Rest in Geneva: Useful Information


Acquaintance with Switzerland, you need to start with visiting Geneva. This is a very beautiful city, which is considered the most beautiful city throughout Europe. When we arrived here, my doubts dispelled finally, because he is not just beautiful, he is great. Only the fountain of the same-d'O of what! Historical center of Geneva, generally compare anything is possible. Walking around the city and enjoying all its splendor, do not forget about some of the norms of decency and adhere to very simple rules of behavior in society. But let's try to set out everything in order.

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Virtually any journey begins with obtaining a visa. In order to get a Swiss visa, you must have a passport of a foreign questionnaire, a profile questionnaire and if you are going on your own, that is, not in a ticket, then an invitation to whom you go to visit. In addition to all this, it is possible that you will be asked to reach a flight and medical insurance. Visa collection is thirty-five dollars in ruble equivalent. The maximum period of issuing a visa is very short and as a rule is only one day.

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At customs there is a restriction on the import. For example, you can carry two hundred pieces of cigarettes or fifty pieces of cigars. This restriction is valid on all residents of European countries. Tourists who arrived not from the European countries can carry with them tobacco products twice as much. Alcoholic beverages can be taken with you on the road. Strong alcohol with a fortress above fifteen degrees, one liter is allowed to carry. Low alcohol drinks, you can take two liters. It is also not for the import of gifts, the amount is not more than a hundred francs. In addition, you can take food with you, but only one day, so the bag of potatoes, it will not work.

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For residents of European countries, it is not necessary to have a card with their vaccinations, but you can grab medical insurance. Remember that medicine in Switzerland is considered the best in the world and get to the reception to the local clinic is not a delightful.

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Move on Geneva, you can in any way convenient for you. It can be a bus, taxi or a rented car. With a rental car, I would not hurry, because here very serious rules of the road, for the violation of which is attached very weighty fines.

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There are no problems with food and drink in Switzerland. Water water, suitable for without fear of it can not even drink boiling. Local cuisine, just awesome. Swiss wine, above all praise. From local beer, my beloved was in the present ecstasy and with the jars did not part for a second.

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In stores, you will understand if you will speak English. As a souvenir, it is worth buying, of course, the Swiss wristwatches, which are much cheaper here than in any country of the world, and at the same time you can not worry about what the fake will be sold. You can still buy as hotels for your relatives - chocolate, which is sold here in an incredible variety of varieties, packaging and forms. Feel free to ask in the shops check Tax-Free Shopping Cheque. Having such a check, with your departure from Switzerland, you will be returned to the amount that was removed as a tax. Most stores, working from nine in the morning and up to half of the seventh evening on weekdays. On Saturdays, shops work as a rule to four hours of the day. On Sunday, most of the shops are closed.

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Our money for local currency is most profitable to change of course in banks. The most disadvantaged exchange rate is boasting exchange offices for large hotels. In addition to exchangers, francs can be removed from their credit card. Most credit cards are accepted in stores and hotels.

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In Geneva, there are no restrictions on clothing. Dress up the way you like more. The most important thing is to have comfortable shoes for walking. I always drive my sneakers with you and do not regret it. We walked a lot in Geneva, which would be simply impossible without comfortable shoes. Yes, here in order to consider everything as closely as possible, it is best to walk on foot. In Switzerland, it is not hot and if you take warm clothes with you, you don't have to regret it. Your wardrobe for the trip should depend on the season in which you are planning your trip. We were in August and I did not regret that I took a sports suit and a warm sweater.

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Switzerland does not boast a high level of crime. It is safe to walk through the streets even in the evening. However, you should not forget that the pocket thiefs are everywhere and you should always remember about them. Especially such lovers of easy nagging are activated in pre-holiday periods. Pockets can be wrapped in public transport, shops and places of large cluster of the people, for example in the markets.

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Tips to give in Switzerland is not accepted. Exceptions are only restaurants. The size of the tips in the restaurant is from five to ten percent of the general order. Be extremely accurate and not exceed the amount of ten percent, because it is accepted so here. It is better to calculate everything before Santima and only after that make a calculation.

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And now Surprise! In Switzerland, special their own sockets! I fainted a little faint when I got my hair dryer and tried his plug into the local rosette. I had to urgently look for an adapter, that is, an adapter. It is good that at the hotel I was given it without problems and long asked. Consider this feature necessarily about acquiring an adapter, take care in advance, because without it even to put a mobile phone on recharging, it will not work.

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If you need to seek advice to the local resident, it is not necessary to familiarize. Here, the appeal "Mr." or "Madam". Swiss, they are distinguished by their restraint and tacty, so having arrived in this country, it is necessary to behave accordingly, and it is not to shout, not to make noise, not to talk loudly and not to laugh loudly, it's not to discuss anyone, and not to mock anyone. In a word, it is worthwhile to behave restrained and calmly.

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