What is worth buying in Kislovodsk?


Not only in Kislovodsk has its own face, but also in souvenirs that can be brought from this Caucasian resort. The most pleasant thing is, in contrast to many other resorts of our country, and the world, here you can buy truly wonderful things of non-Chinese production.

Walking along the streets Kislovodsk you can see a lot of trays and kiosks, where the mass of all sorts of either is sold, the usual every tourist: magnets, plates, key chains. We proudly go around the party and go to search for real souvenirs from Kislovodsk.

Products from ceramics and porcelain

I will say right away, I adore various weightless things from the finest porcelain, and in Kislovodsk, as you know, there is a magnificent plant for the production of products from porcelain. This year, the Kislovodsky Porcelain - Phoenix plant celebrated his 85th anniversary and once a small artel turned into large production, famous for its products to the whole country and even abroad.

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The company's corporate store is located on Victory Avenue House 29. Here the most important problem is money and time: no other is enough to inspect and buy, but really want. The choice is very rich from small statuettes to magnificent sets and even icons. Few people leave the store without shopping, I think that the Bowl of this is not affordable.

If I want not knowing what, and such a often happens, to visit the "souvenir shop", which is located directly opposite the Narzan sanatorium. Here you can buy traditional souvenirs, dishes, decorations.

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Products from ceramics in Kislovodsk you can find a wide variety and it will be not only traditional flower pots and vases, but also various interior decorations.

Metal products

Kislovodsk is the Caucasus. The Caucasus is the mountains. Mountains are the mountains. Highlanders are daggers, swords, knives. At the resort you can buy magnificent metal products, of course, it will not be a cold weapon, but a solidly made milying, but the metal will be the most real, the sheath will be elegantly cut out.

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In general, the dagger will become an excellent gift for a man of any age from a boy to the gray-haired Mr.

But not only knives can do from metal at this resort. Here you can buy the finest metal bracelets and rings, cut as far as well as the impression of lace.


Even if you do not plan to buy anything, you just have to go to the antique spa store. Once here, I was in a literal sense in the museum, only here on each "exhibit" there was a price tag and need to notice a considerable one. Vintage icons, lamps, cup holders, clock, photos List everything is impossible.

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If you are the admirer of the antiquity, I highly recommend the Style-Plus shop. It is easy to find it. Landmark - House of Communication (Kuibyshev Street 2).


Everyone who at least once visited Kislovodsk, knows how many artists put their work near the colonnade. Often, the motives are not distinguished by a special variety. This can be compared with Egypt. There are a desert, pyramid and caravan of camels, and in Kislovodsk - Elbrus, mountains with snow caps littered with the rays of the sun.

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But therefore, there will be a couple-triple on anyone who are not similar paintings, here for such and the fans of painting are chased.

Buying souvenirs as a gift to good friends or beloved relatives - the matter is completely difficult. This at work can be separated by magnetics or a mug with the inscription: "I love Kislovodsk", but native people will not understand you. It is good that in this resort of Caucasian Mineral Waters has something to buy such a kind that you can not buy elsewhere.

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