Useful information for those who are going to Sydney


It is about the fifteen years of age, I was sure one hundred percent that Australia is a lot of kangaroo and except these animals here is no longer looking at what. How I was mistaken! On the one hand, Australia reminds something most countries of the world, and on the other hand, it is so individual that it is simply impossible to confuse it. Sydney - super big city!

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_1

I was struck by how harmoniously the ultra-modern skyscrapers and the vintage buildings of the Mediterranean type are adjacent here. Walking around the city on foot, it is clearly not grateful, because it will not be able to get around for a week. Quite another thing - Taxi trips. With this type of transport in Sydney there are no problems at all. Taxi can be asked both on the street and call on the phone. The cost of the trip is relatively low. Taxi drivers take about two dollars per kilometer of the road or there is a commemorative tariffing that is one dollar per minute.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_2

Sydney, it's not just a megapolis, it's also a resort. The beaches here are simply great, but do not forget that these beaches are on the shore of the ocean, but you should not joke with him. Taking care of your own security, and about the safety of your family, before entering the water, make sure that the flags of the green flags are installed on the beach. Only green flags indicate security. If you see the flags of yellow or even red, then it is categorically forbidden to swim in such places. The ocean does not like joker, and even the most sporty swimmer, he is able to drag into his bottom. Do not risk and bathe only in safe places.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_3

In addition to such obvious hazards, as the ocean, there is another one, but no longer so noticeable - the hot sun. Do not forget that solar burns, the thing is not very pleasant. Going out of the room, compulsory, cover your body with sunscreen, even if you just plan to walk around the city. Sunglasses and headdress will not be superfluous. Clothes are best choosing from natural fabrics and somewhat spacious. I'm three years ago, I bought myself a sundress from natural flax. I never thought that in a long sundress, under the scorching sun, you can feel as comfortable as possible. The only negative, among the clothes from natural fabrics, in my case it is flax, the fact that it is very much and it is badly stuffed with an iron, and on the road it is not very good.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_4

In Sydney, as well as throughout Australia there is an active struggle with smoking. There are very few places in which you could smoke and at the same time not to disturb the law. It is impossible to smoke not only in public places and government agencies, but also in many cafes, and restaurants. Before getting a pack of cigarettes from the pocket, you will definitely ask if it is possible to smoke here. For smoking in the wrong place, you can write a very big fine. With alcohol, things are not much better than smoking, but better. Alcoholic beverages are sold from five o'clock in the evening and to twelve at night. You can buy them only on weekdays. At the weekend you will not find alcohol and in the afternoon with fire, so take care of its acquisition in advance. Attending Australia, you can with your alcohol, but in small quantities. For example, at the customs you will be allowed to carry one liter of hot drinks, and with any degree of the fortress. Cigarettes, too, you can take with you in the number of two hundred and fifty pieces.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_5

The crime rate in Sydney is rather low, but small thieves in the face of pockets are found. In order to protect their pockets from unauthorized access, it is enough to adhere to elementary safety rules. Do not go with a lot of cash in your pockets. To carry a large amount of money with you, it does not make sense in Sydney, because you can easily calculate cards everywhere. Banknotes are not accepted only in very small shops on the outskirts of the city, and it is not in all. Documents are best to leave at the hotel in a safe or in a special cell. It is advisable to always have a photocopy of your documents, but not the originals. For their pockets, it is necessary to carefully follow in crowded places. Do not leave your things, even if it is a package with products, unattended. If it happened, what kind of trouble happened, then the police should call the number three zero or a hundred twelve. By the way, on these two numbers can be caused not only by law enforcement, but also ambulance, firefighters, and so on.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_6

Australian cuisine, its exotic, can compete with Thai cuisine. Only in Australia, you can try crocodile meat, lamb, bull, shark lips, opossum fillets, freshwater oysters and blue crab. You can find these delicacies both in the market and in the restaurant. Many wines that are produced in Australia go to export around the world. The most popular varieties of wine are considered to be "Semilon", "Tokai", "Muscat" and "Ennis Lane". My spouse is a big fan of beer and a local drink, he counted a duty of honor, try. He liked his beer, especially "Bowgz" and "Fosters." In Sydney, we saw in many restaurants, inscription byo. This inscription means that alcohol can be brought with you, but only if you have a dinner or dinner in this institution.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_7

Tips are left at your request. In the restaurant, this is standard five or ten percent, naturally from the total amount of your order. In the hotel, you can leave a tip porter and maid, in the amount of one or a maximum of two Australian dollars. In a taxi, the tips leave not accepted, but not prohibited. If you want to thank the taxi driver for a comfortable and fast trip, you can round the calculation into the biggest. Guides and drivers excursion buses, tips do not leave.

Useful information for those who are going to Sydney 14036_8

Local outlets may surprise you because they are calculated on the plug with three pins. Do not be afraid. Adapters, that is, adapters for local sockets, you can buy without any problems in any store or ask for a hotel. The deficit in Sydney does not make it. The voltage in the network is standard two hundred twenty, the maximum of two hundred forty volts.

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