The best excursions in Larnaca.


One of the new excursion routes, which is now becoming increasingly popular from Larnaca is a trip to the northeast of the island, including a visit to the famous Cyprus Cyprus city. The route takes the whole day, and therefore the groups go to the road from the very early morning. The cost of excursion from 90 euros.

First, you will go to the city of Kifreya, which dries in the greenery on the southern slope of the mountain massif Pentadactulom. Once there was an ancient kingdom of the cigarette. The history of the terrain is related to the life of the Great St. Cyprus Dimitrianos. Among the archaeological finds, the statue of the Roman emperor Septimia Sevir was found here. The water of the source of Kefalovriso created a real earthly paradise in the Kifrey region. In past centuries, with the help of ancient water supply, it supplied with water salamine. At the end of the last century, a modern water supply was built here, and thanks to it, 13 Kifrei villages were supplied. Air mills and watercloths who worked on the water of Kefalovriso, transformed the ancient city of Kifrey to the industrial center of the entire area. In the future, the energy of the water was replaced by cars, and the water mills of kifrey stopped used and today they are more likely to tourist attraction. There will be a stop on the photo.

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Next, you will go to the village of Mirtit, which received its name from the ancient Greek word meaning "Mirt". In prehistoric times, this village was one of the largest in the area of ​​Kerine. From a long time, there was an administrative center of the district. In the local monastery of St. Panteleimon Mirtsky to the beginning of the 20th century there was a residence of Metropolitan Kerinia.

This monastery is worth a separate item in the program of your excursion route. He is one of the oldest monasteries of Cyprus. His main church was built about 500 years ago. This is a two-way dome church devoid of wall paintings. Most of the frescoes were destroyed in 1821 by the troops of Kuchuk Mahmet. Preserved to this day covered with the gilding iconostasis church is one of the most beautiful in Cyprus. It was created in 1743 and decorated with the Byzantine icons of a large artistic value, many of which depicts Holy Panteleon. Among them, the large icon in the silver salary is especially distinguished, the most famous as the miraculous, depicting the saint and kneeling on the left of him Bishop Chryshanfos. This icon was written in 1770. By this year, the work on the restoration of the temple. Now the monastery of St. Panteleimon is not current in connection with historical events on the creation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on this territory.

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Once the main occupation of the locals in Kifreye was the processing of marble and farming. The lands most of the village were not irrigated, and the vegetation here was represented by wild shrubs. Today, the fields are grown by cereal and special grade kale "Horupini".

Next your stop on the route is the monastery of St. Andrew. In it you will have the opportunity to inspect two churches. The first was founded in the 15th century. She will remind you the gothic building and is located at the very edge of the surf. The second church, built in the 19th century, is located just above and west of the first. Large icons inside her are the creation of the hands of the famous local painter of Frangilladis. Among them there is an icon depicting the saints of Filon and Siney, which lived and worked in the area of ​​Karpathians. The spacious courtyard of this monastery places in itself the buildings of the Synod, control, kitchens, bakeries, refectory and rooms for pilgrims arriving here from all areas of Cyprus. In the middle of the yard you will see a bust of the governor of Pope John Iconom. Later, the Bishopata Building and the Recreation Center for visitors was built here. Until the 70s of the last century, this monastery was a favorite venue of visitors and held excursion groups throughout the year. Especially many guests came here on the days of the holidays (November 30 and 15). After the events related to the formation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in this territory, the number of tourists to this area has declined significantly.

The next stopping point on the route excursion is the monastery of St. John Chrysostom. It is located in the area of ​​Kerine and enjoys widely fame far beyond Cyprus. The monastery was founded in the 11th century and completely looted by the Turks in the middle of the 16th century. Later he was bought by one rich Christian and brought to the Virgin. Thus, the monastery of St. John Chrysostomom, together with the neighboring monastery of apsesinfiotic and the monastery of St. George Rigatsky in Morphos relate to the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. There is a monastery of two churches. The Central Church is dedicated to the Holy Christomomet, and not far from it there is a small church of the Holy Trinity. The main church was destroyed in the 19th century, and later rebuilt was rebuilt. The Church of the Holy Trinity was built by the Byzantine Governor of Cyprus Efmaphim Philocalis, according to the instructions of the governor. The monastery of St. Chrysomet has long been a significant historical monument, and, at the same time, a religious center. The pilgrims from all over Cyprus came here to pray and sprinkle with miraculous water from the font at the foot of the cliff, somewhat above the monastery. Today, the flow of tourists has decreased significantly, but you will have the opportunity to touch local shrines during this excursion.

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The last stop on the route before returning to Nicosia, for you there will be an ancient city of Morphos. The name of the city comes on behalf of the goddess Aphrodite. This is confirmed by the detected in the site of the temple of the goddess Aphrodite, which was northeast of the city of Morphos. This area was falling from prehistoric times. An important archaeological monument of the city is the monastery of St. Mom. The church of the monastery is built in the Franco-Byzantine style and dates from the beginning of the 16th century. It is based on the ruins of two early Christian Basil and the Byzantine Church. On the northern wall of the church there is a niche decorated with sculptural bas-reliefs. The iconostasis was created in the 16th century and then was decorated with icons.

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