Rest in New York: What is worth trying and where to eat?


New York - the city is huge and multinational, so talking about some local culinary traditions is not easy, if not impossible. If, for example, there is a stereotypical idea of ​​the classic California cafe - it is with white walls, tested posters, furnished with red sofas, it is necessary to offer Burgers familiar to local residents - then in the case of New York, everything is much more difficult. However, this gigantic city still has its own "branded" dishes - such as uncomplicated street Hot dogs or famous new york Cheesecake . You can approach the question on the other hand - after all, New York has created immigrants from around the world, so as an option - you can get acquainted with The traditional foods of the peoples who created the metropolis! Stroll on the establishments of a little Italy and try pizza; by Chinatown. - here you can eat Duck soup or teriyaki chicken ; Ploy in Bronx or Harlem - for close acquaintance with traditional caribbean food ; Well, or in the famous thanks to Russian emigrants Brighton Beach - there can be something More familiar to taste . And now I will tell more detail about those dishes that traditionally symbolize the city of a big apple.

Hot Dog

Traditional American cuisine is always associated with this simple dish, it has gained the same popularity as Hollywood films and omnipresent McDonalds. Nowadays, you can eat such a bun with a sausage in any city of Russia, but in New York this can be done with a sense of admission to the culinary heritage of America. As they say, "two big differences" - to eat is unknown as a cooked hot dog at the station in Moscow or a dish of exactly the same quality, but on the fifth Avenue, before the inspection of New York sights ... For the first time, hot dogs in this city appeared in the seventies 19th century - Then Charles Feltman, the German Emigrant, began to sell such simple dishes in its store in the area of ​​the Koni Island Peninsula. Subsequently, however, he had a follower, a former employee - Nathan Handverker, who established his business very close to the store - in the store located across the road. There, hot dogs cost two times less than that of Feltman, so the enterprising German struggled, and the shop of Sly Nathan works to this day. Hot dogs on Manhattan today you can buy anywhere - small points just a huge amount. Many merchants are worthless with the law - due to poor quality products, but they continue to fence and instead of paying the laid fines, they have new licenses to pay themselves, and for the city they are a whole problem. However, if you, as a tourist, you need to eat quickly-cheap, then here it is, happiness is a real American hot dog for a couple of bucks! For the possible consequences of such a breakfast for health, nobody will not behave. But we were not accustomed to us.

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New York learned about this European displacement thanks to Jews from Eastern Europe, and it also happened in the nineteenth century. In order to prepare the horns, take yeast dough, make a ring, boil it and fried under the thief. Then put additional ingredients - chocolate chips, for example, or siny, or something else, and can just leave as it is. Not everywhere in the states of the balcia are preparing this way - they are generally accepted to fry at once, so that New York is considered the most "steep". If, outside of this city, someone is preparing this dish in place, then the cookies from a large apple will still indicate that without New York water in the Rogalkov will not be a characteristic sweet taste. The best bagels, as is customary, are preparing in the company H & H Bagels, which has shops on Broadway, the 80th street, as well as on the Western 46th, 639 (this is Western Midtown). A very popular bagel with cream cheese, which are called "Bagel and a Schmear", as well as with a piece of salmon - such Jewish migrants traded from the beginning of the twentieth century.


Everyone knows that it is truly Italian food, but if we talk about the United States, it is also very common here, and especially in New York! This dish appeared here, of course, thanks to the residents of sunny Italy, looking for the best destiny outside the ocean. In New York, pizza is preparing not as in Europe - here it is done with a thin crust and a very thin layer of sauce; Slots - triangular shape, not rectangular, as accepted in Italy. The pizza in New York can be distinguished even from the one that they are prepared in other states of the states - for example, in California, it is more easy and worse than drunk ... In order to prepare New York pizza, you do not need to spend a lot of time, it is the perfect version of the snack In a dynamic megalopolis. The first pizzeria was founded in 1905 in Manhattan - this is Lombardi's, which is one of the most popular institutions of this kind. Nowadays, finding pizza in New York is not difficult, in which area of ​​the city of Big Apple you would not be. In particular, if you find yourself in Manhattan, with his area "Little Italy" - there you can try to try the pizza as it is accustomed to cook over the years; Or, as an option, on the same Manhattan, attend some cheap establishment, which here there is a lot - there are comrades emigrants-Asians also for a couple of dollars will be able to offer you a couple of slices of pizza.

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Cocktail Egg Creams.

Despite the name, in the preparation of this cocktail, neither eggs or cream are not used. Prepare it from milk, calmer water and chocolate syrup. Once eggs and cream were ingredients - at the stage of experiments on creating a drink, but since then - namely from the end of the nineteenth century - the recipe has undergone significant changes. The name was left, and in our time Egg Creams - a traditional drink that stands in different places from one and a half to three dollars.


Cheesecakes appeared not in New York, and long before its foundation, even long before the discovery of America, but if in our time they say "Cheesecake", then in most cases implies New York. This is a great merit of the Lindy's restaurant, which was opened in 1921.

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When cooking traditional New York cheesecake use cream cheese, vanillin, cream and cookies. Cheesecakes that are prepared in Junior's (on a pricer basis) are very popular. You can try the cheesecake in almost any coffee shop of the city, especially in Manhattan.

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