What interesting places should be visited in Novi Garden?


Novi Garden is a city in the north of Serbia, the capital of the autonomous edge of Voorodina, pleasantly surprised me. It is very different from the Serbian cities and architecture, and the atmosphere and very reminds Hungary, in close proximity to which he is located. Serbian Novi Garden is primarily a city of museums, art and absolutely delightful architecture, which can be traced by the difficult fate of this amazing city.

Fortress Petrovradin

One of the main attractions of the city is the Baroque Petrovaradinskaya fortress built in the style. It is located on the very coast of the Danube, on the slope of Frusk Mountain, opposite the central part of the Novi Garden and is connected to it by a Varadinsky bridge, built on the site of the NATO bombardment of NATO Marshal Tito. Previously, the fortress was called the "Hungarian Gibraltar" and "Gibraltar on the Danube", since Petrovradin was a key defensive structure at the border of Austria-Hungary. It was here that the border between the Christian and Muslim worlds was held. The most attention from tourists is a fortunate tower with a clock or bastion of Louis. These clock are interesting because the arrows on them are confused: the big shows the clock, but a small one. This is done in order to be seen from afar. The Bastion Leopold is also interesting: there is an observation deck, offering views of the Danube and Novi Garden. And there is still a Bastion of Mary Terezia, Joseph II Bastion and Bastion Innocent, all interconnected underground transitions. In the Petrovaradin fortress every summer hosts an annual musical festival Exit.

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Freedom Square

However, often tourists begin to get acquainted with Novi Garden not from the fortress, but from its cultural and business center - the area of ​​freedom. The area is framed by the elegant buildings of the Church, the City Hall and numerous banks. In the center of Square, there is a strange monument to the Serbian writer and the political figure to Svetosar Miletich. From the area of ​​freedom begins the pedestrian zone of the city, where there are cafes in the open air, restaurants, expensive shops and souvenir shops. Directly, the theatrical area is adjacent to the Freedom Square, at which the spectacular building of the Serbian National Theater is built in the classic style, the oldest national theater of the country.

Episcopal Palace

Near the Cathedral of St. George, as if a wedding pedestrian zone of the city, there is a Palace of Bishop, or the Vladychansky Palace. A monument to Jovana Zmaya is installed in front of the Palace of Bishop - the Serbian poet, in honor of which this street is named. The palace was built at the very beginning of the twentieth century on the place of the previous, destroyed during the revolution. There were various styles characteristic of Portugal, Mauritania and Italy.

Bridge of Freedom

The cable bridge of freedom, peroxide through the Danube and connecting the two shores of Novi Garden, is known for his sad fate. Initially, the bridge was built relatively recently, at the very beginning of the 80s of the twentieth century and was completely destroyed during the bombing of Novi Garden in 1999. The modern view of the bridge acquired already at the very beginning of the XXI century and is a steel construction of six spans. The bridge is equipped including pedestrian walkways, it is necessary to go through it. At least because there are excellent views of the river and the city.

City Hall

City Hall in Novi Garden, adorning the area of ​​freedom, the architecture is very similar to the Austrian Town Hall, which is not surprising, if you remember the history of the region, the former part of Austria-Hungary. The two-story building itself, where, by the way, the city authorities are still sitting, built in the style of the late Renaissance. Its facade adorns the bell tower, columns and allegorical figures.

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Cathedral of the Virgin Mary.

Opposite the City Hall is the Catholic Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, built in the style of late Gothic. The cathedral itself was built on the foundation of the ancient Roman Catholic Church. Especially good mosaic and painted stained glass windows. The sixtieth meter cathedral bell tower is visible from any point of the new garden. In the temple, concerts of organ music are often held.

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Cathedral Church of St. George

Cathedral of St. George Local residents are called the Cathedral Church. The church is a valuable ancient cross from pink marble and iconostasis of 33 icons.

Novosade Synagogue

The synagogue in the city of Novi Garden on the Jewish street is considered one of the most beautiful synagogues of Serbia and is considered a monument of cultural heritage. The building, repeatedly rebuilt, in our time it looks very similar to the medieval castle, built in the Hungarian version of the modern style with elements of gothic. In its intended purpose, the synagogue is now not used, there is a cultural center, concerts and entertainment activities are held.

Danube Park

Not far from the Varadinsky bridge, halfway from the city center to Petrovaradinskaya fortress is the Danube Park. There is a pond of ducks and swans, which can be fed up, a small island with scatteries, many flower, arbors and a large number of trees and shrubs. In the heart of the park there is a sculpture of Sergius Radonezh.

Building Matitsa Serbian

The building of Serbian Matitsa in Novi Garden is a sample of classic baroque. The building decorate windows with stained-glass windows and two large columns. The building itself belongs to the cultural and educational Slavic organization, producing magazines and fighting for the unity of Serbskokhorevat language.

Museum of Voevodina

The Museum of the Autonomous Region of Voivodina is considered one of the best historical museums of the country. There is about a large number of finds, ranging from Paleolithic and ending with modern expositions. Here is the richest artistic collections in the country, stunning historical exhibits: weapons, decorations, clothes, household items. Museum and cultural events are held, such as, for example, Masquerade.

Fruck Mountain National Park

Near the new garden there is a Frusk-Mount National Park, which is also called Serbian Mount Athos: there are 16 acting monasteries. Monasteries have the status of the cultural heritage of special significance, here you can admire the high multi-stage bell tents, built in the style of Baroque and painted iconostasis. Unfortunately, like a lot in Voivodina, many buildings were subjected to NATO bombardments and partially destroyed. In Froshki Mount, great grapes are grown, from which a magnificent wine is produced, which is necessary to try. Also in the park there are various animals, such as roebles, deers and hares, can also be seen white and black hare.

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