City of My Dream: Czech Krumlov


How many cities and countries proceeded by my restless legs! Tens of photo albums are filled with pictures of Malta and Croatia, Bulgaria and Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland, Germany and Turkey. I admired the luxury of Vienna and plunged into the funny life of Munich, admired the architectural masterpieces of the pool and tastened the freshest seafood in the fishing village of Marsachlok. But among dozens of cities and tiny villages there are only two, weaving deeply in the soul: Zlata Prague and ancient Czech Krumlov.

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Miniature hail, spreading on the shores of a full-breeding Vltava, beautiful and atmune. Southern Czech corner, numbering only 11 thousand inhabitants, not in vain awarded a place in the UNESCO list: his cozy houses, squares, cathedrals and narrow streets remained unchanged from the 17th century. It was then that the owner of these lands, Count Rozhgrig, was forced to part with his beloved ownership and to give him to the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Rudolf II. Since then, nothing new has appeared here, creating the impression that the wonderful town just snapped out of the past.

It is difficult to list the sights of Czech Krumlov, because each of its structure is a real architectural miracle. A huge cloak bridge leading to urban quarters serves as a link between parts of a magnificent castle on a rock. Transitions connect the theater and a masquerade hall, gallery and gardens. Quite nearby, in the giant stone block of the Krumlovsk fortress, only one window is glowing - the main lucky boy is inhabited here, the caulier of all this magnificence.

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The old mill with a huge wooden wheel today has become a pretty restaurant, the old Jesuit seminary sheltered the local history museum, and the White House of Yakubkov, decorated with wondrous sografito, became a fashion store. Do not hurry, look for every open doors: on the ceilings and walls of houses prohibited for reconstruction and overhaul, the old frescoes and beautiful paintings are hidden. If you want to penetrate the atmosphere of the gray-haired antique, visit the terrible basements of the museum of torture, consider the former Jesuit theater, cross the threshold of the luxurious Ruju Hotel and try the drugs of the old pharmacy, located at the entrance to the castle.

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Take the tall on the central square, where a plague column rises along the Czech tradition, and go to search for miracles with new forces. Bearing and powerful fortress stairs are waiting for you, the old chill, the mint and quiet abode of the Church of St. Vlas. You will be surprised how the full tourists will change Czech Krumlov with the onset of twilight. The hospitable houses will enhance the cover of mystery, and the perfumes described by the magnificent Guide Dagmar will break free.

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