Should I go to Ireland?


Excellent Ireland, the capital of which is one of the oldest world cities - Dublin, located on the same island of the Atlantic Ocean, occupying a large part of it. In addition, it is one of the most beautiful places on the planet called a green island, so the country definitely deserves visits. But this is not the only plus of stay in Ireland, since the local flavor and the beautiful taste of the local beer, also deserve a separate mention. Mysterious burials, Celtic features, medieval castles and vintage ruins of settlements - all this is here.

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The marine climate of the country is accompanied by trips, since the northwestern and west coast is washed by a rather warm flow of Gulf Stream. Winter here is very soft, without harsh frost, and the summer is very warm and comfortable. Therefore, most tourists come here in the summer time of the year, when nature pleases visitors with warmth, and everything around colorful and beautiful, namely, from the beginning of July to mid-September.

But there are some features of nature that should be taken into account. It often changes the temperature regime, and the weather is quite capricious. The precipitation here falls in the form of rain, and their largest number falls on the western part of the island.

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The nature of Ireland is, which is why more than half of the tourist flow comes here. The eastern coast of the island on which the country is located is washed by the Irish Sea, and the rest of it is the Atlantic Ocean. Rocky shores, beautiful dingle bays, Shannon, Galway - it's just just unique. Ireland is famous for its amazing beauties - huge cliffs that make the country a real edge of the world. The outskirts of the country differ in small mountains, and the coast itself has a few small, also rocky islets.

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To speak in general, most of the country is the plain areas, many of which are given under pastures, for thousands of years. Some parts of the country are swampy territories and lakes, although most of the waters are beautiful rivers: Shur, Blackwater, Shannon and others. Because of its relatively mild climate, the country is covered with greens almost throughout the year. Flora is presented, mainly, deciduous trees, as well as alpine plants.

The numerous attractions of Ireland and many of which belong to the Middle Ages era or in general, prehistoric period. Wonders of nature, ancient fortress and castles, that's what you have to see. First of all, it is worth visiting the amazing city of Dublin, which is characterized by unique landscapes and excellent cathedrals and squares. St. Patrick's Cathedral is the most popular place among tourists, in honor of which even annually holds the most popular festival, during which residents are changed into green suits and arrange the enchanting festivities.

No less popular and Dublin Castle, Black-Rock House - the residence of the English vice king, as well as the area of ​​fifteen acres and the Labyrinth of the street Tameml Barpark.

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Among other Irish cities are worth highlighting a wonderful cork, which is distinguished by its original museums and old cathedrals. Donegal is most popular, many are known as a source of legends about the rider without head, and Waterford, which was founded by Vikings in 914. Another amazing place is a huge Kurgan NewGrendge, which surrounds stone blocks.

In Ireland, it will be interesting and older generation, and younger, because for children, in addition to natural beauty, there are many entertainment complexes in all cities, including amusement parks.

As for the gastronomic features of Irish cuisine, everything depends on the location of a city. Although the kitchen of each city is not very different. The main dishes are the highlight of all Ireland, because people have long been, the locals worked a lot and simply did not have time to cook all sorts of delights. The main dishes that can be found in almost any restaurant are pork or lamb dishes. Some traditional features a very popular dish - stew, which is prepared by quite different recipes.

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We recommend tourists to try the Stew - stewed breast, or Dublin Codel - a mixture of potatoes, bacon and sausages. In addition, the use of pies, soups and a variety of potato dishes is very common. In addition, all dishes, and all goods in Ireland are distinguished by excellent quality, since quality is the principal position of all residents of the country. Therefore, now I want to tell about the excellent, world famous beer Guinness, which is black. No dish costs without this foam drink. Well, any pub does not work out without the legendary Irish whiskey.

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Among the entertainment events, I would like to highlight not only numerous clubs and entertainment centers, namely, the mass urban holidays and festivals. For example, St. Patrick's Day, ancient music festival, Blues Festival, Oysters Festival, Theater Festival and others. It is these holidays that should not be better told by a tourist about the peculiarities of the culture and color of the country as a whole.

The best place for shopping, undoubtedly, Dublin, but also cities such as Cork or Limerick are also ready to offer excellent products at similar prices. Moreover, whatever you need, the range is excellent in every city of the country, well, except very small.

Tourists may not be afraid of security in Ireland, since the locals are very kind and friendly. But, the general rules should not be neglected, because pocket thieves and fraudsters are found in each country. When traveling here should not make any vaccinations or vaccinations, because in the medical plan, the country is quite safe. It is necessary to take into account when communicating with the locals, that they are so kind that even if they say yes, it may mean no. Since refuse indecently.

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Enjoy the beauty of Ireland, since this you will no longer see anywhere!

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