What interesting can be viewed in the Gaineuk?


Gainuk - really paradise. I really like this small village for my silence and tranquility. Those who need the entertainment here may be boring, and lovers of excursions are unlikely to like it, there are no special attractions in the village, but the nature is just awesome! Gainuka's pride - Canyon. The entrance to the canyon costs $ 3 from the nose, but I was there a couple of years ago and, perhaps, the price has changed.

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I personally liked that there are no organized excursions. Thanks to this, for the whole day, you can meet a couple of people from the strength. I advise you to rent a bike, but you can walk on foot, especially on the road there are sacrifices and lifts that the unprepared person will be hard to overcome, and the next day after the trip, the muscles will also seem to hurt.

Be sure to take a bathing suit and hood in a mountain lake with the purest turquoise water. In the same place - the lake has a cafe, where you can relax and drink soft drinks. Next to the cafe there is a kind of base for rock climbers with a special wall, but I do not care, so I can not estimate the quality of all these devices.

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For those who love caves, there are also something to do. Caves a lot and on a hot day from their dark depths can be cool. If you are aware of such a pastime as a study of cave labyrinths, I advise you to take a flashlight with you and go on a journey through stone corridors.

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The beauty of the canyon simply blows his head. I photographed without stopping, and at the arrival home realized that no photo was able to pass all the magnificence of this natural miracle. The smell of sidewalls, silence, wind and I am alone, no one in the world there is no one.

Several tips for those who will gather in the canyon. Comfortable shoes are required! And mandatory non-slip sole and foot fixing. Slip stones will meet on your way constantly and to turn the leg at all will not be difficult.

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Be careful! It is also necessary to take care of the headdress and closed clothes, burn even with cloud weather to spit.

There are no more excursions in this small town, and a trip to the canyon is difficult to call the excursion, it is rather diving in nature and complete dissolution in it.

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