Useful information about holiday in Baghdad.


Baghdad all the time brought me rows from the song "in Baghdad everything is calm." Yes, calmly but relatively. The city is very big and feeling in it, in complete safety would be a top of frivolity. The population of the city has about six million inhabitants, and this is already talking about something. So, going or only gathering on a journey, be sure to take a note of several tips.

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It is best to go in spring or autumn to Baghdad, because during this period there is no suffocating heat and you can enjoy the atmosphere of this very ancient city. In winter, it is often rained here and therefore, the winter months are not the best time for travel.

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It was very interesting for me that if tourists plan their holidays in Baghdad for a period that exceeds two weeks, then it is mandatory, you must pass on AIDS analyzes. The survey should be held only on the territory of Iraq and no reference from other countries about your health on this part here will not be held here. Examination, you can pass absolutely free. To lean from him, I would not advise, because for this kind of disobedience, there is very weighty sizes, a fine, and sometimes such a phint may even lead to the fact that a negligent tourist will be in prison. You need it? It is better to just pass the survey.

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Wherever you are, remember that you are in someone else's city and in someone else's country, and accordingly, there are their foundations. It is not necessary to behave not modestly or too active. Be modest and kept, in order not to insult the religious feelings of local residents. Do not criticize or discuss religion or religious values, should not be joking on these topics, since the local people refers to their faith very seriously and even the slightest hint of a joke even completely innocuous in your opinion, maybe for them to be at the present serious offense.

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Clothes should be modest and nonsense. For women, any one-photon not bright dresses, strict cut and medium length fit perfectly. Long skirts are welcome, like a long sleeve blouses too. Male clothes also matters. So, for example, men should not be shown in public places dressed in shorts and shirts. The optimal option for a strong half of humanity, there will be trousers made of natural fabrics, in order not to be hot, and the shirt, the shirt can be selected with a short sleeve. As for women, men's clothing should not attract attention to their color.

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Locals, quite openly show their discontent or anger, but it does not mean at all that tourists can lead themselves alone. Such a manifestation of emotions, is not connected with the local French, it is simply a kind of mentality of such that developed because of the situation in the country. In general, the residents of Baghdad are quite well referring to visitors, especially if the latter behave like a fit. A distinctive feature of the population of Baghdad, I would call sociability, friendly and readiness always and at any time come to your aid.

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On the territory of all Iraq, a very intense atmosphere and Baghdad is no exception. In the event of at least the slightest scuffle or conflict, the servants of the law enforcement immediately interfere.

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Caution Camera! Baghdad is incredibly a beautiful city and without a camera here simply nothing to do, because to take all the beauty seen in his memory, it is simply impossible. Making a memorable photo, it should be remembered that it is impossible to photograph local residents. You can take a photo only if you get to the personal consent of the person who or with whom you would like to take a picture. It is strictly forbidden to shoot in a photo or video, representatives of the law and law and order. Also, it is also impossible to take pictures or even slightly capturing into a frame, airport, border points and strategically important for this country, objects.

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Probably because of the same intense situation, local traders do not like to catch up on travelers. Seeing a stranger, the price of any product or thing may instantly and miraculously increase many times. Be careful and preferably trample. It is necessary to bargain with the mind and tranquility, without aggression, without arrogance, and without too active gestures. In Baghdad, as in the territory of the whole country, a rather high level of corruption is noticed that on the one hand well, and on the other, it is not happy at all, especially those who are strictly honored the letter of the law.

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In the city, it is best to move along with the conductor. It is extremely recommended to walk in the evenings or at night, especially in proud loneliness. In the afternoon, it is alone on the streets of Baghdad, also unsafe, so try to walk at least two.

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Baghdad can not be called the city, which is oversaturated with criminals or thieves, but once again reinforce and leave valuable things and most of cash complete with bank cards in a safe cell at the hotel, will not be at all for any precaution.

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Being on the streets of the city, you should not raise items, and any, exceptions can be only your personal belongings. Also try not to step on suspicious items.

I would not recommend going right now in Baghdad, together with children or at all alone or one. I want to pay special attention to the fact that the girl alone in Baghdad ride is extremely unreasonable and dangerous, especially at the present time. Even if you eat as part of the excursion group, you should not relax, remember, because you are traveling to Iraq, and not to the Maldives. If the girls go to the company, then in addition to modest clothes, I recommend that the mandatory presence of minimal and nonsense makeup. While you are in Iraq, forget about the fact that lipstick is red, there is generally in nature. No false eyelashes and mini skirts. It is not worth smoking in open and driving alcoholic beverages. I think the girls do not think about this, so this advice is mostly addressed to our expensive men. In a word, go quietly and modestly, absorb the atmosphere of ancient city and you will probably spend your vacation.

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