Tips for those who are going to Santiago


Santiago is a charming and exciting, and he is also very similar to other cities. Do you know why? Because it is surrounded by mountains on all sides. An excellent kitchen, picturesque nature and all this perfectly combined in the capital of Chile. I liked Santiago to a state when the butterfly begged in the stomach. Here everything is somehow simple and easy. However, there are small nuances, given that you can feel here right as at home.

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The biggest advantage, is that the visa for visiting this country is not needed. It is enough to fill the migration card that we were given right on board the aircraft, and keep it before arriving in Santiago. Then there is a stamp on the map, and you can safely stay here throughout the ninety days. In addition to the migration card, it is also necessary to fill out the customs declaration that we were issued, too, in the aircraft itself. On the territory of Chile, the import of flowers, vegetables, fruits and any animal products is prohibited, if you do not have a special certificate. But with you, you can take cigarettes in the number of four hundred pieces, which can be replaced by cigars in the amount of fifty pieces, or take a half kilogram of tobacco with you. You can also take with you two and a half liters of alcohol, and perfumes, but not only a bag, and as much as you can use for all the time staying in the country, that is, in a reasonable quantity. The maximum amount of cash should not exceed ten thousand dollars, if the money is longer more, then in mandatory, they must be declared.

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Chile is the country of weather contrasts. In Santiago, the climate is very similar to Mediterranean. Local currency - Chilean Peso. With the exchange and removal of money, we did not have any problems. ATMs are everywhere, however, if you want to save and make cash without an additional commission, I advise you to look for Banco Del Estado Bank or Scotiabank. Money, best in banks, because so safer and calmer.

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Dinner or dining in the restaurant, it is necessary to leave the tips in the amount of ten percent, since they are not included in the total account. Taxi is the most convenient type of transport not only in Santiago, but probably all over the world. So tip taxigators, not necessarily leave, but you can see on the face of your cabin, waiting. This means that the Chef is waiting for you to round the amount to hundreds, that is, if you called the sum of one thousand eighty-five pesos for the trip, then he waits not exactly one thousand eighty-five, but exactly one thousand one hundred pesos. Give a tip such taxi driver or not, it is already on your conscience. We all know that there are porters suitcases during hotels. In Santiago, they are also present and just like them, tip to give. The amount of tips for the porter of your suitcase must be equal to one thousand pesos. In addition to the porters, Tipov will wait for the guides or the leaders of the tour, and also drivers of the tourist bus. Guides and leaders, it is customary to leave the tips in the amount of from three to five American dollars, but the driver can be safely given two, maximum three dollars.

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The official language in Santiago is Spanish, and the local dialect is chosen. Very interesting local adversary by the fact that when you listen to the speech of the Aboriginal, it seems like most of the sounds, they swallow, they try to talk so quickly. This dialect is very difficult to disassemble even if you are perfected by Spanish. By the way, in Santiago, quite a lot of residents who are not very poorly owned by English and all because this language is mandatory in the school program. The younger generation and just young people, very love to tourists, just for the reason that tourists can be accessed in their own knowledge of the English language. In restaurants and hotels, mostly personnel operates, which owns English to a pretty decent level. For greater comfort, you can memorize several basic phrases on the local dialect, then your rest will become not just pleasant, but also interesting.

In Santiago, relatively safe. Why am I talking about? Just because you should not forget that you are in the capital, and in such a person who is very respectful, and therefore pocket thieves. In order to minimize all possible risks, you need to stick to the elementary rules:

1. It is not necessary to stand out from the common crowd, that is, it is necessary to behave calmly and adequately.

2. Night she in order to rest, but no way to wander through the streets. In general, with come evenings, it is better to go to the hotel and if you really want to go to a restaurant or a bar, with your hotel.

3. Do not carry all cash with you, as well as all bank cards, especially in one pocket. I have a long time, there is a pretty good habit - I wear clothes with many pockets and in every pocket I have a small amount of money. So I will be improved in the case, if suddenly one or a couple of my pockets, will pay attention to the thief.

4. Such valuable things like jewels, money and documents are the most reliable to store not in the hotel room, but a safe at the hotel. As rules, safes are available at all self-respecting hotels.

5. Be vigilant and do not join the conversation with unknown, and it is especially worthwhile to bypass the tenth roads.

6. Removing money in an ATM, be extremely attentive. It is better to go for the removal of cash together. It will absolutely not superfluous if you make sure that there are no lining on the keyboard and other suspicious items.

As for health. There are no terrible and dangerous viruses here, but it is not at all unnecessary to make a basic set of vaccinations, especially from hepatitis. Watering water in Santiago, quite suitable in order to drink it, but if you do not want to drink it, you can buy bottled, it is not at all fundamentally.

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Communication. I missed the connection, I did not notice. Perfectly worked both cellular communication and the Internet, so it's not worth worrying from this.

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