Useful information for those who are going to Bintan


Bintan is one of the Indonesian islands, which today is becoming more and more popular among tourists. It is impossible to say that Bindan is especially famous among our compatriots, but still, you should not lose sight of this paradise. The northern tip of the island, Bintan Resorts (or just a lag) is a 45-minute ferry ride from Singapore, and this is the edge, full of expensive resorts and well-kept tracks. It seems to have very little common with the rest of the island, and this is a place for those who love comfort.

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On this part of the island you can get through the checkpoints, past the guards, well, and the rest of the island is "real" Indonesia, houses, fishing villages and simple resorts (for the most part along the east coast of Bintan). Once the Eastern coast was exclusively refuge for backpackers and hippies, but it was 20 years ago, and a lot has changed since then. Now it is a completely decent resort area.

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The colorful city of Tanjung Pinang, which is located 1.5 hours from Singapore on the ferry, used to be a city of prostitution and gambling (like Batam), but after actions from the local authorities, he again gained his decent reputation and became just another historic city Indonesia, with a busy market and houses on piles in the sea.

Thus, three main cities can be distinguished on the bandage: Tanjung Pinang (the largest city of the island), Kijang (where the international port is located) and Tanjung Uban.

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If you touch on the issue of communication, it is worth noting that the Indonesian, which is spoken in Indonesia, has been influenced by the Malay language, because there are areas of populated Malays nearby. In fact, RIAU Malay, the Malay language dialect in the province of RIAU, who, according to linguists, has one of the least difficult grammar among the languages ​​of the world, is considered the most pure form of the Malay language, and tourists from Malaysia can easily understand local residents.

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But these subtleties will be very difficult for us, because I doubt that you own the Indonesian language. But, fortunately, this bandage, yet, the resort is international, so if you will speak here in English, you will be understood. But not everywhere. In English, they speak very well in Bintan Resorts (which is logical, the coolest hotels and the most Western guests) and to a lesser extent on the resorts of Trikori. Well, in other places in English, everything is much tighter.

If you are some kind of miracle speak Chinese, then you are lucky, because in Chinese they say almost all the Indonesian Chinese on the island.

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Now about security issues. As I have already written above, earlier Tanjung Pingang wore a bad reputation. But it is worth noting that until today's bad, this reputation does not "weathered" completely. In general, be careful, but do not go crazy. Instructions are completely standard: do not carry large amounts of money or at least do not go through this money in humans, do not sit in a dubious type of taxi (in particular, I called on the pier). Locals on the bandage are very and very friendly, but keep in mind that they can heat you. In the sense, a little to overestimate the price of some kind of service or product, especially these guides, which offer their services. But in fact, if the guide is friendly and well-informed, then overpay several dollars is not a pity.

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If you read notes about Bintan, they say, there are bars, full prostitutes, then it is probably an old article. All "Gurley" -bars were closed in the city. Local truly love this island, which turned into one of the most democratic regions of all Indonesia, and prostitution here, although there is still no effect, and does not spoil the appearance of the cities of the island. And in general, this should be famous is the island, not by that. And the fact that this is a historical place, or the fact that there is a unique "People's Union" on the island, where every resident can join, paying $ 1 per month, and then use free legal aid in the event of a problem (which rarely happens here). These are all wonderful things, in contrast to what they can do on the Internet, worthy of mention.

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If it happened so that you are traveling alone, do not worry - Bindan is quite safe, including for a girl. Well, maybe you will be clocked at you when you sail to the island on the ferry, everything. Most of the resorts are generally focused on family travelers, and are very happy to families with children, good, in the most important hotels of the island there is everything for babies. So, you can imagine what peace and calm is reigning there.

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If you need medical care, contact the medical center at the hotel - at least in large hotels it will definitely. If anything, here are the lists of some medical institutions:


General Hospital TG. Pinang (JL. Rumah Sakit, tel +62 771 313000)

NavyHospital TG. Pinang (JL. Rumah Sakit, tel +62 771 21428)

Provincehospital TG. Pinang (JL. Raya Pinang - TG. Uban KM 7 TPI, tel +62 771 7335 201)

BusungdistrictHospital (JL. Indun Suri, Simpang Busung No 1, tel +62 771 82118 and +62 771 482655)


Clinic Tourism Lagoi (JL. Kota Kapur, TLK Sebong, Lagoi, +62 811 771 4546)

PuskeSmas Teluk Sebong (JL. Raya, TG. Uban KM 80, Kec. Tlk Sebong, +62 811 704 7646)

PuskeSmas TG. UBAN (JL. Imam Bonjol. TG. Uban, Kec. Bintan Utara, +62 771 81500)

PuskeSmas Teluk Sasah (Jl. Kp. Harapan, Kec. Seri Kuala Lobam, +62 771 484203 / + 62 812 706 9884)

PuskeSmas Teluk Bintan (JL. Tok Sadek. NO 5, DS. Tembeling. Kec. Teluk Bintan)

PuskeSmas Toa Paya (JL. Raya TG. Uban Km 26. Kec. Toapaya, tel +62 771- 26873)

Puskesmas Kawal / Gunung Kijang (JL. Wisata Bahari Km 9. Kec. Gunung Kijang)

PuskeSmas Kijang (JL. Barek Motor No: 2, Kec. Bintan Timur, +62 771-61118)

The doctor in clinics decides whether emergency evacuation is required to hospital Bintan, Batam or Singapore. If you were called an ambulance, then she will take you either in Busungdistricthospital or Generalhospital in Tanjung Pinang in accordance with the decision of the doctor.

If a doctor believes that the patient should be evacuated in Rumah Sakit Awal Bros or any other hospital on Batam, you will be lucky on a motor boat from the Bintan Ferry Terminal on Pelabuhan Telaga Pungurg on Batam.

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