What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat?


Morocco is a very curious country with rather strict rules. Having arrived in the Rabat, my spouse and I understood that they were not just in an unfamiliar and absolutely new for us, but also felt a strong atmosphere of this country. I am not a fan of excessive rigor and accurate rules, but I have understood here that if we lived on the same laws as the locals, then we would have much more, and life would have become much better. For those who in the near future plans to travel to Rabat, I prepared a small note that you need to take into account and how to behave not only in the Rabat itself, but on the territory of Morocco.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_1

Rabat, recently enjoys very very popular among tourists, but before planning your vacation, you should find out when Muslims begins the month of Ramadan. The fact is that during this period, which can last twenty-nine or thirty days, life in the whole country freezes. Muslims adhere to strict post and until the sunset itself, you can not drink, eat and smoke. Tourists, mandatory must adhere to these rules, even if they are not Muslim. Of the advantages of this period, you can note the nightlife, which, after sunset, begins to beat the key. With purchases during this period, problems may also arise, since many stores work not a complete working day, but mostly most of the outlets and are completely closed. Tourists, along with Muslims, in the bright time of day is prohibited not only to eat, drink and smoke, but also drink alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol tourists can lead to a very strong religious anger from the local residents. Given all this, you can safely call Ramadan not too convenient time cut, to visit Rabat and Morocco as a whole.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_2

Local currency - Moroccan Dirham. Change your blood to the local currency, you can either in banks or in special exchange offices. What pleased me is that the exchange rate is the same everywhere. Be careful with the exchange of money on the market y I changed, as you risk naigted very large trouble with local law enforcement agencies or and remain without any money. Benefits from such a market exchange will be little, but there may be a lot of problems and trouble.

Rabat, fairly safe city, but adhere to the minimum rules of personal security, will not be superfluous. Walking in the market or just through the streets, you should not carry a large amount of cash or valuable things with you. Money is best hiding in the deepest pocket. If on the streets of the city, stumble upon a pocket thief, the minimum, then on the market it is quite real. If you rented a car, then leave it best on paid parking lots, as you are so insurfrant of yourself from the fact that valuable things may fall out of the car.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_3

On the streets you can meet merchants and sometimes they are pretty persistent. In order for you to leave alone, you should calmly, but firmly abandon what you actually offer. Do not ignore traders, as well as other local aborigines, due to the fact that in the territory of Morocco, it is necessary to answer questions, even on the questions of strangers, since these are peculiar rules of decency. If the merchant behaves too persistently, and even your polite refusal did not make a duly impression on him, then it is necessary to apply to the guardians of the law enforcement, from one mention, which your velcro from you will not only go back, but will disappear as if dissolved in the air, and All this is because in the country there are very strict laws.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_4

On the streets, you may be offered not only the acquisition of a wide variety of goods, but also the provision of various services. The most popular service that is here is local residents - assistance in acquiring and searching for any product. If you do not want to use this service, then you need to refuse immediately as soon as it was offered to you, because you can start demanding money for a brief consultation and try then prove that you are not a camel.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_5

Scammers on the streets are not uncommon. The most favorite and most harmless trick is the following. On Rabat Street, the local can greatly recognize the tourist in you, and if they hear Russian speech, then you are fifty percent on the hook. How does everything happen? To you right outside, Moroccan can go around and start talking about what he has a friend who lives in Russia, and he is very urgent, you need to pass the parcel. If you agree to the transfer of the "Parcels", you will be bought by streets and lead to a shop, to get out of which without shopping, you just can't.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_6

Clothing in Rabat has not the last values. Everything is clear with the locals, since they are all accustomed to their clothes, but tourists should be attentive with the choice of things to travel to Rabat. So, women at the time of traveling to Morocco, must forget that they can wear shorts, short skirts, T-shirts, neckline and other comfortable things. Women's wardrobe, should consist only of dresses of medium or maximum length with sleeves. The sleeve can be of different lengths, but only such that they were not open shoulders. Also about the length of the dress. The thing is that women in this country do not open their legs, and if you follow the example of local fair sex representatives, then your stay in Rabat will become more comfortable. Men should not wear shorts and shirts. Shorts in this country are perceived as underwear. A man dressed in shorts can cause bewilderment among the locals and indignation.

What do you need to know going to rest in Rabat? 13802_7

Women and girls, in no case should not go for a walk alone, but if there is no other exit, then walking along the streets, do not look into the eyes of men, and even more so don't smile, because they can take it as an approving sign to close acquaintance. The most optimal option is a lowered look. If you have the need to contact the question, then as the adviser, choose the woman of the oldest age, which will be in the field of your vision.

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