he died, it was decided to establish a monument to him. They say if the "pull" the cat behind the tail is a desire.

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To the right of the entrance of the subway - in the sverka - there is another cute Kitty Made from disposable forks. Imagine?! This is an amazing creation is the work of the hands of the Kiev sculptor and designer Konstantin Skitutsky (K.S.). I will say in advance that mostly his work you will see walking in the places described by me. Why? Yes, because you will not find any such works of art anywhere. They are original, unique and undoubtedly cause a smile.

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We will continue. Get out of the square (so that the exit from the subway remains behind you) and go to the intersection of the Ovolotovor, Ratar and St. George Lane. On the way you will see or a girl, or a warrior from a tree. I'll meet a little further Hedgehog Sitting on a grip. The character of the cartoon "Hedgehog in the fog" is unique in that his spines are screws. Make a desire here, leave the baby a gift (candy or coin), and then he will try to fulfill him. And of course, do not forget to take a picture.

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Then, on the St. George Lane, go to the perpendicular Streetskaya street, and leave it to Streenskaya, where opposite the house number 7/6 (or №8 / 2 on the other side) on the facade of the house from the mosaic created Multicolored kids . And near the road stands thoughtful Girl ballerina . From linden, ceramics, red threads and metal mesh, it was created by the previously mentioned K.S. It is said that before her place was a monument to the burnt match, but then residents of near houses in the note were asked to establish a ballerina's monument, because the deserved ballet actress lives nearby.

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Where to go in Kiev and what to see? 14044_5

Now, on the same shooter, go to the street Large Zhytomyr, and from her (passing between the house) will fall right in a fairy tale - on Landscape alley . This is a favorite vacation spot not only baby. Adults are also happy to be photographed on unusual bears, next to cool fountains, in an embrace with a small prince. I am sure you will want to ride from the roller, showing on a swing or build an imperious sandy shape.

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Joyful and fancy Square adds to K.S. (not without the help of sponsors and good people). There is a platform for children with Cheshire Cat, and the arch of pissing boys, and other installations of famous sculptors. In general, take care of your free space on the map of your camera, because here at each step you can make a good frame.

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Walking the platform to the end of the alley, go out again to the street Large Zhytomyr, go to the opposite direction and return a little back. Near the house number 25/2 will turn right - Olesya Gonchara on the street. Here you will seem to see Monuments of the Ukrainian intelligentsia : Sparobushka, Crow, Kingfisher, Owl.

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Where to go in Kiev and what to see? 14044_12

Walking down the street until the next object, look up (but at the legs still sometimes look) and admire the unique old houses with stucco, patterns ... It is a pity that the authorities do not have money to renovate them. What would be beauty. There is money only to build in a historic place ugly glass skyscrapers ... But we will not spoil yourself the mood and continue!

Go to home number 30 and you will see White Voron who settled on the old tree. Go down below, go to the opposite side of the street and enter the Chkalovsky Square. Here you can stay, sit on a bench and eat a sandwich. If you did not take a snack with you - it does not matter, along the way there will be cafes, restaurants and bakers, in which you can eat or buy a delicacy on the road. In the reclining you will see two Dragonfly on the tree I. MAVKU which plotted in the tree. In which? We'll have to search. But, so be, I will try to explain to you: if you are standing face to the fountain, and the entrance to the park was left behind you - the tree with the Mavel should be right.

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Where to go in Kiev and what to see? 14044_15

And at the end I would like to please you with a funny wooden boy - Pinocchio - but, unfortunately, walking on the specified route to write a note, I found that the hero of my childhood cut off his nose and tear off his hand. I hope, soon it is renovated, and you can meet him.

Well, that's all. This walk will take you no more than two hours and will give a lot of a lot of pleasant impressions. Walk, inspire and take care around you, so fragile, art!

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