Rest in Algeria: Tips and recommendations


Well, tell me who did not dreamed at least once in life to see Sugar? Probably everyone dreamed about it. To see, yes, but it's at least a short excursion on it, risks far away. I do not know what feelings would have happened, but when I saw such a number of sand in front of myself, then I was a little scary. Walking around the desert, I did not want, even though my husband insisted. I do not know, but in this case, the fear is lost, get lost and stay in these sands, it turned out to be much higher than female curiosity. In Algeria, as in most Muslim countries, there are their laws that tourists must adhere to a par with local residents. For tourists who want to visit Algeria, I will write a small note that it is possible to come in handy on the journey.

Rest in Algeria: Tips and recommendations 13804_1

To the country, you can import foreign currency, and in any quantity, but in order to do this, you need to declare money to start. In addition to cash, declaration is subject to all jewelry, which are made of precious metals, such as gold, platinum, and even silver. On the road with you, you can take one block of cigarettes of any brand, or fifty pieces of cigars. You can also take two liters of low-alcohol drinks whose fortress does not exceed twenty two degrees. If you are fans of a stronger alcohol, then the limit on its import is one liter. Without problems, you can procrate any photo and video technique, but only without a film record. Prohibition of the importation of standard - drugs, weapons, pornography, and so on.

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Almost all stores, work with eight o'clock in the morning and to six o'clock in the evening. Lunch break, lasts from twelve to two o'clock in the afternoon. Without a break and without clear restriction in time, only those stores and shops that trade with souvenir products are working, how many here are the "work to the last buyer" rule.

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Once in Algeria, take note, and better immediately enter useful numbers to your mobile phone, which it is possible that you will use you during your trip. In order to cause the police, you need to dial a standard number one hundred twelve, or call seventeen numbers. To call firefighters, you need to call the number fourteen. Telephone Embassy of Russia - 021-92-26-14.

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With the exchange of currencies, you need to be extremely careful and do it only, or in the mail or in the bank. With the removal of cash, there are no problems, as ATMs can easily be found near large stores.

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Problems may occur with the Internet. The case of this kind that the government is very much controlling the Internet resources. For this reason, I advise you to refrain from the use of the Internet during the trip. I personally, such an abstinence has benefited, because I could better explore the city and pay more attention to my beloved spouse.

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Tips are given in restaurants and in a taxi. Almost in all restaurants, the amount of tips is already included in your final account, but it's quite normal if you leave ten more percent on top, you will be remembered and the next time will take on the highest level. In taxi, tips are left at your personal desire, but in mainly it is customary to round the amount, of course, in the biggest.

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In order to visit Algeria, it is necessary to undergo a vaccination against the yellow fever. It will not be superfluous, also make vaccinations from tetanus and diphtheria. You yourself must understand that you go to the country that is directly drowning in the sands, which means that with water there is a tug, and with personal hygiene, so it is quite realistic to catch a unpleasant virus.

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As a souvenir, I brought several ceramic souvenirs. In souvenir shops, you can buy products from bronze, copper chasing, carpets, articles made of genuine leather, souvenirs from straw and of course jewels, but not simple, but performed in Berber style.

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It should be very carefully related to his clothes. Remove immediately to the side and leave at home, all open and bright colors of outfits. Also, do not take with you the clothes on which there is an image of money. For girls, standard long sundresses or lung tissue dresses with closed shoulders will be better. Men should avoid males and shorts.

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With alcohol in Algeria strictly. Driving alcohol on the streets of the city is strictly prohibited. Sell ​​strong drinks, only in special establishments, and that far from each restaurant has a menu in which you can see them.

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The most interesting place in Algeria is the historic district and I liked the fact that it is completely given to the power of pedestrians. On the very same city, it is most convenient to ride a taxi, but only the cost of the upcoming trip, I recommend to packed before it starts, because not all cars are equipped with taximeters. It is not reasonable to take a car in Algeria, since local aborigines riding their cars, completely ignore the rules of the road and ride around the city sometimes it is scary even if you are going on a taxi with a mothers' taxi driver.

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Girls and women should be not only cautious, but also careful. It is not accepted here that the woman was alone on the street. If you are a girl, then it is better to take a satellite or companion for walking around the city and for inspecting local attractions. I never loved sightseeing groups, but in Algeria as part of such a tourist society, you feel much more comfortable. Once I tried to go to the store once, but seeing the views of the local, immediately returned to the hotel for her husband, as I felt all the cells of my body, danger and discomfort. What can you do, someone else's country, other regulations. If you really calendarly get out alone, it is necessary to dress as much as modestly, makeup recommend and not to apply, bright jewels to remove, lower your eyes to the ground and a shallow seed gait, shake from each passerby, reach the destination you need. I do not know whether this is true, but at least such local representatives of the finest gender behave.

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