How to get to Rabat?


In Morocco from Moscow to Casablanca, we flew a direct futury flight Royal Air Maroc airline for funny money (about 12 thousand rubles, some kind of January campaign). From Casablanca, it was decided to get out of it was the train to Rabat, the train is the most comfortable and "predictable" type of transport. The schedule is observed on the railway reinforced concrete, and for independent travel, it is also important for me to clearly present your movement schedule. Sometimes even the most insignificant failure in it can be very expensive (I imagined as you can be late for the plane and almost thinned :) And then: the chair is convenient, you can eat right in the train, you can also sleep plus air conditioning and toilet. That's what awaits you on the train If you buy a second-class ticket like us:

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At the lower floor of the airport, electric trains are sent to Casablanca, pay attention to the fact that not all flights are straight. We at the station Cas Vodygans made a transplant from one train to another, the interval between them is about 10 minutes.

Brought you here at this station (Rabat Ville) in the center of Rabat:

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We watched the train schedule on the site online, the ticket was bought in place. Here you need to fold a good word for the machine (terminal?!), In which you bought a ticket ... All the inscriptions were in French, so at first we just admired them :) And then we were lucky: It came up to buy a ticket The guy from Switzerland switched into English menu. Sorry for the complex wording, I somehow did not think about it, but I also don't get it out: on the automatic monitor in the lower right corner the second button below switches the language. I do not remember the cost of the ticket, about 200 DH. Actually, this day is approximately half of our expenses, 2 more - a hotel room, 135 - food, walks all were free.

There are still taxis and buses, a fairly common type of transport, but we were Mileu trains and car rental. About renting a car somehow for another time I will write more. I hope that someone will be useful to these valuable information, mined in January 2014, interesting travel to you.

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