What you need to know going to rest in the porridge?


Kash is very much different from all other cities in Turkey. There are not so many tourists here, for example in Antalya. The reason is quite clear, since there are no large hotels here, and the path is not close to the nearest airport. But, personally I liked my porridge. Do you know what I liked me? The fact that tourists here albeit a bit, but everything is created for a normal and affordable relaxation with the highest possible comfort. I have already written that the kash differs from other cities and this is noticeably significantly on the behavior of the locals, as well as the general advantage of tourists. For many years of tourist business, the Turks learned condescendingly on tourists, so you can behave in the same way as at home, but do not forget that you are visiting, and in a Muslim country.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_1

Muslim faith, very strict, but as in my opinion it is the strongest. Here they know. Could Muslims, allow the creation of such a number of sects as we. Not. Turks, like all Muslims of the whole world, celebrate the sacred holiday Ramadan, so during this period, it is better to refrain from traveling to rest. No, you do not have to abide by the post along with the locals, but the rest will be clearly not like that. The fact is that this holiday lasts a whole month and during it, it is strictly forbidden to drink, there is and smoking before sunset. It is for this reason that most stores do not work, or it works but only in abbreviated mode. On the market, very few sellers. In a word, during a given holiday, life on all streets of Muslim cities, freezes and the porridge is not an exception. Speaking about Muslim's shaws, you can note what they pray five times a day. Our tourists, if desired, can visit Turkish mosques, but only at a time when it does not hold prayer. If you decide to go to the mosque, clean for curiosity, remember that you only need barefoot in it and in decent clothes. A decent clothing for men is a pants and a shirt, and a woman in front of the entrance to the mosque should cover his head with a handkerchief and put on a long skirt.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_2

On the streets of the city, absolutely safe, even lonely girls. Turks although they love our beauties, but they understand the word "no" very well. If Turkish beauties will begin to pester on the street, it will be quite sufficient, politely, but firmly give him a refusal and he will lag behind you. If you do not want to attract the attention of Turkish men, it is best to choose modest clothes, such as shorts of knee-length and a spacious T-shirt, you can wear a cap. In general, there are no restrictions with clothes in Turkey, but if you wear a very short skirt, but dance and decorate it and decorate her deep neckline, then from the fans you definitely will not be a penalty, and the Turkish women just seep the contemptuous look. I would like to give our men the Council. Going to rest in Kash or in any other city of Turkey, you should not even try to get acquainted with a local girl or a woman. Yes, Turkey is certainly not so wild as many Muslim countries, but the honor of the woman here is caught as a Zenitsa Oka.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_3

You can communicate with the Turks and even need, but only girls should contact girls, and men, respectively, to men. In hotels, and almost in all service personnel owns English. Want a lady one small, but a very useful advice? Learn in Turkish, at least a pair of phrases. Turks from this, just glue and before such an expensive guest, open all the doors. Even during communication with the Turks, you should not hurry. You know, in a conversation with local aborigines, eastern slowness is felt. They are relaxed, calm and very friendly, but it is not necessary to immediately become a Turk on a short leg, because they will not suffer from the familiarities. Tell us briefly about what you come from, about your city, but just do not compare your country with Turkey, even if you are sure of all one hundred and fifty percent in the fact that your country is the best. If you get acquainted, it is possible that a welcoming owner will invite you to your home. It is not worth refusing to refuse such a proposal, since you simply can offend the owner of the house with his refusal. Before entering the house, it is customary to remove shoes, since at the entrance to the mosque.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_4

The Turks like me, so that they do not interfere in someone else's life and respect other people's laws, and the fact that local women are actively fighting for equality with a man, and by the way, they have it very well.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_5

There is in Turkey and disadvantage, but as in my opinion, so he is the only one. This is water from centralized water pipes. I do not advise water to drink, even in the restaurant! And you know why? In the jug swollen from the cold, it can quite be water from under the tap, and not filtered as you expect. Drinking a cup or two, such a driver, you cross out your vacation for a couple of days, as it will be impossible to get out of the room because of the bellish of the abdomen. Whatever time not to risk your health, it is best to buy water in bottles. With such a purified water, there is no problem in the patch and it is sold literally on every corner, in stores, in restaurants and even on the market.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_6

There are no problems with photographs in Turkey, but you should not make photos of local residents without their permission. Stern ban acts on photographing women in black cape.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_7

Tips in porridge are respected. In restaurants, it is customary to leave, standard ten percent of the total order amount. Porter, who helped you reach your inbox, is necessary as a tip, pay one dollar. But the taxi drivers, the tips leave not accepted, because they will have so much as they need.

What you need to know going to rest in the porridge? 13970_8

In Turkey, perfectly understand the language of gestures. For example, the fingers are spread as a fan is a greeting. Attention! A common gesture, when we say super and well with a raised thumb, in Turkey means a strong sexual desire, so it is not worth it to try to apply especially on the roads. Do you want to bring down the price on the market? Tighten your tongue and hold the edge of your throat!

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