What excursions should go to Nicosia?


One of the most popular excursions from Nicosia is a trip to Pentadactulo. This is a massive ridge in the northern part of the island, which is known for its unique landscape far beyond Cyprus. The cost of this excursion from various tourist companies varies, starting from 75 euros. As a rule, it is designed for six to eight hours. Some buses formed by different tourist agencies are sent along the route to Pentadactulo daily. Departure can be ordered directly from the hotel or from the gathering point in the city center.

Many myths and legends are connected with the Mountain Range of Pentadactos. Any local resident in Cyprus will share with you a story that is chanting not only His greatness and wildlife, but also defensive structures built there. It is from the inspection of these ancient witnesses of the selfless struggle of the defenders of the island with conquerors this excursion will begin. The guide will tell the legend of how the Digen acrite, pursuing the Saratsinsky military leaders and seeing him on the plain Mealii, grasped his hand over the mountain to jump over her and get to the plain. So imprinted his huge strong fingers on the flesh of the rock and the peaks of pentadactulos were formed.

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At the foot of the ridge the group makes a stop for inspection of the castle of Holy Illarion. At the end of the 11th century, the Byzantines, needing in a defensive structure, built a garrison here. Later, French kings made their changes to his construction. German Emperor Friedrich Barbaross (Kokkinogenis) captured the castle at the beginning of the 13th century. He is known to us as a participant in the sixth crusade. However, his rule lasted long. Two years later, the French ruler of John John Dimelline expelled him. From the exposition of the castle Museum you will learn how this garrison was used as a fortress during the battle with the Genoese at the end of the 14th century by the French Duke of Joanis de Lusinian. In general, today, only some of the dilapidated parts of the castle have been preserved, which seriously suffered from the hands of Venetians.

The next object of your inspection on this excursion, located near the second highest top of the pentadactulos Castle Vofavento. It rises above the nicosia at an altitude of almost a thousand meters above sea level. This castle received its name from the Italian word, meaning a place that is purged by the winds. "Ventus" translated from Italian means "wind". The lock consists of two parts. Its lower part is represented by the wall and towers, and at the top, located much higher than the first, there are residential premises, a chapel and a barnyard. According to the legend you hear here, there were 101 room in the castle, and one of them was the secret treasury of Queen Regina.

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At one of the eastern vertices of Pentadactulos, the excursion group is waiting for the Garniszon Cantaras. It also has a different name - "Regina Castle". It is built, as well as the castle of St. Hilarion and Vofavento Castle, Byzantine in the 11th century to protect against Arab raids. It consists of three parts that are a small tower that protects the main entrance, a powerful wall with the main entrance to the castle and the highest part with residential premises. Garniszon Cantaras, located at an altitude of 630 meters above sea level, is the most ultimate garrison of the mountain range, which controlled the entrance to Cape Carpathians.

The cost of the excursion includes lunch. He is waiting for you in the village of Bella Payce. This village is built in the form of an amphitheater on the northern slope of Pentadactulo. After lunch you are waiting for a visit to the abbey. This is a unique sample of gothic architecture. The abbey is located on the top of the cliff, and from the side of the plain it is protected by a wall and a castle mo. In the center, inspect the courtyard with the gallery, where the rooms come around the perimeter. Pay attention to the unique beauty of the gallery arch, which are decorated with sculptural bas-reliefs. In the monastery there is a church, a meal, synod, the hall, where the conversations of monks, Celi, workshops, warehouses, treasury and kitchen were held. Interest is a kitchen with the coat of arms of the Luzinians over the entrance, and the Ambon, from which the sacred Scripture was read. The view that opens from the windows of the monastery to the sea and the infinite plantation of olive trees, located on the plain, is really unforgettable. This abbey was built during the times of the Luzinian kings. It was used as a summer residence. After the French, the church of the monastery from Catholic turned into Orthodox and was devoted to the Mother of God Belopokrovskaya. Such a name church received thanks to living here monks who wore white rows.

On the way back to Nicosia, you will visit two more villages Lapaf and Karavaas. The first, built in the form of an amphitheater on the slope of Pentadactulos, facing the sea. It is one of the most picturesque places in Cyprus. Water comes here from the source of Kefalovrice, driving from a deep crack in a big rock. Lapaf, according to legend, was built by Praxandr, when the aheitsa settled in this area, and was one of the significant ancient kingdoms of Cyprus. In the time of Byzantines, the village is also Labus ("Glitter"), emphasizing his wealth.

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The village of Karavaas, as well as Lapaf, is a small city built on the mountainside, overlooking the sea (12 km. West Kerinea). From the 19th century, Karavas and Lapaf were famous for crafts. In this area, the art of carving, weaving, embroidery was developed. Karavaas supplies the Kefalovrice mountain wrench. Citrus, vegetables and olives growing here are to this day the main means of income inhabitants. Today in local souvenir shops here you can buy wonderful traditional Cypriot crafts at attractive prices.

In antiquity, the village of Lapfa and Karavaas village was one. In the time of Turkish Iga Karavaas is first mentioned by a separate settlement. Before this area was in the territory of the Turkish Republic, Northern Cyprus, numerous tourists came here, who rested on local picturesque beaches. Now their flow has decreased significantly, and this area can be visited only with a tour of the Cyprus capital.

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