What do you need to know going to rest in Nairobi?


Nairobi did not impress me, did not impress anything at all. Even the sediment is not very pleasant stayed. Look by and large, here is not what. Prices are clearly overestimated, and for tourists is so not just obvious. The city is quite large and if its central part is still similar to a normal civil city, then the outskirts with his slums are still the exotic, which I categorically not recommended. In Nairobi, I pulled my spouse for the sibli, with whom he was tramored three at least. Yes, Safari is probably the most important attraction and the best entertainment in this area.

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In addition to the overall atmosphere, I did not like the fact that almost everything and everywhere, we were waiting for Tips from us. As I later explained that in Kenya, this is quite a normal phenomenon. For example, it is customary to leave tip porters who work at the airport or at the hotel, in the amount of one dollar per luggage. Drivers and guides on safari, leave at least five dollars from one person. In restaurants, tips make up ten percent of the cost of the entire order. Maids at the hotel, tips are also respected very much and waiting from poor tourists, a small encouragement of one dollar.

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With you always need to have, let a small amount, but cash. In most shops, credit cards are accepted, but they will pay for lunch in the Safari map zone, you will simply fail. On average, cash must be no more than four hundred dollars. My husband and I took five hundred and we were enough with our heads. Lunch in a cafe but one person is costing a maximum of fifteen dollars, and the proposed souvenirs, such as figurines and homemade crafts, cost a maximum of twenty dollars.

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Staying on safari, participants are not allowed, more so, it is strictly forbidden to go beyond the limits of the camp without accompanying the protection. It is not worth surprising that it is necessary to realize the danger that wild animals represent. Also, during the safari itself, it is impossible to leave the car without having received an oral permission from the guide. Remember that hunting is prohibited in Kenya, even on predatory animals, and those who violated this law will be at least fined, but as a maximum arrested.

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Nairobi is not accepted for a walk in the evenings and already half of the seventh-evening, it is necessary to be in the rental room, because at seven in the evening, the city turn into a night, and therefore in unsafe. Wherever you are, you should follow your pockets and for their internal contents, especially if you decide to walk through the streets of the city. Do not attract attention to the excess of jewelry or a large number of expensive techniques in the form of cameras and cameras. Most of the local population, people poor and therefore the level of theft is quite high here.

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If you want to rent a car, you can do it without any problems, but you can move on it around the city, it is necessary only with the doors closed on the inner castle and with raised glasses. Do you know why? Even standing on the traffic light, you can rob you opening the car door. I was told that even if such a trouble would happen, then you should simply calmly give your wallet together with all its contents and you and your finger in this case will not be touched.

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Photographing the aborigines can not, in case of their disagreement. It is also impossible to take pictures on the main square of the city, especially near the Mausoleum of the First President of the country.

Do not attempt to visit the dwellings of local residents without the guide accompanying you. Local people, though good-natured in a common part, but as everywhere there are exceptions here.

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Deciding to eat in a cafe or in a restaurant, be sure to specify the number of spices. Local cuisine, very acute and if my husband is happy to eat acute food, then I prefer the complete absence of sharpness or the minimum presence. In general, Kenyan cuisine is very tasty, especially I liked the octopus dish and the turtle chowder. Fruits in a restaurant, you can eat without fear, but if you buy them on the market, then it is necessary to conduct them serious processing. In order to be confident in the safety of bought fruit, it is necessary to clean them from the peel and washed in water, which previously added a manganese or vinegar. Water from under the tap, I do not advise drinking. Even trying local centralized water, it is not worth it. For drinking, it is best to buy water in bottles, there are no problems here.

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Regarding safety, the tips are quite standard - do not walk at night, do not wear a lot of money and so on. If there is a need to go where either, it is at night, it is best to use a taxi that can be found at the hotel. Money and jewelry, for greater reliability, it is best to leave in a safe that can be rented in the same hotel.

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Communication in Nairobi, I was pleased with my quality. The Internet worked properly. But with a mobile connection, problems arose, since in this country it works with some restrictions. In principle, we could not call anyone and this fact was not too sad. However, if suddenly we would have the need to make a call, then this could be done in any post office. Why in the mail? Yes, you can call from the phone at the hotel, but calls from the mail is much cheaper. By the way, at night, as well as on Sundays, tariffs for long-distance negotiations are reduced twice. A mobile phone, without fear, to naughty the troubles can be used freely in those places where there is no access to a stationary connection.

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That's what I liked Kenya, so this is what you can dress here for anything, the main thing is that it was convenient. On safari, there are limitations in clothes, but it is quite natural. During the ride through the protected places, it is necessary to choose such clothes that would maximally covered all parts of the body. Widewater hats are very welcome. You will not regret if you wear high and comfortable shoes, preferably on the lacing. Do not forget about the cream against the tan, because it is possible to burn it instantly and at the same time you will not even notice the slightest manifestations of sunny burn.

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